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Advanced Class decisions


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I'm starting up my first Smuggler and would love to get some insight and experience from people playing Smugglers. I'm not entirely sure which direction I'd like to go with for my Advanced Class.


I've just started out, but I am enjoying the cover system (and shooting from afar). That being said, having a little bit of healing would be really fun for the character, but from what I understand, your character becomes more of a close range fighter if you pick up Scoundrel.


What are some of the reasons why people are enjoying their Advanced Class decisions? Are there specific skills they really love from one or the other? I've been playing Sith Warrior Juggernaught and adore skills like Force Throw :)

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For scoundrel, stealth means you can skip mobs (non-raid environment), and do quests pretty fast. Kick nuts is the trademark of this AC and people love it.


Sawbones (healing tree) is pretty decent (in both PvE and PvP) and going to be buffed next patch. It is the best tree for Scoundrel right now.


Scrapper (Dps) is not so good in PvE because of positional requirement for max out dps potential; heavily depend on stealth for burst dps (raid environment is not friendly for it); lack of gap closer while required to be in melee range (very frustrating when you have to run for 10 seconds to targets when other melee classes just need 1 sec with leap) . It is quite decent in PvP (best at annoying people), except Huttball.


Dirty Fighting (Dps-shared with slinger) is decent in PvE(sustain dmg with ton of DoTs), but total suck in PvP. It is a mediocre mix of range and melee dps. While most of its skills are long range, it has only blast whip (a melee skill) to proc Upperhand.

Edited by utuwer
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For Gunslinger you have 3 trees - all DPS of some sort...AND you get 2 guns :cool:


SharpShooter (SS) is human-turret-mode, single target, burst DPS. I personally found this boring after a while. PVE was easy because your burst damage was high enough to get through any mobs. Tough to use in a group because you stand the chance of taking aggro away from tanks if you don't take it easy on the DPS. I played this class up to lvl 40.


Sabateur (Sab) is some DoT, some burst damage, lots of grenades. I enjoyed this spec because of the energy availability. Able to DoT some guys you want to ignore and mow down others in PVE. When you get the timing right of certain abilities, you almost feel like you have 2 or 3 energy bars because you have an ability, Cool Head, that refills your bar, and you have an ability, Sabotage, that finishes the CD on Cool Head. This was great for PVE. Didn't PVP much with this one.


Dirty Fighting (DF) is run and gun mode and my favorite tree if only because your bread and butter abilities are not tied to using cover. this is really the main reason people go DF, because they are tired of being tied down. Not for those who get tunnel vision on killing, not for those looking for big damage numbers above their enemy. Nothing but DOTs, but energy management requires finesse. If you go through your main abilities, you end up with about 40% energy left. Sounds like the 1.2 buffs are going to help with that though.

Edited by ptriz
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I'm a scoundrel and I enjoy it, but I do have to warn you that they are late bloomers in PVP. If you want a side alt that you don't intend to get to 50, it may not be the way to go. Gunslingers, however, benefit well from the bolster and can do comparatively well at the lower levels.


You get your stealth opener at level 36, and don't even get its full potential until you're 40. Also, it scales with gear. Healing is also fairly late blooming but not as bad as scrapper. My frustration with the class came from trying to PVP at low levels (like, early 30's).


I've tried all the specs, though most of my experience is healing. I'm currently dirty fighting (PVE reasons) but it's frustrating in 1-on-1 PVP because of range issues that gunslinger's don't have using the same spec.


Also, since scoundrels are more about 1-on-1 on the scrapper side (which is where most people spec), you can't expect to dominate the dps scoreboard as easily as some of the more AOE-based classes.

Edited by Stenrik
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I recently rolled a Scoundrel and feel like I made a big mistake. It's awkward at best. And since they're late bloomers, awkward for quite some time. No gap closer makes me feel ineffective when paired with other players since they kill stuf before I can move to the next enemy.


I'm rerolling Gunslinger.

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I really enjoy my gunslinger. you don't have too many melee attacks but you can do a ton of damage from afar. I know somebody who went Scoundrel and since you heal you get more melee attacks


The one thing i have that they don't is more crowd control. Or if they have them they don't know they have them.


With my gunslinger I have been known to take out mobs of 4-5 that are 5 levels above me. I can't say if that is because of the fact that I have been gaming for too many years or the advance spec. However it does come in handy when I am soloing.

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There's some stuff I enjoy about Scoundrels (like shooting people in the back with a shotgun), but it feels a bit awkward having a gun (ranged) class that you basically have to melee (be close in) with. But it's fun to have quit a few different tricks... I'm quite torn!
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There's some stuff I enjoy about Scoundrels (like shooting people in the back with a shotgun), but it feels a bit awkward having a gun (ranged) class that you basically have to melee (be close in) with. But it's fun to have quit a few different tricks... I'm quite torn!


Blasting a guy point blank with a shotgun is pretty awesome. Knowing that your entire repertoire is basically shoving the barrel of your crowd-pleaser into the ribs of a guy and pulling the trigger (and then pistol whipping him while reloading), gets a bit annoying. At first it's bad*****...then it becomes a pain when the enemy realizes it can run.

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