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If Windu had successfully finished Palpatine..(What If Thread)


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If Master Windu had successfully forced Anakin to back down and see the truth behind Sidious and struck him down, what would the outcome have been? The Empire may never come to proper fruition without the Emperor, but what would become of the Republic and/or the Separatists after the Jedi declare they killed the Chancellor?


It surely wouldn't look good for them in the beginning, even with Anakin as a witness and Padme surely supporting his side with Master Windu.

Edited by DeutschGamer
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I'm pretty sure Palpatine would see that Anakin wasn't buying it and shocked Mace to death still. Palpatine's lightning was strong enough to overwhelm Windu at any time, he wasn't overwhelming him to seem weak and in danger to Anakin.


So if Windu had tried to kill Sidious and Sidious saw Anakin wasn't doing anything, he would have shocked Windu before he was killed and in turn would have defeated Anakin, forcing him to die or submit to Palpatine and become his apprentice.


And here we are.

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If Windu did "win" he would of no doubt made the step towards the dark side. One thing, order 66 was made after the battle not before, so I doubt the order would of been issued after Palpyface was dead.


Shows how long its been since I've seen the movie, edited the main post.


I also saw that Windu seemed to be walking a line when facing Palpatine toward the end, he seemed very angry and losing himself in the passion of the moment.

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Windu won the saber duel outright, that little back shuffle w-t-f look Sid gave when his saber was lost out the window was real and a complete shock to Sid....that said at any given time he could have went "POWAH!!!!!!! UNLIMITED PAWUHA!!!!!!! on Mace.
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I'm pretty sure Palpatine would see that Anakin wasn't buying it and shocked Mace to death still. Palpatine's lightning was strong enough to overwhelm Windu at any time, he wasn't overwhelming him to seem weak and in danger to Anakin.


So if Windu had tried to kill Sidious and Sidious saw Anakin wasn't doing anything, he would have shocked Windu before he was killed and in turn would have defeated Anakin, forcing him to die or submit to Palpatine and become his apprentice.


And here we are.


Wrong. Its stated in the ROTS Commentary and Knoll that Sidious was TRYING to kill Windu with the lightning but couldnt. ALso another comment about Sidious exerting so much energy that he burnt his face off.

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Had Palpatine died, the Jedi would have had to assume control of the Republic (which had already been established as the correct course of action earlier in the movie). This would have caused major civil unrest, not to mention that the Clone Wars would have still been going at the same time.


The Civil unrest of having the chancellor assassinated, being Sith Lord or not, would have driven more systems from the republic and to the separatists.


Either way, it would have been bloody no matter what the Jedi did.

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It just could not happen as Mace was not the chosen one. As for Sidious loseing the Lightsaber battle I think he threw the fight as he knew anakin was on his way and had to look like he was at the mercy of the tyrannical Jedi with there self serving philosophy. I mean come on they can take Anakin in so he can save there order from the sith yet they can't go back and save his mom from slavery. Jedi are all about them selfs and there so called order.
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It just could not happen as Mace was not the chosen one. As for Sidious loseing the Lightsaber battle I think he threw the fight as he knew anakin was on his way and had to look like he was at the mercy of the tyrannical Jedi with there self serving philosophy. I mean come on they can take Anakin in so he can save there order from the sith yet they can't go back and save his mom from slavery. Jedi are all about them selfs and there so called order.


He never threw the fight, he lost outright, it's stated clear as day.

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Wrong. Its stated in the ROTS Commentary and Knoll that Sidious was TRYING to kill Windu with the lightning but couldnt. ALso another comment about Sidious exerting so much energy that he burnt his face off.


Except you know the book of the movie, which is based on the script said that Windu was having a hard time holding onto his lightsaber and that it almost flung out of his hands. So he may have not be able to kill Windu at that moment, but as soon as his lightsaber was removed he would have been fried.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Except you know the book of the movie, which is based on the script said that Windu was having a hard time holding onto his lightsaber and that it almost flung out of his hands. So he may have not be able to kill Windu at that moment, but as soon as his lightsaber was removed he would have been fried.


I dont care what the book says. The movie had Windus blade getting closer and closer to Palpatines face as Palpatine was melting his own face off. With lucas commenting Windu was deflecting Palpatines lightning and that Palpatine was exerting himself.

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I dont care what the book says. The movie had Windus blade getting closer and closer to Palpatines face as Palpatine was melting his own face off. With lucas commenting Windu was deflecting Palpatines lightning and that Palpatine was exerting himself.


Yes but so was Windu, who was obviously struggling with it if you watch the scene.

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Windu could not have won that fight, Sidious was winning the Lightning vs Saber fight, if Anakin hadn't intervened, Sidious would have toasted Mace.


However if hypothetically Windu did win the fight and kill Sidious:


The war would have continued on, between the now somewhat Leaderless armies for quite a while. The Jedi would take over the Republic until a new chancellor was elected and they would make the "emergency war" chancellor powers Sidious had been building up were re-disseminated back into the senate. The separatists would have continued the war until the Republic offered the separatists leaders good enough terms of surrender (mostly selfish terms that spare the leaders and their wealth, in exchange for them giving up their droid armies to the Republic).


All in all leaving a fractured and scarred galaxy, but the Republic would have a stupidly powerful and huge Clone+Droid army to try and restore order.


Mace would have ether fallen to Darkside outright or had crossed the line come right back, if Mace just crossed the line he would have been removed from the Jedi council and spent years in mediation eventually regaining his Light and his place within the Jedi. If Mace fell properly to the Darkside he would have been confounded by Yoda, who ether alone, with Anakin and/or Kenobi would then fight him, defeat him (or kill him if Anakin is the one that beats him) and then imprison him.


Anakin would have become a Jedi Master, with Kenobi and Yoda his only mentors now (Sidious removed), Anakin would have finally been able to become a more peaceful person, more so after witnessing the birth of his children. Of course there would have been some unrest when Anakin had to give up the children to the order, but it would have been short due to Kenobi's guidance and Anakin being a Jedi Master would be able to keep updated on their status.


Padme would be give up her position to raise her children for a while before the Jedi took them, after which she would have served in an advisory capacity to both Queen of Naboo and the new senator.


Anakin and Padme would probably have been allowed to maintain their relationship, on advice between Kenobi and Yoda that trying to break them up would be a massively (fall to the darkside) bad idea, but would both keep a close eye on the relationship and provided guidance to ensure Anakin remains peaceful.

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Yes, but Lucas did say that Windu had Palps on the ropes. Just because Windu wasn't doing it easily doesn't mean he wasn't winning.


I never said he wasn't winning at that moment, but it would have went either way from the look of that scene it was just the matter of who could last the longest...which could have been Palpatine. Who seconds later went "UNLIMITED POWER!!!!!!!" Plus, Mace left himself wide open when he went for the final blow...so there was the opening for Palpatine if he sensed Anakin wasn't gonna do anything.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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don't know were its stated that Sidious lost clear as day but it seems people can't follow a plot


It never did as far as I know, I remember Lucas saying in the commentary that "Sidious lost the duel" which was referring to the lightsaber aspect, this was not regarding the Force or the lightning...


Also there are a few theories about Palpatines face. Some believe he was disfigured by the lightning and some believe the lightning deactived a ritual/force technique to hide Palpatine's dark side corruption and thus revealed his true face. I believe in the second one personally, because I have never heard of lightning or electricity turning someones teeth yellow.

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I never understood how Sidious could have lost either part of that duel. Supposedly he's waaaaaay powerful in the force, and don't force users augment their own physical abilities with the force? If we were talking terms of kotor then he's got like 12th tier Force Speed an Valor (or the dark side equivalent) and should have been toying with Mace pretty much the entire time. Like fighting a 6 year old.
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I never understood how Sidious could have lost either part of that duel. Supposedly he's waaaaaay powerful in the force, and don't force users augment their own physical abilities with the force? If we were talking terms of kotor then he's got like 12th tier Force Speed an Valor (or the dark side equivalent) and should have been toying with Mace pretty much the entire time. Like fighting a 6 year old.


I agree. He was the most powerful sith in history and very smart. His battle with Mace was played out the way he wanted it to

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Wasn't it was more like a lightsaber vs the force? Palpatine was beyond using a lightsaber he just used it to toy with jedi, he was a force master so his duel with Mace was that Mace was using a lightsaber....Palpatine was using the force not to much his lightsaber. Or at least thats what I remember someone bringing up in another topic.
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If Mace had killed Palpatine the galaxy would have been saddled with an ineffectual system of government.


I shudder to imagine the EU on a galatic scale - at such a scale democracy cannot function.


A pure Republic could, in theory, function on a Galactic scale.

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