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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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they should permit people to switch servers temporarily if the one they are on is full.


That would equalize server usage. That or just ditch the whole arbitrary contained server idea and just allow people in the same server type for same location switch between them. (PVE on the east coast all connected). This would also kill a really bad part of shard games is organizing everyone you know all on one server, its not really that massive when you can't play with anyone else around the world with 'your' character.


Am I to play eve when queing this game?

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Serious chill out.. they've made so u wont be dc'ed from the que even if ur afk from the computer so go out to the gym or whatever for 1-2h and u'll be in :)


And as for ppl who say this ain normal for a mmo obviously havnt played launches, back in wow for every expansion ppl had 3-5h que and u got disconnected if u left the computer untouched for somewhat 30mins so this roxx :)




There must be a lot of new mmo players here.

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Move servers or beat your head against the wall.


Those are your 2 choices. It isn't that hard btw if you have an organized guild. I've been part of it.


You don't see the problem on Nadd: Several large guilds decided quite a while ago to go there in order to have big competition. And because of that every one of thoose large guilds dragged more of their friend guilds with them... Unfortunately the spanish and italian community had the same idea. Long terms short: Nobody is moving, because if one would go, all others would migrate aswell.


So moving basically leads to the exact same problem we face now, making it pointless.


We need more shardpower

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After going to work this morning i returned home to start up swtor, i fully expected an hour que and sure enough i was around 1100th in the que , ok fine ill go do a few jobs around the house ect .

Three hours later i am number 46 in the que , nice , i make a fast trip to my local shop on my return i look at the screen error msg code 3, reque number 1300th in que.


I didnt pick a server my guild was placed here our ts channel is full of players trying simply to play the game and spending hours and hours in que.

Yes i expect a que its a new game, when in game i am seeing people afk running into objects who can blame them?

ive noticed the posts on this topic keep being restarted, and from some of the devs replys to this topic seem a little arrogant suggesting to log in when there are less people on the server!

The fact is if there is no fix the game will lose players and we need more hands on replys from the devs.

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Hello all,


We know that server queue times are frustrating and we are appreciating all the feedback regarding it. And we do understand that it is easy to lose patience with one another when you're frustrated. However, we do expect for our community to be constructive and respectful of one another - please refrain from insulting one another and making rude comments about one another.


Thank you for your understanding!

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Note for posterity:


Guild placement does not work with EGA if you don't regulate server character creation after servers are up.


All this was avoidable if character creation was locked during non peak times, on servers that already have queue times at peak hours.

Its a lot harder to make someone move servers after they played for 10h straight on a character.


Just sayin... hope they learnt something from from this launch.


PS: To you guys saying 5h queues are acceptable because other games had it, well, they are not acceptable im sorry. Anything over 1h really starts messing with peoples play time, because while you wait you can't really play on any other server or other games.


And yeah ive been to several mmo launchs and i never had it this bad, specially when the game isnt even out for general public.

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You don't see the problem on Nadd: Several large guilds decided quite a while ago to go there in order to have big competition. And because of that every one of thoose large guilds dragged more of their friend guilds with them... Unfortunately the spanish and italian community had the same idea. Long terms short: Nobody is moving, because if one would go, all others would migrate aswell.


So moving basically leads to the exact same problem we face now, making it pointless.


We need more shardpower


It will come hopefully.


Your situation is somewhat unique. By the end of the month I think things will be better for you. A decent % will quit, they always do (not a gloom and doom comment just sayin).

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Not really. Just players accustomed to better service. Im surprised myself saying this since its actually a complement for Blizzard, wauw.


The last time Wow had a queue was when TBC popped up. There were quite a lot of problems on vanilla too regarding server stability, not queue. But they were acceptable. Waiting 1 hour is acceptable for the hardcore playerbase. waiting 1h.30 its okay. waiting 6. IS NOT A POSIBILITY. Thats why most people arnt logging off anymore.

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Here is the response:




i do not know if i am supposed to laugh or cry... or quit..


this is stupid. of course somebody trying to play for the first time will go to another server, they have no attachment to it. WHAT ABOUT PEOPLE THAT ALREADY LEVELLED A CHARACTER ON THESE FULL SERVERS? FORGET ABOUT THOSE THAT CAN'T JUST MOVE?

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The last time Wow had a queue was when TBC popped up. There were quite a lot of problems on vanilla too regarding server stability, not queue. But they were acceptable. Waiting 1 hour is acceptable for the hardcore playerbase. waiting 1h.30 its okay. waiting 6. IS NOT A POSIBILITY. Thats why most people arnt logging off anymore.


i'm going to set up a mouse macro to click buttons when I sleep so I don't have another 3 hour wait tommorow to play.

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Hello all,


We know that server queue times are frustrating and we are appreciating all the feedback regarding it. And we do understand that it is easy to lose patience with one another when you're frustrated. However, we do expect for our community to be constructive and respectful of one another - please refrain from insulting one another and making rude comments about one another.


Thank you for your understanding!


theres some yellow text. is it a mirage?

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Hello all,


We know that server queue times are frustrating and we are appreciating all the feedback regarding it. And we do understand that it is easy to lose patience with one another when you're frustrated. However, we do expect for our community to be constructive and respectful of one another - please refrain from insulting one another and making rude comments about one another.


Thank you for your understanding!


thank you for not giving us any information about this issue or anything about how you are working to solve it.

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The last time Wow had a queue was when TBC popped up. There were quite a lot of problems on vanilla too regarding server stability, not queue. But they were acceptable. Waiting 1 hour is acceptable for the hardcore playerbase. waiting 1h.30 its okay. waiting 6. IS NOT A POSIBILITY. Thats why most people arnt logging off anymore.


Actually wotlk was worse than tbc, u prolly played on some crap server if u didnt experiance that :)


Also ppl should stop complaining its EGA if ur gonna ***** about it so much just skip the game for a month and come back when its more stable.. ( not aimed for the op )

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quick question. once i am in.. is there an idle log off timer?

when i went to do grocery shopping i thought i d do the right thing and log off but coming back to yet another 1-2 hour wait just aint gonna cut it.


(btw. log in 7am, no queue ! :D )

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quick question. once i am in.. is there an idle log off timer?

when i went to do grocery shopping i thought i d do the right thing and log off but coming back to yet another 1-2 hour wait just aint gonna cut it.


(btw. log in 7am, no queue ! :D )


I think it will log you out after about 15 minutes

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People have a right to voice their utter disgust with it when they paid good money and someone else is making profit off of it. If you're defending something that doesn't work you're only deceiving yourself. Tell the kid who gets the game he's been looking forward to all year for xmas that he can't sit down and play because someone was bad at math, Or better yet decided to cheap out on the number of servers they appropriated for launch in order to save a few bucks in the short run, I mean how could they possibly know how many people who pre-ordered the game were going to actually go ahead and play it?

Best yet is the pretentious attitude as if this is everyone's first MMO or launch experience. Like long queue times are part of the experience you pay for lol. Ah yes I can't wait to look back with fond memories to how the queue times made me feel special, like I was part of something extravagant :)

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Hello all,


We know that server queue times are frustrating and we are appreciating all the feedback regarding it. And we do understand that it is easy to lose patience with one another when you're frustrated. However, we do expect for our community to be constructive and respectful of one another - please refrain from insulting one another and making rude comments about one another.


Thank you for your understanding!


We expect the seller to take responsability as well as you would like us to "remain constructive" even if youre not giving anyinfo to ppl that trusts you. yes present. trust.

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