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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

is this right? QQ about sith operatives


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ops CAN open for 1.5


debilitate for 4 seconds


vanish, and re open for 1.5 all before resolve is capped.. this is verified


thats 7 seconds of some scrub coward doign free dmg on my clothie without me fightning back if i dont happen to have my trinket up


and YES i have been stun locked 100% to 0% by operatives on my full BM 660 expertise sorc




But by all means, prove you're right and let's see a unedited video exactly as you said.

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Proof is in the pudding:


Part One:


Part Two:




Haven't watched the 2nd video, but in the first most of the OPs kills weren't stunned or even CCed they simply didn't fight back. While several were rooted but didn't bother to fight back or even move after the short root wore off. You can't blame a OPs because players panic and don't both to fight back. OPs are one of if not the most squishy classes in the game thus players that don't panic and fight back have a good chance to kill the OP. Only thing that this video proved was that the players this OP was up against weren't good.

Edited by jamesjrXXX
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scounds/ops are stil overpowered

2-3 shot back to stealth and repeat.


no i dont suck

im full battlemaster with 2 piece of war gear

and im always top 3 during wz


this is warhammer all over again


Well at least it's kinda rare to find a dps scoundrel/operative these days. The marauder/sentinel phenomeno is more present.

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you must be new.


Operatives are not sith, they are imperial agents.

Operatives have 2 stuns. A 1.5s stun from stealth and the standard 4s stun that most classes have.


Their is no way a solo OP stunned you for 10s.


Use your escape then stun him back. Game over for operative unless this is sub 50 and you are like level 10.


Operatives have already been nerfed more then any other class and are getting nerfed again in 1.2..


I guess the exageratex crying wont stop till operatives and scoundrels are removed from the game.


are you new? it's called tranq dart....

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