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Please dont: Guard or heal me !


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Plus I dont find many mara's playing the focus smash class because of the high level of skill required to play that spec. so they dont worry me much at all.



Uhm I hope you meant that in sarcasmn. Focus spec is one of the easiest specs to play I have had so far. Try watchman, than you will also notify the potential of selfhealing, like someone already stated.

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How are my arguments disproven? Armor is meaningless in this game because it only mitigates physical attacks, in which case it really only makes a difference against classes like Snipers/Gunslingers who do primarily physical damage. Otherwise the difference in armor class doesn't really have much impact in pvp. Please don't make blanket statements about game mechanics you clearly have no idea about how they work.



sorry what damage does a sent do again .. hummm

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The mitigation's we do have are VERY short with very long cool downs.

ALL of our mitigation's are rendered useless with a simple CC, so easy its not even funny.


You understand that all classes mitigation cooldowns are rendered useless with CC, not just sents/maras. That's balance. And, of course, you also understand that, after resolve kicks in, your class has more escape/defense abilities they can burn.


So your argument that being vulnerable to being CCed makes all of your cooldowns useless is rather asinine.

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As ive state b4 you obviously have not played a sent ..

What I do see is someone who does not know how to play a Jugg ..

Forget about playing sent for a bit ... learn how to play your own spec first..


I see you're falling back to the old "attack the messenger" tactic used by people that have no intelligent response to add to the discussion. Kudos to you sir, you are a master troll for having sucked me in.

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Infact just as a side note.. When im in a war zone I myself being a sent.. Tend to target maras because that who I get my 5k critz off of .. and they really pad my damage stats.


Plus I dont find many mara's playing the focus smash class because of the high level of skill required to play that spec. so they dont worry me much at all.


and Im least worried about maras as adversary then I am any other class special emphasis on snipes ( I hate them.. But I dont consider them op fyi)


What skill are you 5k critting Marauders with?

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I see you're falling back to the old "attack the messenger" tactic used by people that have no intelligent response to add to the discussion. Kudos to you sir, you are a master troll for having sucked me in.



umm what ??

umm I thought I was the messenger ..

Did you just pwn'wth yourself ??

omg too funny !!

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umm what ??

umm I thought I was the messenger ..

Did you just pwn'wth yourself ??

omg too funny !!


Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit I take it. I blame the public schools. Troll on sir! 7 pages is impressive for a troll thread.

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Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit I take it. I blame the public schools. Troll on sir! 7 pages is impressive for a troll thread.


wow really you sound like my wife who resorts to calling me names after shes lost her argument ...


HAHA please let see some more of your clever rebuttals .

Wait lemme make some popcorn. gunna need some extra butter on this today me thinks.

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How do you figure? We used our cooldowns to live long enough for resolve to kick in...


If you're saying that you've used all your cooldowns to resist damage through CC, then CC wasn't a determining factor in making your mitigation moot. You still got the benefit of the cooldowns.

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A well planned and executed "force sweep" does the trick.. Special emphasis on MUST be well executed.


please read the manual for further clarification.


So you're a Focus Sentinel getting your easiest 5k crits on a class that should always be spec'd into 30% damage reduction on AoE? Interesting.


Try Watchman/Annihilation. It's the Marauder spec people want nerfed... You can be Rage all you want... Rage is free kills.

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im not really sure the point of this thread. so are you saying sents and maras are not OP and are squishy? Every class is squishy. play a deception assassin then come talk about being SQUISHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Edited by Pretty_Flacko
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Notice how all of these have 45 seconds to 3 minute cooldowns...


Rebuke? Stop hitting him for 6 seconds. Over.

Guarded by the Force? CC or snare him for 4 seconds. Over.

Force Camo? 4 seconds of stealth? With 2 talent points you get 100% damage reduction for 4 seconds, until next patch...

Saber Ward? 3 minute cooldown....



1: If you just let him hit you without damaging him for 6 seconds, no problem! I sure hope nobody dotted him or does an errant aoe...


2: Snares are worthless against a good sent... I am one. CC isn't any more effective during guarded by the force than it is before - this is the stupidest one by a large margin. You might away with mez being more useful than a stun since you can't hurt him anyway, but any stun on a guarded target is pretty much exactly the same as an unguarded.


If anything you should be trying to double stun/stun with his CC breaker up around the time he would normally guarded by the force so as to not let him cast it.


3: Next patch it's 50% DR and doesn't require any talent investing.



4: Most of my 7 50s would kill for a defensive cooldown as good as saber ward, 3 min cooldown or not. Ever seen a sent with this, rebuke, and a double transed valorous call? that is, 80%~ white damage avoidance with 70% damage reduction. Throw in an expertise adrenal and call it a day.




Ultimately the real problem with this class is the way it's cooldowns operates, I'll give you that - in that they're so short they're up almost every time you die with the exception of saber ward. And the fact that you can use them during one another. Rebuke on it's own isn't so bad, with saber ward it's utterly ridiculous, and 1:15 on guarded by the force or :45 if sweep spec.


The simple fact of the matter is that sure a sentinel relies on those cooldowns, yet they're also what makes him overpowered. That shadow triple stacked harnessed shadows? Force Camo it, interrupts. Need to get over that fire pit? Force Camo. Need to get somewhere fast? Force leap and trans. Need to tank a whole team? Rebuke/Ward/Expertise adrenal -> wait -> force camo -> wait -> guarded by the force. You just had a whole team on you for a good 20 seconds unable to really do anything about it. Throw in an aoe mez followed by an aoe mez grenade after they cc break/it wears off for good measure.



The class needs a serious overhaul - without it's cooldowns it'd be worthless. With them, it's overpowered. That's poor design. It needs to be able to function without many moderate-duration cooldowns.

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im not really sure the point of this thread. so are you saying sents and maras are not OP and are squishy? Every class is squishy. play a deception assassin then come talk about being SQUISHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY


You need to clean your keyboard m8.. Your constant QQ'ing has made the "Y" key on your keyboard a little sticky.. You should fix that ..

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wow really you sound like my wife who resorts to calling me names after shes lost her argument ...


HAHA please let see some more of your clever rebuttals .

Wait lemme make some popcorn. gunna need some extra butter on this today me thinks.


"Attack the Messenger Tactic" also known as an ad hominem attack, usually involves insulting or belittling one's opponent in order to attack his claim or invalidate his argument, but can also involve pointing out true character flaws or actions that are irrelevant to the opponent's argument. This tactic is logically fallacious because insults and negative facts about the opponent's personal character have nothing to do with the logical merits of the opponent's arguments or assertions.


To further explain in the context of this thread. Instead of actually replying to any points I made you proceeded to simply insult, make accusations and troll with this post (among others).


As ive state b4 you obviously have not played a sent ..

What I do see is someone who does not know how to play a Jugg ..

Forget about playing sent for a bit ... learn how to play your own spec first..


This thread has amused me, but now you're trolling is really starting to struggle, hence, I'm out.

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3: Next patch it's 50% DR and doesn't require any talent investing.


Yeah, just to clarify though - the talent will add 20% more movement speed and increase the duration of force camouflage to 6 seconds... So it might be better in certain situations with those two extra seconds.

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umm what ??

umm I thought I was the messenger ..

Did you just pwn'wth yourself ??

omg too funny !!


After this, I stopped taking this guy seriously.

Obviously this guy is not smart enough to figure out what people are exactly saying.


To answer this question you are not the messenger, you are trashing "QQers" comment without any concrete proof. You are bashing on "QQers'" messages, hence you are not the "messenger" that he was talking about.


Example: "obviously you don't know how to play this class."


Nice, another L2P comment.


Nevertheless, let your QQs about QQers continue.


Opening up a topic, trashing on criticism. You are one of many reasons why SWTOR community is labeled as "full of children and QQers"

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1: If you just let him hit you without damaging him for 6 seconds, no problem! I sure hope nobody dotted him or does an errant aoe...


Yep, you're right. May as well just remove Rebuke because 20% DR that relies on being attacked is OP. Guess what, without Rebuke a Sent would never finish their story solo. But if you played a Sent, you would know this.


2: Snares are worthless against a good sent... I am one. CC isn't any more effective during guarded by the force than it is before - this is the stupidest one by a large margin. You might away with mez being more useful than a stun since you can't hurt him anyway, but any stun on a guarded target is pretty much exactly the same as an unguarded.


Wow! I cannot believe I just read this. Not even gonna comment...


If anything you should be trying to double stun/stun with his CC breaker up around the time he would normally guarded by the force so as to not let him cast it.


Interesting. Double stun usually leads to full resolve bar. Better hope he used his Resolute in the last fight, or you're gonna be complaining about his 4 seconds on 99% DR anyway.


3: Next patch it's 50% DR and doesn't require any talent investing.


Which means dots will bring him out of his (then) 6 second stealth.



4: Most of my 7 50s would kill for a defensive cooldown as good as saber ward, 3 min cooldown or not. Ever seen a sent with this, rebuke, and a double transed valorous call? that is, 80%~ white damage avoidance with 70% damage reduction. Throw in an expertise adrenal and call it a day.


Yeah, because they can really do this every fight, all the time, right? Every class has synergies that could be considered, OP.



Ultimately the real problem with this class is the way it's cooldowns operates, I'll give you that - in that they're so short they're up almost every time you die with the exception of saber ward. And the fact that you can use them during one another. Rebuke on it's own isn't so bad, with saber ward it's utterly ridiculous, and 1:15 on guarded by the force or :45 if sweep spec.


What you call utterly ridiculous, I call necessary. PVP isn't the only aspect of this game. Also, your do realize that Rebuke's damage reduction is 20% for 1 second and cannot occur more than once every 1.5 seconds. In a group setting that tends to be 20% reduction every 3rd hit.



The simple fact of the matter is that sure a sentinel relies on those cooldowns, yet they're also what makes him overpowered. That shadow triple stacked harnessed shadows? Force Camo it, interrupts. Need to get over that fire pit? Force Camo. Need to get somewhere fast? Force leap and trans. Need to tank a whole team? Rebuke/Ward/Expertise adrenal -> wait -> force camo -> wait -> guarded by the force. You just had a whole team on you for a good 20 seconds unable to really do anything about it. Throw in an aoe mez followed by an aoe mez grenade after they cc break/it wears off for good measure.


In a perfect world? Also, trying to justify your claims of a class being OP and using consumables in your example makes me smile.



The class needs a serious overhaul - without it's cooldowns it'd be worthless. With them, it's overpowered. That's poor design. It needs to be able to function without many moderate-duration cooldowns.



Your whole claim is that the class is OP for a whole 20 seconds every 3 minutes, basically. Congrats!



EDIT: Oh and you forgot to mention healing potions....lol

Edited by iiell
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