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Why Twi'lek cannot Choose Bounty Hunter?


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It doesn't make sense at all. Even SW's first companion is a Twi'lek Bounty Hunter.


How does medium armor and cunning relate to a bounty hunter with aim and heavy armor? The only thing not making a lick of sense is your reasoning.


Besides, I can choose twi'lek bounty hunter come thursday, yay.

Edited by Jandi
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Originally, back in early beta, they nixed Twi BH's because lekku clipped so severely with jetpacks. They never really got around to making it work and the restriction stuck through launch.


Come the legacy patch on thursday, you'll be able to make one as long as you have it unlocked. personally, I'll be making a Twi Warrior and Twi Agent.

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Yeah I made a mistake but the SW story got quite a few Twi'lek BH.


Umm no? Being a Twi'lek and having a gun doesn't make someone a BH. Besides, you can make a Twi'lek BH this THURSDAY if you have a twi'lek at 50 or buy the unlock, so it's kind of a moot point in the first place.

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Umm no? Being a Twi'lek and having a gun doesn't make someone a BH. Besides, you can make a Twi'lek BH this THURSDAY if you have a twi'lek at 50 or buy the unlock, so it's kind of a moot point in the first place.


My Twi'lek Sorcerer is only 17 right now...:(

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Heh. When I do my DS SW playthrough, I'm hoping that DS Jaesa will be SGR material so my femWarrior has a good hookup opportunity. :D


Jaesa is a complete psycho stalker. Anyways, no SGR for existing companions, ever, is what they've said. Meaning no SGR till expansion/companion content patch.

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SI's story sucks, I don't think I can make to 50 in short time.


Be full dark and you'll be laughing your way through it. I know I did.


Also, you don't have to make it an Empire char. A smuggler twi will work just as well, or a knight, or a sage. Though sage sucks big monkey bananas.

Edited by Jandi
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Also, I think most of the Twi'lek players chose female right?


In this game, most people choose female regardless because the males just look silly in most cases. Unless you're going for the bald, muscular broody type your out of luck when it comes to char customization. As a male, you can look like a hippie, bieber, a hobo or a fruitcake.


Twi'leks specifically though, yeah. The males look hideous because the lore demands them to. :p

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Umm...sorry no.


The males in this game look just fine, and you can make some fine looking player characters. Twi males look very good, and the lore has been revised a bit (at least in some of the comics), to depict them as handsome, and alluring like the females.


Also I agree with the OP. Why can't Twis be bounty hunters? I'd say that would be a good profession for a Twi, it suits them well.


Guess I'll have to get my Twi SI up to level 50 now. O_O

Edited by JediElf
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Umm...sorry no.


The males in this game look just fine, and you can make some fine looking player characters. Twi males look very good, and the lore has been revised a bit (at least in some of the comics), to depict them as handsome, and alluring like the females.


Also I agree with the OP. Why can't Twis be bounty hunters? I'd say that would be a good profession for a Twi, it suits them well.


Guess I'll have to get my Twi SI up to level 50 now. O_O


My post was completely opinion mixed with joking. Really need to start putting in "JOKING" every time I say something halfhearted. As someone else said, the devs couldn't get the helmets working without massive clipping problems as it was playable at some point.

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In this game, most people choose female regardless because the males just look silly in most cases. Unless you're going for the bald, muscular broody type your out of luck when it comes to char customization. As a male, you can look like a hippie, bieber, a hobo or a fruitcake.


Twi'leks specifically though, yeah. The males look hideous because the lore demands them to. :p


My body type 2 male Pureblood Juggernaut would like a word. :cool:

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