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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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posted that at 13:54 , now 15:24 and I am #459


just an FYI so you can estimate your queue time ...


90 mins = 1017 places.


approx 11 places per minute ..


I entered the que at 12:30 today at 1722 place. (est 1 hour 50 minutes)

Now at 16:45 im at 358 place.


so for approx 1400 places ive been in que for 4 hours and 15 minutes.

that is 2 hours for 700 places and 350 places each hour.


EDIT: this is Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Edited by Janlucs
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So Bloodworthy has currently 1600+ people waiting to get in witha queues in the region of 1hour 30 - 2hours.


I know other servers have the same issue.


Still 3 days away from official launch, and this doesn't inspire confidence for what it will be like in a few days time.


Is anything being done for servers that are reporting as FULL. I guess people can still roll on them regardless, as smooth as this launch has been lag wise and server stability wise, this is still leaving a sour taste in the mouth.

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Waited 3.5hrs in a queue to login and it gave me an error about Server Crash. Now im 2154 in the queue again and going to have to wait another 3.5hrs...


Why do i feel like the pre-order money i paid out for is an utter waste......

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I REALLY don't know why Bioware assigned my guild to Frostclaw giving it 50+ min queues when so many other servers are in the 5 min region.


Isn't this what the staggered launch and guild deployment was supposed to avoid?


Admittedly I haven't suffered the usual lag and crashes expected of an MMO with lots of people cramming in. So hurray for that Bioware :)

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Ok all these comments, hell first thread it 150 pages in like 3 hours, see plenty of comments about "sit tight this is normal or hey it will get better" ok that would be reassuring if any of you posting that worked for BW/EA. why aren't they commenting? All I want to know is a time frame on how long to put up with this crap. I'm not rerolling **** that, and what really burns me is I bought a new comp, upgraded it, bought CE version just to play this game with some good buddies and now there is a possibility we all be able I play together cause some may get Locked out of server and we shouldn't all have to pay to transfer cause a few buddies may not be able to get in. It's sad to cause this is best MMO I have played to date, and no I have played several at beta, pre-launch and launch and none have ever had ques this bad. Oh and I would rather deal with server crashes then ques, atleast I know it's everyone not getting in instead of a few cause some ******* is running an anti-afk bot cause his parents taught him to be a ****** bag. Woooooo this is awesome Go Bioware keep up the great work *shakes head* such an epic fail on heir part.
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Currently sitting at 406 in the queue, started at 524, on Nightmare Lands.


Bioware - I know this is pre-launch but you need to make sure this is fixed before the launch actually happens or you will kill the game before it starts.



1. How many players can one server hold?

2. Will you be offering free transfers off very busy servers?

3. As most people are just grinding right now why can they not open their toons on other servers instead of the one they start on? Afterall the game world doesn't appear to be affected by player actions in the long tern anyways?


Today I was logging in with the view to looking for a Guild to join, a bit pointless if the servers are going to be too full to get onto when you want.

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i am currently waiting to get into Hydian Way


The wait time estimaes 25mins..............................1hr 30mins later.....i am 765 in queue :(


Yep as some state i can go on another server but when i started this 3 days ago i rolled on that server with no queues and my characters are on there, its not a good gaming experience to give up on all the hard work and items you have gained to join another server (for that to get full) as Bioware haven't enlarged the servers


I am not looking forward to the 20th when everyone else who is purchasing the game from stores tries to log on aswell


I love Bioware and have really enjoyed play this game (and many others) and i really hope they will do something soon



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How many players getting pissed off do you need to actually do or say something usefull? Pretty bad for BW rep.


Probably a lot.


How many people tweeting with #swtor_fail, generating negative PR, before they do something? Probably a lot less ...

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estimated 15 minutes is turning into an hour and a half, with a "you are number 71" for the past half hour... i see the estimated time is now 20 minutes on Lord Calypho


This is silly! has there been any offical explanation on this ? at all?



@RockjawStephen Reid

Queues. There will be more servers. Pop caps will be raised. If you don't want to queue, I would consider another server.

10 hours ago via Twitter for iPad



@RockjawStephen Reid

... Lots of people, playing a lot, means queues are likely right now. Won't last forever. Bear with us.

10 hours ago via Twitter for iPad


He is the community manager.

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been q;ed to tomb of free for over 3 hours also, estimated was just over 2hr, obviously i know i'm going to be in queue for atleast 4-5 hours as its the weekend and no1 is gonna be logging off in a hurry once they are on.


Would like free server transfer or a server clone if possible, pls don't tell me to re roll as i'm already close to 30,i would've re rolled in an instance if i was below 10 though and guild would come.

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Bioware can't fix something that is entirely in the player's hands.


Don't roll on the obviously overcrowded server. If your guild is being stubborn that is on you guys, not the game.


theyre not overcrowded, theyre capped. Dont talk if you dont know what a "server" is nowadays.

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Dont you think there will be even more issues if you close servers and say you cant create new...


what happens to the guild members who have not even logged on yet? where they gonna go?


Bioware need to move some guilds quick before they start to lose people...


I for 1 wont be a long term subscriber if this is the norm.


We never had a choice to select realms as a guild... it was chosen by the Devs.... FAIL.


Dc's 3 times friday and queued to get back in some 2 hrs, today 1 dc within the first hr of play and to top it all off Queued for 50 mins only to be given Error code 3 and put to the back of an even bigger que...

so far started playing at 12pm.... lost connection at 12.50... its 16.00 now and still 277 ppl in the que in front of me.... ITS A JOKE!!!!

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