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last man standing


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Whilst browsing a couple of video's on youtube i came across this that happened only a few days ago. I'm not sure which server it came from but wanted to post about it and show that people are getting together to make events and have fun pvping with others.




People taking initiative? What is this nonsense?!

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This is great, thank you for posting this!


This proves that not everyone likes carrots and that the dying breed of gamer is not extinct quite yet. We should capture and breed these players and use their offspring to replenish the MMO playerbase.


Not sure if we'll ever see a day in this game where communities make their own fun, but I sure do hope it happens.

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my guild was just talking about something like this last night, just a giant free for all, i'm talking faction vs. faction and of curse the opposite faction. it would be great doubt would ever see a company make an actual wz/bg like that but would still be awesome.
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Our server might not be the most active, especially on republic side. But we still got another guild to 8v8 us. 8v8 Open World PvP, frapsed by our Commando Healer:



Was a ton of fun (for us anyway, lol). Looking forward to 1.2 ranked wz although I wouldn't mind more open world pvp :)

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