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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Patch 1.3 Speculation Thread


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No, no, no no open world PvP and definitely stay out of opposing faction starter zones. Some jerks will camp them.


Keep the Sith vs Jedi thing in War Zones, it is war but not total war.


****. Those of us that actually want to PVP should have open PVP. If you don't like open PVP, roll on a PVE server.

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And the exact quote from that thread is the following:

"So the scope of our game updates in 2012 is going to be unimaginable. You're going to see so many changes and additions to the Star Wars Universe. It's going to be impressive. We have our Update 1.2 coming in the next week and then after that it's going to continue to roll out month after month. It's exciting."


People want to read that as saying, "Content patches like 1.2 will be coming out monthly."


The realists and/or cynics with their feet firmly planted on the ground read that as meaning "changes and additions will continue to roll out month after month" and then realize by looking at the patch history (http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes) that we've already been receiving changes and additions on an ongoing basis already.


If any of you truly believe that content patches like 1.2 are going to drop each and every calendar month you're setting yourselves up for disappointment and feelings of angst down the road.


Personally, I would be happy to get a generalized "road map" that does not have specific dates (I believe in releasing it when it's ready and not just to satisfy a due date) with some fairly solid indications of what's to arrive in the very next major patch and less solid indications of what they're looking to include 2-3 patches out.


I have no expectations. Tempered them well before TOR even came out. The only things I am even remotely expecting are the additional Legacy unlocks and to a lesser extent the datamined information on the next patch.


Regardless, this is a speculation thread and as such you will get people who are negative nancies and will say the next update will have dailies and that's it, the overly enthusiastic optimists who think that TOR will exceed every other MMO in a single patch, and the "voices of reason" who walk the middle ground. No matter which category you're in no one but Bioware knows what is coming so everyone in this thread needs to accept that for as much as they think they're right they could be dead wrong.


I've seen plenty of posts around here over the years from people who thought (even sounded like) they knew what they were talking about and in some cases within less than 24 hours they were sent crawling back into their caves with their tails tucked between their legs. A recent example being the crowd of people who just yesterday were saying 1.2 wasn't coming out this week. The couple know-it-alls who posted a laundry list of 'facts' must be feeling pretty stupid right now. I know I would.

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If I were them I'd be doing sort of a tick tock cycle of content one major patch, quality of life, maybe minor content another, then a major content patch. And in between is all of the patching and fixing stuff.


There will be a lot of good ideas for 1.2 that just didn't quite make the cut, or things they wanted to do that are quality of life sorts of system (specs, gear management, probably more UI things), and stuff that will be apparent on a live game that didn't really show up as real problems on test, which describes pretty much whole experience with the GTN.

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OP are you the sort of person that starts writing their chistmas list on boxing day? i hate to be the grintch but you can cross off cross server LFG. they already said that was not going to happen


my wish, a good LFG, a reverase to the healing nerfs (which i haven't tried, so this could change). more legacy fluff. a good suggestion i heard was make your family tree your character select screen.


thats my wish list. but what do i think will happen


QQ about what is in the patch, followed by QQ about when the patch is coming. followed by QQ about how the patch has ruined ppls lives

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The coolest thing for me would be finding out the information on how they are going to implement capital ships. It wasn't done in SWG even though it was highly sought after by the player base (and by the devs, or so they said).


Curious as to how they function in all aspects of the game: If you could invade other capital ships and gain points/rewards for capturing (not permanently, just kind of an assault mechanic, kind of like how voidstar works), availability for everyone to rally to before making a swipe at a point on a planet at an attempt for open world pvp, 3d space battling, player housing/customization options to bring a unique look if capital ships are guild oriented, and the list goes on. Really looking forward to the options and paths they can take with capital ships.

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1.3 will be out in the late summer, but due to the severe beating SWTOR gets from Diablo 3, and Guild Wars 2 the game goes F2P in 1.3.

But wait there is more, shortly after, EA decides to the sell Bioware to Activision/Blizzard and patch 1.3.5 goes back to paid to play and will contain a two new races. Orcs and Night Elves.

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1.3 will be out in the late summer, but due to the severe beating SWTOR gets from Diablo 3, and Guild Wars 2 the game goes F2P in 1.3.

But wait there is more, shortly after, EA decides to the sell Bioware to Activision/Blizzard and patch 1.3.5 goes back to paid to play and will contain a two new races. Orcs and Night Elves.


it will never be F2P, the amount of money spent on this game is huge, i believe they would see it burn before they give it away. and as for D3. lol its less of an MMO than SWTOR. GW2 if ppl don't believe its another over hyped disappointment they are deluded

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****. Those of us that actually want to PVP should have open PVP. If you don't like open PVP, roll on a PVE server.


I am. You failed to qualify (identify a specific server type) your statement and it was therefore addressed to the open population.


So are you qualifying, something you should have done originally, your general statement to be limited to PvP servers?

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i forgot to add these :


- mini games , dev in guild summit said they are preparing whole slew of mini games like paazaak, sloop? or speeder racing like in kotor and other minigames... whole lots is coming. check guild summit video for details..


- a recurring events that will grand in story, lore and scope. will be seasonal and all level can contribute. details of the event is not revealed in the guild summit but it is hinted to be like an invasion of some kind..


- adversary system where you can place bounty or contract on player on opposing faction.


- all class story will be expanded , they promise 2012 will be the year of continual story telling and they wont let this focus on story go out.


- Achievement system thats not finished for launch will be in game shortly , info from guild summit


i have to re watch guild summit videos..

Edited by dprijadi
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For those people who want more info, please check the official bioware guild summit videos, they give info on their short term plan and long term plan in the next patches





- Dual Spec done right (along with the right way to implement hotbar swap and gear swap), there will be NO dual AC.

- Automated Grouping system that works for Flashpoint, Operations and ordinary missions like Heroics

- Continuation of current Class quest as bioware aware of their strength in story.

- Additional FP , OPs and Warzones (1 each per major patch)

- Abilities to put bounties / contract on players (opposing faction)

- Organic Pets will be implemented as Rewards

- New Season for Ranked PVP




- Adding Achievement system, this is already on design phase

- Additional Space combat missions and a 'secret suprise' that will turn SPACE COMBAT into something far more enjoyable than rail based shooter now. Hinted to be group space combat with free-form flying (not rail based)

- Guild Capital Ship , already on design phase


everyting above already public information.. so shouldnt be a suprise to anyone who watch the guild summit videos



Quick correction: It's organic mounts not pets, as organic pets already exist.


They've also confirmed that the beginning of season one of ranked WZs will coincide with the implementation of cross server WZ queing.


Also, the expanded single-character legacy unlocks that you can actually already view by going into the "coming soon" section of the legacy window. They are all, as one can see from the in game window, coming in 1.3.


As for timing, they've had some background resources committed to many of these features all along, so those predicting that the launch of the next major content update is doomed to be 3+ months in the future aren't being realistic. Neither, however, are those who think it'll be the first couple weeks in May. I expect it will probably be in the last days of May or first couple weeks of June. The nice thing about changes after the legacy system implementation is that most of them will not be (to such a degree anyway) massively game altering. In turn, less time on internal and PTR testing will be required. Something like cross server queing either works or it doesn't (that is to say - there's no need to tweak it because it unexpectedly unbalanced a class or something of that nature the way that legacy unlocks or class alterations have the potential to do). And things like organic mounts are just existing programming objects reskinned.

Edited by FSimser
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The coolest thing for me would be finding out the information on how they are going to implement capital ships. It wasn't done in SWG even though it was highly sought after by the player base (and by the devs, or so they said).


the good news is that dev in guild summit said they already in design phase for this guild capital ship and they hinted at the stuff you listed.. its still hush hush as they dont want to over promise

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I've seen plenty of posts around here over the years from people who thought (even sounded like) they knew what they were talking about and in some cases within less than 24 hours they were sent crawling back into their caves with their tails tucked between their legs..


doesnt stop those "certain" people who keep posting "swtor is doomed" , "i quit" , "swtor boring", "swtor too easy" and their permutation of doom and gloom post hehehe..


these ppl certainly dont stay in their cave lol and keep posting their doom n gloom post as if it is Daily Mission lol

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Something like cross server queing either works or it doesn't.



Cross server queuing is a huge undertaking, and it can fail in a lot of ways. First, where is the match 'hosted'? On one of of there servers? Which one? What if the one selected can't handle the load (hard to hit this under testing). Who 'owns' the instance (this was what caused that tempermental bug where if the first person in the WZ left no one got credit for the win).


How are the characters copied over? This is cross server interconnect problems, it's certainly solvable, we solve far more sophisticated problem in scientific computing on a daily basis, but it's a bugger to test. More importantly, can you saturate the server-server interlinks? When the match ends you need to push all those toons back to the correct server. Guess what an off by 1 error does here. What if the warzone isn't full when it starts pushing people back?


How do you do support and logging for cross server? 'I'm trapped in the WZ' problems should solve themselves by tossing you back to your own server. But what about 'I didn't get credit or 'so and so was hacking'? Where is it logged, how do the tools access those things? How does the player know which server the person they're reporting was from (or moreover how does a csr try and find them?).


Cross server activities can fail in a lot more ways than I've enumerated here. They are all solvable problems, but it's a fairly complex undertaking to design, test, and fix everything. Especially because the edge cases where things will break are pretty tough to reproduce in house or on a test server (to test cross server you now need multiple test servers).

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it will never be F2P, the amount of money spent on this game is huge, i believe they would see it burn before they give it away. and as for D3. lol its less of an MMO than SWTOR. GW2 if ppl don't believe its another over hyped disappointment they are deluded


yes i really dont know what to say for those GW2 fanatics , they thinK GW2 will be the 2nd coming of mmo? 1/3 of their quest will be underwater, skill is so limited but those fanatics think this is a feature !!! graphic and animations so crude for 2012 mmo and yes its the same medieval elf n orc fantasy mmo.. and Cash Shop inside

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it will never be F2P, the amount of money spent on this game is huge, i believe they would see it burn before they give it away. and as for D3. lol its less of an MMO than SWTOR. GW2 if ppl don't believe its another over hyped disappointment they are deluded


While D3 is less of an mmo than SWTOR, try playing on like half the servers that we have that barely peak 20-30 people on fleet. On those dead server it already feels like a single player game. No Wz, No ops, No HM FPs.


And if you wanna talk about a over hyped disappointment just look at SWTOR which was labeled as the "wow killer". I dont think any game will match SWTOR in terms of a disappointment due to hype.

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While D3 is less of an mmo than SWTOR, try playing on like half the servers that we have that barely peak 20-30 people on fleet. On those dead server it already feels like a single player game. No Wz, No ops, No HM FPs.


And if you wanna talk about a over hyped disappointment just look at SWTOR which was labeled as the "wow killer". I dont think any game will match SWTOR in terms of a disappointment due to hype.


Some have mentioned transfers in 1.3 is possible. That would go a long way toward solving the low pop issue. However, your second point is a little off-topic.

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And if you wanna talk about a over hyped disappointment just look at RIFT which was labeled as the "wow killer". I dont think any game will match RIFT in terms of a disappointment due to hype.


Fixed that for you. Going to guess you don't remember their advertisements. I've never seen anything outside of the community claim this game would kill WoW.

Edited by Reico
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if you wanna talk about a over hyped disappointment just look at SWTOR which was labeled as the "wow killer". I dont think any game will match SWTOR in terms of a disappointment due to hype.



swtor is the real WoW killer for me... a real scifi fantasy mmominstead of old orc n elf / sword n shield mmo like GW2..btw just in case you didnt notice, WoW's focus on endgame raid kill it for casuals oike me who value story over gear / raids..


Tera Online , GW2 , Diablo III, Pandaria , any of those sword n board fantasy stuff is not interesting for me..


now if someone release another scifi mmo maybe that will take me off SWTOR, but so far none.. (EVE dont count as its not for casuals)

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