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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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The really crappy thing is that several people in game were discussing the fact that they were Canadians, Aussies, and British on a US-West server. I can somewhat understand Canadians, but freaking British and Aussies? At the time I first started the queue yesterday almost all of the US servers were either full with queues or very heavy, and I looked down and see the majority of the European servers are light or normal (during peak times for UK). It sucks having non-US people clogging up US servers instead of using their own


It's funny because I was thinking of rolling a new char on a US server just so I can play at 'off peak' (official advice) times, which as a GMT player means choosing a server half-way across the world.

Incidentally, the EU servers are not at light or normal during peak times - they also have queues ranging from 30mins to many hours - hence the number of UK people also complaining in this thread!

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Not saying it's your fault or anything but it wouldn't hurt EU countries to learn each others languages. I mean each EU citizen should at least speak 5 languages. But then you get some countries who think only about their precious little national borders. No wonder EU is a sinking ship.



uh? EU citizens will learn +5 languages the day an average american can find Europe in a map.


hell, according to statistics 20% americans cant find their own country in a map, you cant fall any lower than that.


Im not taking advices about education from someone that lives in a nation of apes

Edited by blackcerberus
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Offer free guild and character transfer.

Put "recommended" on some servers so peole know where to go.

Make a warning sign that pops up when you create a char on any of the most overpopulated servers.


Do SOMETHING. 4 hour+ queue isn't acceptable even for launch.

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Wait what, you think all EU countries should learn each other's languages? Jesus christ the ignorance is strong in this one.


More like the ignorance in your comment makes me sad. Reading comprehension much?. Lets see 27 European Union countries, how many people of these 27 countries can even speak more than one language? Go to Berlin, Paris many other and find out for yourself.

/end feeding troll

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What's totally unacceptable is that this wasn't anticipated and managed. Bioware knew exactly how many pre-order codes had been entered, and the location of the people who'd entered them. To say at any point that it's unexpected is total and utter rubbish.


As for the "play on a different server" response, that is unreasonable, unhelpful, and illustrates lack of comprehension on what actually makes people want to play a MMORPG. What's the point of leveling a character and joining a guild if you can't play that character, or play with friends? Being told to "play on a different server" is the kind of response that does make me want to play on a different server; I think I'll be able to get onto a WoW or EQ2 server...


The bottom line is that this should have been anticipated. After spending a small fortune on the CE, I'm wondering whether to cut my losses and not subscribe. Yes, the queues will level out after a couple of months, but I'm wondering if this will be more down to people leaving after not being able to log on, rather than problems with the game itself.

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I waited patiently and quietly for 3.5 hours to get into game, I finally got in only to be booted back out into queue for another 3 hours. Making my waiting time so far 6.5 hours . I am still not in game as I write this, I am presently still queued at 400. Its a bit excessive.



Oh that's ok, that's totally expected and understandable during the launch of an MMO isn't it? What did you expect - to be able to play when you wanted?!?

Really, you're just being childish/impatient/noob for expecting otherwise.




6 and a half hours of looking at a loading screen, or a couple of hours short of a full working day. Which part of this are the defenders having trouble understanding? The mind boggles that anyone thinks this is acceptable.

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Allot of Eu servers got 30mins que and that is acceptable, But when it comes to Bloodworthy and Legions of lettow the time is ridiculous, +3hours waiting time.. You shouldent have to schedule when you are going to play.. Please do something about it.
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uh? EU citizens will learn +5 languages the day an average american can find Europe in a map.


hell, according to statistics 20% americans cant find their own country in a map, you cant fall any lower than that.


Im not taking advices about education from someone that lives in a nation of apes


Just fyi Proud citizen of Madrid! Spain!

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Queues are getting out of hand I heard it was getting towards 90 minutes last night (Frostclaw server). I don't mind leaving the pc on and going off to do something else for a while as I'm sure people will leave or they will sort something out to shorten the queues.


I really feel for the casual players though. My wife is a casual player and most of the time she can only grab 30 to 50 mins to play, like this morning. Only she found a 55 minute queue. Hard for her to plan when she will be free, so even though so loves the game I think that love is slipping as she can't get on to play when she finds the time.

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ON Legions of Lettow. 1 hour and 30 minutes reported, been a good 50 mins now, q places have moved from 1300 to 800. The q rate of decline has not been consistent. It isnt acceptable to wait.


I've paid for access to the game. Sure they have all sorts of |"getting out of giving you what you pay for," excuses and bs in the T&C they all do these days. Fact, They chose the server for me and my guild to play on.


At the very least guilded characters with commitments to other people in game etc should be able to get in.. But to be honest, everyone should be allowed in and they should NOT allow MORE than capacity to register. Its simply rude to pay for looking at the friking wait list. As others have said, I was assigned my server, my guild mates are in there, getting further away from useful synced up levelling because we are cast adrift by stupid disconnects followed by back of the q ********. A very UNHAPPY PAYING CUSTOMER.

Edited by Ghengis
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what i dont understand is that they put players ingame in waves and still they overpopulate the servers...


They should have just locked servers once a number of real users actually created a char on them - preventing people who do not have a character from creating a new one. Atleast that way it would be nice and stable, and once their servers can deal with more load, they could've just remove the hard cap.


Oh, and I only see 3 options for BW/EA:


1) Increase server caps - which is probably not going to happen unless they have some sort of soft cap on them now and they can deal with more load.

2) Offer free character migrations - people don't want to spend hours and hours of game time and then start over again on a different server. I'm level 17 right now, I'm definitely not going to start a new char on a different server.

3) Do nothing - which will eventually solve the issue, but probably because people are fed up with the game.

Edited by Aldaras
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This is actually a good thing for me ... :)


I've been in too many MMO's where I end up on a low pop server, so I've been cautious in running too far. I made some accurate predictions as to which servers may get slammed (Jedi Covenant, Shadowlands, Shadow Hand, etc) - and I've had 30m+ queues in peak times. Fatman is 2hrs+ during peak --- a LOT of PvP guilds (especially from SWG) picked that server to jump on.


I DO agree that FULL servers should be blocked off from creating any characters - that may happen SOON - probably the first week of launch - so as to not block friends who didn't preorder from getting on. I also have to wonder if the current caps will be turned way up on release.


Honestly, this is a good sign for the longevity of the game. Yes, it sucks I can't get in, it sucks things aren't stable (from a pop\capacity perspective) to ensure I end up on a high pop server not a ghost town as is my typical luck!


If nothing else, this gives me time to try to resolve my anguish on how to play my toons. Blast you BioWare, why did you have to bring back the 'RPG" in MMORPG ... ? :)


That being said, I feel really bad for the folks who are going to have to work through Christmas\Winter Holidays - what a horrible time to launch!

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Tomb of Freedon Nadd 3-5 hour

My guild thinking going back to wow. EA/BW deployed my guild on this server.. and not giving login priority to the deployed guids members, thinking not just my guild member.... this game will be fail befor starting .. like WAR in first mounths..


Sorry my negative post but we so dissapointed.

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I am the guild master of the guild Equilibrium and I want to add the following issue to this discussion myself and other guild members are having.


First I make clear that I understand that Bioware is keeping the queue times artificially high to prevent too many (new) people starting characters on this server, however ~2 hours of queue during peak hours is a little too much, 45 to 60 minutes would be enough to scare people away. I know it is artificial because they stress-tested the servers with 80.000 to 100.000 players, right now I only see 2 instances on starter worlds while it were 6 to 8 during the beta weekend I was in.

Also, when it is taking me 10-20 minutes to find other people for heroic quests, I really don't see the problem of letting more people in. I am not at an insanely high level, I am level 25, but I guess I might just have been unlucky.


Now the biggest problem my guild members and myself are having is getting disconnects or game crashes.

One of my members lives in a remote area and has an unstable connection because of this, she generally disconnects every 30-45 minutes from the internet. A minute later she is back up again, so it's normally not a big problem.

However, after waiting 30-45 minutes in the queue, getting a disconnect, reconnecting and discovering you are at the BACK OF THE LINE again is simply outrageous.

The same happens when your game crashes.

Not to insult anyone at Bioware here, but seriously, nobody thought of adding some kind of grace period for disconnects/crashes? If it is for some reason intentional I'd really like to know why as I really don't see the problem here. Other MMO's have it, why doesn't SWTOR?


We are extremely unhappy with choosing this server, note that we were PLACED on Tomb of Freedon Nadd at first which has even worse queues. We chose this server to avoid all the major guilds that were joining ToFN. We have people with level 20+ characters who have spent a lot of hours on the game already and really have no intention of having to start new characters. For a guild it is at the moment just not practical to join a whole new server.

We understand that patience might be the key here, but please add some kind grace period for disconnects/game crashes...

Or at least give us free migrations, we really don't mind moving somewhere else at this point. I hope this is already in the works, and if it is, thumbs up. But right now this is extremely frustrating.


That is all we are asking for. Maybe I should have created my own thread for this but I have a feeling I will just get spammed with messages like "already discussed, move along".

As the OP said, the more messages like this Bioware receives the more likier it is that Bioware looks into to them and things might change.




This was posted in a closed thread. To summarize if you are going to put us in extended queues while you work out whatever it is you're trying to do, please allow a grace period for people already in game. It is extremely frustrating to have your PC shut off because of a power spike only to be greeted by a 2 hour queue. The same is true for crashes to desktop or unreliable internet connections. I'm perfectly happy waiting my turn while you iron out the kinks and get this game ready. I start to get unhappy when I am forced to the end of the line for reasons outside of my control.

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Same on Basilisk Droid server major wait times constantly (even @ midnight uk), it seems the PVP server are more popular than people thought they would be, not even "proper" live yet and the majority of servers are full !


I think they may have to offer free server transfers to those who wish to swap, its especially bad if you are in a guild with grps that like to lvl together as you can not nessarily all play at the same time.


The only way to guarentee you stay on once you get on is if you have to go afk run your char up against a wall :p

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Here to sign the petition.... BIOWARE sort this problem OUT!!!!


Friday i received 3 random disconnects and had to Que a total of 2hrs to get back On-line now Saturday Logged in fine no Que then after 1 hr playtime I get disconnected into a 35min (estimated) Que to rejoin.


Is this how its gonna be from now on because If it is you can count me out of your future subscription Figures... there are plenty of other games to play so dont start to become Ignorant and expect success just because its a STAR WARS game...


My Impression of this game is being ruined by this and like many others having this problem I just wont waste my FREE TIME or hard earned money on a game that i cant play.


This would be somewhat acceptable if we were getting some sort of feedback on the issue, anything to make us believe you are addressing this... I DONT WANT TO HEAR"change realms and make new characters" AS AN ANSWER TO THIS PROBLEM....


Changing realms is not an option, You Created a Pre-guild deployment program, built up the Hype and got us all looking forward to joining with our friends... THEN placed my Guild into a FULL server!!!!

YOU DID THIS NOT ME!!! so i have no choice but to goto that realm.....



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Tomb of Freedon Nadd 3-5 hour

My guild thinking going back to wow. EA/BW deployed my guild on this server.. and not giving login priority to the deployed guids members, thinking not just my guild member.... this game will be fail befor starting .. like WAR in first mounths..


Sorry my negative post but we so dissapointed.


Login priority is a bad idea too. I mean, why would someone who is NOT part of a guild have lower priority? That person probably paid as much as anyone else, and should have the same experience as everyone else.

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Just wondering why european servers mostly all full american servers are mostly standard. Even with the time difference it doesnt make much sense!!! We clearly dont have enough and capacity sucks


Because is 7-8am in the US and most ppl are sleeping.


There are 2-3 servers on horrible queue conditions :


Legions of Lettow - 2h queue atm

Tomb of Freddom Nadd - 3-4h queue atm

Bloodworthy - 2h?


There are also 8 new servers, it seems, standard\light\heavy, but ppl seem to be too invested in them to move... but there are choices.

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Also; you are not really paying for the game yet; so really, you do not have any right to claim you should get access. Line up in queue, do something useful with your time, and then play.


Yes, I am really paying for the game. This isn't beta.

I paid for the DDE on a pre-order, which included these days of EA access. If I didn't purchase that I wouldn't be playing now. Therefore I have paid for these days of play so have every right to complain that the current loading is completely whack.

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