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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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My question is, Legions of Lettow is completely jammed. At the moment the usual is to wait 40~80 minutes to enter, it's unacceptable.


Is BW going to do some kind of improvements on this server (and other crowded servers)?


Because I don't feel like leaving PC on 1 hour before I ever think to play.



Kind regards

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Thank you!

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Personally once again I'd just like to illustrate that I hope Bioware gets a handle on this soon, since while many of us are excited to play the game if we can't do that relatively soon then no matter how great the game is we won't be willing to wait around forever before moving on.
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the people who are saying this is acceptable are either unemployed and logged in 24/7 or mentally challenged..

they know how many copies of the game have been sold.. why they wouldn't have the servers be able to handle that many people at minimum without ques is beyond me..


I would think with a brand new game especially you would want an amazing launch.. not one that causes everyone to ***** about something that should have, and needs to be addressed immediately

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Rofl and here we have it again another typical response from the Dev's that doesnt' do anything but start the thread over again.....


Thats not a dev thats a community management team member. They don't have opinions or answers, simply a set of procedures they follow in a rather robotic fashion.

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Frankly, this is to be expected.


It sucks...but it always happens during launch of an MMO.


BW/EA have actually mitigated it somewhat, I think...it's not as bad as I've heard some MMO launches were...though this is the first one that I've been in...


Edit: Also, my server only has a 30 min queue, although it said 35min when I started.

Edited by Riftmaster
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Because the previous thread has exceeded our normal threshold for thread length, we've started this new thread for the community to discuss the topic.


As always, we ask that the community keep the following things on mind when responding:


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Thank you!


Now will people stop complaining about an official response?

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Rofl and here we have it again another typical response from the Dev's that doesnt' do anything but start the thread over again.....


Automated response is automated.


I work a lot of hours, and as a result, get small windows of play time. I hop on before leaving for work today... 30 minute queue... i have an hour and a half, so cool beans I'll wait. 30 minutes rolls by while I'm getting ready, I go to the computer to check progress, only halfway there. No biggie, maybe I'll get one level in, check back in 15, another 15, another 15 *ragequit*. Go to work :/


Looks like I'll never get in The Fatman! How dare them name a server after me and then not let me get instant access :(

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I've been in since the first wave, and I admit I am starting to get concerned. I am being calm and reasonable about the amount of people, and what it takes to launch it smooth...but...


I don't always have an hour or 2 to wait to play a game.


I'm sure it will be fixed eventually, and in the beginning week or 2 it is understandable. For me, after the first month it will be completely unacceptable.

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Okay, I watched the new Conan the Barbarian(my advice, save yourself the time and don't) and I've gone from 1783 to 756....so 2 hours to move up 1000 people.....


Seriously, I'll admit from when I did get to play before today, this launch has been much better than others. Hell, I was there for the original SWG launch that might have been one of the worst planned ever, but that is still NO EXCUSE FOR THESE QUEUE TIMES!!!!! I swear if I get through another whole movie before getting into game, I'm gonna be really pissed.

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And this one is going incredibly well, Just calm down, the ques will clear up as people level and move out of start zones...



You guys have waited since what.... 2008-09? few hours going to kill you? :3

Edited by KoraX
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Now will people stop complaining about an official response?


recreating a thread is not a response. Apparently responding on Twitter is more important


Rockjaw Stephen Reid

Queues. There will be more servers. Pop caps will be raised. If you don't want to queue, I would consider another server.

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