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Please dont: Guard or heal me !


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Yeah, just to clarify though - the talent will add 20% more movement speed and increase the duration of force camouflage to 6 seconds... So it might be better in certain situations with those two extra seconds.


Yeah? Except dots and AOEs will bring them out of stealth...also, no more running through flames in Huttball....

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After this, I stopped taking this guy seriously.

Obviously this guy is not smart enough to figure out what people are exactly saying.


To answer this question you are not the messenger, you are trashing "QQers" comment without any concrete proof. You are bashing on "QQers'" messages, hence you are not the "messenger" that he was talking about.


Example: "obviously you don't know how to play this class."


Nice, another L2P comment.


Nevertheless, let your QQs about QQers continue.


Opening up a topic, trashing on criticism. You are one of many reasons why SWTOR community is labeled as "full of children and QQers"




You have not paid attention to the whole thread have you.. the poster I was responding to started in with the insults first m8.. and some really really over exaggerated and falsified statements he was attempting to present as fact...


I was simply responding in kind .. this whole thread has turned into an attack sents / maras thread as I suspected even to the point it got moved into sent instead of pvp where it belongs..


go back read the Original post .. FYI I am the author of this thread so yeah that makes me the messenger huh.


Further more if it looks like trash .. and smells like trash .. I will treat it like trash..


Also im not the one QQ'ing here please quote one QQ from me ..


as far as being called "childish" have you even read your own post.. have a read again, but make sure you wear a tin foil hat first huh.

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"Attack the Messenger Tactic" also known as an ad hominem attack, usually involves insulting or belittling one's opponent in order to attack his claim or invalidate his argument, but can also involve pointing out true character flaws or actions that are irrelevant to the opponent's argument. This tactic is logically fallacious because insults and negative facts about the opponent's personal character have nothing to do with the logical merits of the opponent's arguments or assertions.


To further explain in the context of this thread. Instead of actually replying to any points I made you proceeded to simply insult, make accusations and troll with this post (among others).




This thread has amused me, but now you're trolling is really starting to struggle, hence, I'm out.



Wow that sounds like most of your posts in actuality ..

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This thread made me laugh. Basically people are crying over a dps only class being able to dps well.


Nerf that ****!


Cant argue with that.. Thats not what this thread was for but yup thats what it boils down to.


now give that pure dps class some front line support and the QQ fountain bursts its banks ..


ohh my :csw_jabbapet:

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Define OP.


I hate to oversimplify, but it sounds like a lot of people are stating that because the VERY few people who are really good at playing Sent/Maras, do really well, the class is OP.


I don't think we are taking into account, how few people there are that play them well.


The simple fact that they are hard to play, argues against nerfing them. You can't nerf a class based on the way the BEST people play, you nerf them based on the way the MOST people play, or you end up with a dead class. And let's face it, most people suck at playing sent/maras. You nerf them, and the people struggling to learn will give up.


Can they do a lot of damage? Yes. 1v1 they are probably the best "dueling" class in the game. Which is super helpful everytime I duel someone, which is ummm 2x so far. But at the end of the day the objective in PVP is not to have the best stats, but to WIN the WZ. Sents are not OP in that regard. Just ask the gunslinger/trooper/sniper/BH dropping AOE on everyone around the turret/door.


Are they squishy? They are right in the middle, where they should be. But let's not confuse escape abilities with defensive abilities. Saber Ward, Inspiration, and Transcendence, these are defensive abilities. They keep you alive longer WHILE fighting. Force Camo, Awe, these are escapes. Yeah they stop you from dying, but they also stop you from doing any damage. Are they useful? Sure. But let's not confuse an ability that let's you avoid a fight, with an ability that helps win one. Guarded by the Force? If this ability is useful, you are playing your Sent wrong... Because the only time this is useful (In winning the WZ, not winning a fight) is to kill a single opponent to buy your backup some time to arrive. So unless there just happens to be two of you left after a 7 person melee, you're getting killed by a single opponent. Which a good Sent wouldn't do.


Sents are the best 1v1 fighters in the game. 1v1 fighting is NOT the most useful skill in a WZ.


Don't nerf them.

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In exchange for being the best damage dealers we have a difficult class to play.


Also we have no displacement, and very few stun options. AND MELEE.


Many classes get roots stuns pulls and knockbacks. We get almost none.


Inquisitor/consular = pull and knockback and stuns and force speed and a bubble and range.


Trooper/BH = harpoon, and knockback and stuns


IA/Sumggler = now THEY really got screwed.


Guardian/jugg = force push, heavy armor



Sent/mara is balanced.

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Sents have no heals .. we cant get back our health on our own.. we have no decent CC's so when someones on us thats it thats all.


The mitigation's we do have are VERY short with very long cool downs.

ALL of our mitigation's are rendered useless with a simple CC, so easy its not even funny.


If I use guarded by the force im dead as soon as it expires .. UNLESS I have a good healer on me and some protection .. Which is the point of this thread to begin with..


Haha, just reading through and this made me laugh with just how wrong it is. No heals? We get a 2% heal on EVERY DoT crit, and guaranteed 12% every 30 stacks of centering in watchman. No CC's? Awe and force stasis say hi.


Mitigations are short with long CD's? Rebuke is a 20% damage reduction for 30 seconds on a 1 minute timer. Yes it runs out after 6s, but 99% of players don't even know when it's up and will just keep attacking you... or else they are wasting 6 seconds where you can beat the ever loving crap out of them (or if they CC, you can break it at least once every 3 mins). Saber Ward lasts 15s for those situations where rebuke goes down and you're taking damage. Still dying? Pop on GBTF and Force Leap to someone far away and just run. Trust me, you'll get away... I do it all the time. Still dying? Force camou. Poof, gone.


With or without a group, a good sentinel is DEADLY. Learn your class better before making stupid comments next time.


As ive state b4 you obviously have not played a sent ..

What I do see is someone who does not know how to play a Jugg ..

Forget about playing sent for a bit ... learn how to play your own spec first..


Sorry dude, it's you that has no clue how to play his class. Didn't notice his post, but it's essentially the same as mine and he's correct in every aspect. Do some research next time before posting, because right now you look like an idiot.

Edited by witelightnin
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I agree with the OP. Sentinels are "okay" at what they do. Their defensive cooldowns are indeed good, but they will pretty much help out in one fight every 2 minutes.


Where I shine is if I have a healer backing me up. When that happens, I really, truly feel indestructible, and I level the competition.


Without that healer backing my up, I get focused into oblivion in the span of about 3 seconds.

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