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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

It doesn't bother anyone that there are so many Marauder/Sentinel?


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Perhaps they should raise the skill level required to do well with dual wield. However if they did that then I would gravitate toward it lol.


HUH, Sent is one of the harder classes to play.


You can just fire from range with 5 or 6 buttons and do well with sent.

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I am a man, I want to hack and slash stuff. I want to play a melee DPS, I don't want to wear a robe, I don't want to hide behind trees, I don't want to shoot pistols.


I will only play 1 character, and it will be the most manliest of characters. Two lightsabres is better than 1, I'd use 3 if the game let me.

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And how about nerfing Assassin's 30m range on lightning? Ever see a sin play anything than a tanksin? No...and why ? because the DPS trees were so nerfed its an obscenity.


I play a DPS Assassin. It works fine. The range adjustment wasn't that big a deal honestly, because most of the attacks are melee anyways.

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I think it depends on the server and faction. On my serve. republic side there are too many sentinels, but on imp side guilds are trying to recruit marauders. What most likely is happening is players leveled a sentinel on republic side and see no reason to level a marauder on the imp side. Edited by Knockerz
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DPS is the easiest to play, that's why there's so many of them. In a MMO that's drawing in people who may not be traditional MMO gamers but came for the Star Wars Experience, it's not only natural that those players would gravitate to the easier classes in order to learn the game a little before moving on to the classes that are a bit harder to master, but actually probably for the best as you want the more seasoned players taking on the more important roles.


For instance, this is my first MMO. My first character was a Gunslinger. I figured, "Point & shoot, how hard can it be?" My second character was an Assassin. That time I went Melee damage spec. My new character is an Operative healer because I feel comfortable enough with the idea of doing something different and I've learned through experience how to properly run the class and spec. I figure I'll get to tank (such as the guardian or juggernaut) last because in my mind tanking is the hardest thing to learn and has to be done right or else you're no good to the group at all.


It's an interesting generalization you're making there... Especially considering this is the first MMO you've played.


While the "role" of DPS may be considered by many to be the easiest "role" in an MMO, the Sentinel class and the specs within are generally considered of the hardest to play in this game...


It's because of this that the Sentinel is a blast to play. In my opinion the gameplay of a class has a lot to do with how much it is played. The coolness of two light sabers, while yes is cool, if other the classes play styles were as dynamic, they would be played more.


Of note, I have 14 characters and would consider the Sentinel/Marauder likely the most challenging and rewarding to play.

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It's an interesting generalization you're making there... Especially considering this is the first MMO you've played.


While the "role" of DPS may be considered by many to be the easiest "role" in an MMO, the Sentinel class and the specs within are generally considered of the hardest to play in this game...


It's because of this that the Sentinel is a blast to play. In my opinion the gameplay of a class has a lot to do with how much it is played. The coolness of two light sabers, while yes is cool, if other the classes play styles were as dynamic, they would be played more.


Of note, I have 14 characters and would consider the Sentinel/Marauder likely the most challenging and rewarding to play.


I agree my sent is my fav class. Not because of the 2 sabers while that is cool. Its the over all challenge of the class that keeps it my fave. Its not just 4 or 5 button strokes to keep up dps . Its you have to stay on your toes and pay atention all the time type of class that makes them fun to me. Anyone can play a sentinel few can play them well.

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Kind of surprised to see PT and Vanguard so low. I think a big part of that is usually the people wanting to play those type of classes want to be ranged. I think those 2 classes alone would boost in population if they had a 30m tree, but that's just my opinion.


Another thing, the iconic Smuggler...single pistol using ranged fighter. Pretty basic yet you can't even be that. You have to dual wield to be a ranged Smuggler and a lot of the time be reliant on a cover mechanic. Dirty fighting is a uselss tree for Scoundrels and that is another class that I think would boost in popularity with a 30m tree not reliant on cover.

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I agree my sent is my fav class. Not because of the 2 sabers while that is cool. Its the over all challenge of the class that keeps it my fave. Its not just 4 or 5 button strokes to keep up dps . Its you have to stay on your toes and pay atention all the time type of class that makes them fun to me. Anyone can play a sentinel few can play them well.


Here's the reasoning - I had a number of other friends who play lots of other MMOs who told me "DPS is the easiest for learning to MMO, then healing, then tanking. Take it in that order, and you'll learn to enjoy it all." So that's the way I'm approaching it, so that I can get good at all the different roles the game has to offer.


That's not to say there's a difference between a good DPS and a bad one. But at the basic level it's the easiest to figure out. Basically, follow these two rules:


1) Kill what the Tank tells you to kill - because if s/he goes down, you all go down.

2) Protect the healer - because if s/he goes down, you all go down.


It's surprising though, how many people don't follow those two rules. With my current character, an Operative healer, I often feel like I need to remind the DPS's of their role, i.e., "Hey, you're gonna die if you charge that group before the tank does. And I'm not wasting all my energy on you if you do it again."

Edited by MCesca
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