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Reverse Engineering chance


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So as far as I know, in order to get the upgraded schematics for an item, I need to keep RE them until I learn the better version. From green to blue then to purple. Now that is pretty cool in itself, it is also very infuriating when you are just really unlucky. Because it is pure chance, you can sometimes get lucky and get the schematics from 1 go, but sometimes it took me at least 60 ish tries. I actually count them once in a while and more often than not, it will take at least 30 tries. I usually craft 15 of them every time, and it takes 2 "waves" to get them on average.


Now obviously we don't want things to be too easy and I don't think increasing the percentage would help all that much since it can still be very random. While on theory with a 20% chance you will get the schematics within 5 tries, but it doesn't work that way in reality. So I am thinking wouldn't it be better if once you reach a certain amount of tries, you will guarantee to get it?


For example. In order to get the purple schematics of a chest piece which have a chance of 5-20, I will need to RE the blue version for at least 5 times to fully "master" it, and once past 5th try, I will have a chance to get the purple schematics for it. However when I reached my 20th time I will reach the point where the schematics are guaranteed. This way it will be less infuriating, be more settling for our minds, and a bit more fair to the player. Because crafting and RE the same item for so many times is just not fun. With this change, you will at least know you are guaranteed the reward 100% of the time.


I know the return rate is not working as intended, but I just feel percentage system is just too random, you be really lucky or be really unlucky, while it will even things out in a long run, but the process just seem very unfair and discouraging.

Edited by dannofdawn
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I dont think its additive. Its 20% each try. Unless this game has a streak breaker that remembers the previous crafting attempts its always going to be 20%. Just be glad its not Aion where you gather for months and have to proc 4 times to make something good.
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I dont think its additive. Its 20% each try. Unless this game has a streak breaker that remembers the previous crafting attempts its always going to be 20%. Just be glad its not Aion where you gather for months and have to proc 4 times to make something good.


True. He's just saying if the "per chance" time is 20%, then the odds of success within 5 tries is 67% ish. (assuming my math is right, actually 67.232%. 1 - (0.8^5))


Doesn't mean you won't go on long failure streaks though.

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I see that I have a 20% chance to RE a green earpiece (I am a cybertech 400), it is a lvl 19 ear piece that I want to make for an alt.


I figure, 20% is pretty good, so I make 5 and hope.. then 5 more.. then 5 more.... I did 148 before I got a green. Now, I knew after 10 or so that something was wrong, but I made it a quest to figure out how many I needed to RE before I got it.. and 148 was the number.


Something has to be broken. What are the chances, with a 20% proc rate, that it would take 148 attempts to get 1 green?


And yes, I bugged reported it.


I realize that bad luck happens, and I would really like to think that is what happened, but even bad luck should not be THAT bad, that many times.

Edited by Tickdoff-Tank
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I see that I have a 20% chance to RE a green earpiece (I am a cybertech 400), it is a lvl 19 ear piece that I want to make for an alt.


I figure, 20% is pretty good, so I make 5 and hope.. then 5 more.. then 5 more.... I did 148 before I got a green. Now, I knew after 10 or so that something was wrong, but I made it a quest to figure out how many I needed to RE before I got it.. and 148 was the number.


Something has to be broken. What are the chances, with a 20% proc rate, that it would take 148 attempts to get 1 green?


And yes, I bugged reported it.


I realize that bad luck happens, and I would really like to think that is what happened, but even bad luck should not be THAT bad, that many times.


Lol. Of course it's broken.


Btw, I think you'll spend the rest of your life Re'ing that green and still not get a green schematic from it.

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i think it was 4% addictive but not +4% everytime


and now is a fix number 10% or 20% and i dont think it add anymore


because i RE 20 object with 20% rate and i got 1 purple at number 13 and nothing else (i RE the other 7 too)


i think it's a plain 20% chanse no matter how many u do in row now everytime is a 20%


so it's like to roll a dice 1-5 and hope it come out 1 it may not happen for quite some times if u are unlucky

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Lol. Of course it's broken.


Btw, I think you'll spend the rest of your life Re'ing that green and still not get a green schematic from it.


Yeah, I had a mistake there, I meant I REd 148 GREENS to get 1 BLUE.


Semantics aside, is anyone else experiencing this?

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I already got blue and purple as i said 20% i usually get it out of 10

and 10% i get it out of 25


but of course the boots i was super unlucky i did re 50 and got nothing then COMMANDER (the most useless purple ever for PVP)

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I foolishly got excited about the RE changes muhself. 10 Prototype 29 belts crafted. Nothing so far. The tooltip showing the percentage, if anything, is just aesthetic. I was planning to outfit an alt or two in a moderate amount of time. I'll just quest on them instead. Edited by GlennWippenberg
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Yeah, I had a mistake there, I meant I REd 148 GREENS to get 1 BLUE.


Semantics aside, is anyone else experiencing this?


Well... assuming my math is correct, odds of getting a blue within 148 greens is...99.999999999999545725797315245693 % chance.... or rediculously small chance of NOT getting a blue within 148 greens.


Seems brokenish to me if accurate.... and you can repeat it.

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Well, so far, with this 20% chance per RE, i have RE'ed 10 so far and nothing.....they need to make it freaking stack, so its gets to 100% chance on the 5th, which would make the 6th a sure thing.


Much better then this random junk....it really makes me feel like just crafting the greens and vendoring them, cause its costing me gathering these mats via missions and i want to be questing in purples, i need as much help as i possibly can get, since how screwed over melee is in this mmo.


I feel for those that have crafted and RE'ed 100s of an item and not got anything, this is likely why crafters don't craft for the community, it would cost them too much.

Edited by JamieKirby
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How boringly predictable.


I said, when they were going to increase the RE chance, that NO MATTER HOW RIDICULOUSLY HIGH YOU MAKE THE CHANCE (and yes, 10% & 20% is preposterously, stupidly, game-breakingly high), people will STILL complain about it being too difficult.


Way to go Bioware, give in to the crybabies who will still do nothing but cry.


Oh, and PS, it's not "broke", I RE'd 10 2nd tier things and got 3 purple schems. Your 10% and 20% chances are working quite well, congrats.

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Random is random. Even if you would give a 99% chance per re to get a scematic, you could still get very unlucky and never ever get a new scematic.


There is now a 1 in 5 chance per re that you get a scematic per item. So no matter how much you craft, it remains 1 in 5 per item, meaning that per item there is a 4 in 5 change you get zip.


RNG is a *****.

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Well... assuming my math is correct, odds of getting a blue within 148 greens is...99.999999999999545725797315245693 % chance.... or rediculously small chance of NOT getting a blue within 148 greens.


Seems brokenish to me if accurate.... and you can repeat it.


I came to debunk you..then I did the maths...your maths is correct!




Each toss of a coin is independent of the previous tosses, and has no memory.


If an event has a probability of 20%, then before you start, the probability of the event occurring at least once in 148 repetitions (assuming independence) is 1-(0.80)^148, which is 99.9%



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I haven't been able to r/e in the new patch yet...been busy. I will say that these people crying about r/e something over 100 times are full of it. I have 7 characters, 6 of which have all the crafting maxed and I spend a lot of time r/e items. The most I have ever r/e something pre 1.2 is about 25 times before a blue. Most of the time I would learn all 3 blue versions in about 15-20 r/e's. Quit lying and crying about r/e please. It's really getting annoying.
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I came to debunk you..then I did the maths...your maths is correct!




Each toss of a coin is independent of the previous tosses, and has no memory.


If an event has a probability of 20%, then before you start, the probability of the event occurring at least once in 148 repetitions (assuming independence) is 1-(0.80)^148, which is 99.9%




Maybe I'm stupid but if something has a 20% chance with no memory of the previous attempts...isn't it always going to be 20% each try....

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Maybe I'm stupid but if something has a 20% chance with no memory of the previous attempts...isn't it always going to be 20% each try....


It will always be 20% on each individual try... but the odds of you doing an event that has a 20% chance of being trigged and not being triggered is also a mesuerable percentage. That percentage will never reach 100%, but you can get over 99% (IE: 99.99999%)

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How boringly predictable.


I said, when they were going to increase the RE chance, that NO MATTER HOW RIDICULOUSLY HIGH YOU MAKE THE CHANCE (and yes, 10% & 20% is preposterously, stupidly, game-breakingly high), people will STILL complain about it being too difficult.


Way to go Bioware, give in to the crybabies who will still do nothing but cry.


Oh, and PS, it's not "broke", I RE'd 10 2nd tier things and got 3 purple schems. Your 10% and 20% chances are working quite well, congrats.


I think your statement about being "game-breakingly high" is ridiculous. For starters, people are not crying or whining nor are they asking for an easy way out. If you have spent the time to craft, you too would realize that even with multiple characters gathering mats, the failure rate of RE an item sucks. I personally have spent over 24 hours crafting one or two items to RE into better ones without success. Instead of being a jerk maybe you should show a little support at the not so fortunate ones.

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I think your statement about being "game-breakingly high" is ridiculous. For starters, people are not crying or whining nor are they asking for an easy way out. If you have spent the time to craft, you too would realize that even with multiple characters gathering mats, the failure rate of RE an item sucks. I personally have spent over 24 hours crafting one or two items to RE into better ones without success. Instead of being a jerk maybe you should show a little support at the not so fortunate ones.


If I had spent time to craft? You know absolutely nothing about me. Let me reassure you that I have crafted more in this game than easily 95% of people, probably more. That includes more RE than 95% of people. I RE'd to more purple schems while RE was "broken" than you probably will ever now that RE is "fixed". And I've also had a few schems that took forever to pop. Do you see me whining about it?


Plenty of people on this forum have cried and asked for an easy way out. And no, sorry, I don't need to show support for the type of people that want crafting to be easy-peasy. There's no point to it if that's what you want.

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I haven't been able to r/e in the new patch yet...been busy. I will say that these people crying about r/e something over 100 times are full of it. I have 7 characters, 6 of which have all the crafting maxed and I spend a lot of time r/e items. The most I have ever r/e something pre 1.2 is about 25 times before a blue. Most of the time I would learn all 3 blue versions in about 15-20 r/e's. Quit lying and crying about r/e please. It's really getting annoying.


If you're not going to be supportive about the topic and call people liars, then why are you here? I would guess to brag about your characters and how 6 of them have crafting maxed. Good for you, want a Bantha steak?

I am not going to say it should be an every time deal for someone to get a schematic when RE, but when a person spends an entire day gathering mats and crafting just to get nothing in return, it is kind of a bummer. I personally crafted (post patch) around 30 level 17 ear pieces

with no schematics after RE. I love crafting, so it's hard for me to complain, but I want at least one schematic after spending that amount of time crafting. Not too much to ask for in my opinion.

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