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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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My character is level 29.


In no way, have I, or will I ever consider starting all over again.


Adding servers(alone) doesn't fix anything. The servers that are overflown with people, will remain overflown.


There needs to be:


A). Server caps Increase.

B). Free transfers.

C). More servers.

Edited by SithEBM
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I'm perfectly fine with queues right now. I'll be fine with queues three weeks from now. Two months from now if there are queues like there are tiday I'll join the cry for more servers. However, I don't believe there will be queues for most servers in two to three months. I'm patient.
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My character is level 29.


In no way, have I, or will I ever consider starting all over again.


Adding servers(alone) doesn't fix anything. The servers that are overflown with people, will remain overflown.


There needs to be:


A). Server caps Increase.

B). Free transfers.

C). More servers.


Those three or four days are a lot, huh?

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I'm perfectly fine with queues right now. I'll be fine with queues three weeks from now. Two months from now if there are queues like there are tiday I'll join the cry for more servers. However, I don't believe there will be queues for most servers in two to three months. I'm patient.


if youre willing to wait 6 hours per day for a month. Man i dont want youre patience. You could wait on your loved one forever for her to say something to you. Even in death.

Edited by Lopys
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Just don't buy the game. This is beyond silly and shows total lack of technical skill and proffesional attitude from Bioware.


Blizzard must be laughing his *** off. 7 years ago they managed to cope with server queues 100x better than you.


I am really trying to not let my emotions talk but seriusly - Bioware folks, if you let that happen (2h queues and queue again every time game crashes or you dc) - then YEAH - you are total noobs.



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They need to raise server caps.


If waiting times are this bad and the game isnt even out for those who just pick it up on the shelf then things will only get worse. What i dont understand is how they allowed this to happen since they knew exactly how many people pre-ordered and were in control of when they had access to the game.


I think part of the problem is giving early access to people too early, meaning the servers are already packed (i know somebody who ordered few weeks ago and is playing already).

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youre as rude as disrespectful.

Really? This statement tells a lot a bout you actually...



just for the info. ALL those communities asked for a server with theyre terms. as to know. ES ITA or RUS.


BW said NO.


And now all of us who got put on that server need to suffer because the spanish are mad at BW?

Illogical, selfish and again, pure disrespect to fellow players.

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Really? This statement tells a lot a bout you actually...





And now all of us who got put on that server need to suffer because the spanish are mad at BW?

Illogical, selfish and again, pure disrespect to fellow players.


Should theire disrespect make you the same? No. the Force is with you.

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get over yourselves the world dont revolve around you.


But equally the world doesn't revolve around SWTOR, but their queue system means that it has to. Come home from work, eat your dinner, time for a quick session of SW:TOR? Nope, sorry, you can only play in the middle of the day on the server we placed you in ... or you can queue until past midnight. You have work the next day? Shame, guess you need to roll on a different server then. But what if that one suffers the same problems in a few days time? Roll on another server. And again? Repeat until you're bored of 2 hour play sessions on different chars/servers.


The point of staggered release, at least in my mind, was that it would progress like so:

(1) add players

(2) monitor server load

(3) repeat steps 1 and 2 until an unacceptable queue develops in peak time (>10 mins for me, others have different definition of 'acceptable')

(4) add new server and close off existing server to new players

(5) repeat previous steps

(6) when an existing server stops developing regular queues at peak time then open it up to new players again


Now if it did progress like this, and someone's idea of 'acceptable queue' is 3 hours (let alone the 4-6 hour queues others are suffering) then they need to be shot, or at the very least hit in the happy-sacks with the blunt end of a light sabre.

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Just don't buy the game. This is beyond silly and shows total lack of technical skill and proffesional attitude from Bioware.


Blizzard must be laughing his *** off. 7 years ago they managed to cope with server queues 100x better than you.


I am really trying to not let my emotions talk but seriusly - Bioware folks, if you let that happen (2h queues and queue again every time game crashes or you dc) - then YEAH - you are total noobs.




You fail... World of Warcraft had +8hrs queues at launch.. and once you actually got in you couldn't complete most quests, you had extreme lag and it was unplayable. After 20 mins you disconnected and back in line for another +8hrs..

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Just read the bioware announcement about English pvp server queues... PATHETIC. I mean is that the solution they are offering? I seriously need to reconsider going back to EVE online if this kind of treatment continues after launch. I like my server community and I am not going to move even if i get free transfer.


Legions of lettow: 1h 40min queue.

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lols@them just closing every thread about the queues and forcing everyone to write their complaints here.



easier to just ignore the one thread i suppose.


they have our money, seemingly shut off their phone service and apparently took the weekend off. (as there hasnt been any communication whatsoever today)



this is entirely unacceptable.


how do they honostly expect this to just get by us.


"Oh you pre-ordered? Well we dont actually want to do anything for you sooo....uhh...you can have Early game Access, Its a privilege you'll get where you can play the game early. Except that you cant because the queues on our crap servers wont let you in. nonono, we have your money now, we dont care at all."




AND STOP SAYING "oh this game or that game's launch was similar, get over it"




why should we give our money to a company for a game we cant play when there are WORKING OPTIONS!!! the fact that such and such a company had a release with queues and such is similar ISNT AN ARGUMENT! the competition that this game is up against ARE THE GAMES AVAILABLE NOW!!!! NOT THEN!!! god, its like hearing a 8 yr old argue. The current bar that is set is by world of warcraft, today, in its current state. Not its launch. STOP THE COMPARISONS!




i feel better now.

but it doesnt matter, this thread isnt likely to have anything done about it.


Free transfers now! although this company probably doesnt know how to do that either. and then we'd have to be in a QUEUE for that service as well. such utter fail.

Edited by Robtard
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I dont understand why we need to have server selection. Why not develop a system where you can play your character on any server. So all you have to do is say i want to play my character "X" and then it randomly selects a server for you. If you and your friends or guild all decide to play on "Y" server, then you all tell each other and you can switch the server from the UI. I personally dont care what server i am on since i am guild less, but waiting to play, is not acceptable after i have a character that has a few hours spend leveling.


I really dont understand why it needs to be based on a server name and you can only play on that one server your character.


I hate the fact that i have already roled several characters across different servers just to be able to play and cant play my original character. It just doesn't make sense. It is quite funny that this problem continues to plaque the MMO communities on every game and noone seems to have a handle on it.

Edited by slickaxp
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Welcome to launch.



The only servers that aren't full are the EU ones. Every American server is packed with a 15 minute to 4 hours wait.


hehe THink u should recheck on that ALL EU servers except 6 or so are full. Currently at number 826 in was 989 2 hrs ago on EU server

Edited by vanich
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You fail... World of Warcraft had +8hrs queues at launch.. and once you actually got in you couldn't complete most quests, you had extreme lag and it was unplayable. After 20 mins you disconnected and back in line for another +8hrs..


I played wow in beta and logged 5 min after blizzard released the game. And your story about 8 hour queues are just a fat lie.


I agree totally with the other guy. Blizzard did wayyyyy better 7 years ago.


Basic stuff, like serious account errors in this game where people's money are at stake/lost are Bio not even able to handle atm.


Scary as hell tbh.

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Can you have multiple characters but on different servers.


Say i have a Smuggler on one server, can i also have a Imperial Agent on another server?


I'd like some confirmation on this before i try and lose what i have.





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