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Dromund Kaas Cantina VS Coruscant Cantina.


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Coruscant has two cantinas. The one not pictured has a size that more rivals the dromund kaas cantina. Still looks like a dump though.


Actually it has three. There's another one in the Black Sun area. Coruscant is laid out differently, but in playable space, it's comparable if not larger than Dromund Kaas. I really don't get this idea that the Republic gets shafted.

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It's pretty nice to see all the different thoughts on why people like what they liked.


i started Repub, then went Empire. Coruscant was cool, but DK Wow'ed me. I think it's the impression that was left (to me that is).


Coruscant feels much like any tourist place you go to. snazzy at the senate, but head out a bit and you are pretty much in the slums. Which, interestingly enough, fits the idea of a huge capitol. capitol is fancy, but outside of the areas that the "elite" live and work, no one cares. Interesting dichotomy.


DK was almost intimidating in its stance. the towers are right in your face, and they are VERY slick. You walk around the main city, and you can feel how tight of a fist the emperor has on "his" city. the jungles around it are packed full of dangerous creatures and feel very dark and foreboding (which is fantasic!), It really makes it feel like the sith chose that location to show their power. and the sith ruins are amazing. you don't want to compare the sith temple (korriban) to the jedi temple. compared the jedi temple to the ancient sith burial grounds.


the day my first empire toon set foot on the burial grounds was the first time I even felt a bit of "spooky" from the game. very awe inspiring. My favorite line to this day is Mako when you first enter the Sith tomb "I turned off my implant and I can still hear their voices! if I lose it don't leave me down here..."


My biggest let down was the fleet. the republic fleet is very dull looking compared to Empire. I thought empire would be dark and "evil" looking, but it's actually more polished with more brighter things then repub was!


Overall, Dromund Kaas still ranks top on my list of planets. I love the jungle thing, and the city is fantastic looking. But i also want to find out who design the Loc's for the mailboxes in DK and have "that" conversation

Edited by Elyx
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what are you talking about, dealer's den has much more going on than the senate tower cantina. The place at the senate tower is one tiny room with about 5 people in it. Dealer's Den has scantily clad twi'leks, a live band on stage, several seating areas and two backrooms where quests take place.


Players dude, player characters actually in there! ;)

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Coruscant has two big cantina's and one small one.

Dealers Den, Black Sun and the Senate One...


Dromund Kaas has one big cantina.

Yeah Dromund kaas has only one cantina where all the dark lords can go.....



I'm pretty sure the republic has more places to get beer, and they all drive to it...so who's evil now ? The walking drunk Imps or the driving drunk Reps ?

Edited by Kirameki
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Most of the bars/cantinas in this game are deader than any I've been to in real life on a Wednesday afternoon.


The only bar I thought that felt remotely bar-ish was the one in Anchorhead on Republic side. It was full of people and much smaller in size than most. More intimate.

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Last I checked, Coruscant had three cantinas. That's right: three. Dromund Kaas only has the one.




But lets be honest, 2 of the cantinas are off the beaten path if your not in that area adventuring.


Ive always found the senate cantina annoyingly small and the no conversation aspect ticks me off as well.


But in the end (least for me) it comes down to immersion of area and Coruscant has never impressed me honestly.


Nar Shaddaa (with out the hutts) visually looked more like what I pictured Coruscant as.


Not to mention, in the video and movies and everything, the Jedi Temple is above everything yet in the game you have to go through the lower sections of the Works just to get there???


Shouldnt the Jedi Temple Ruins still be above everything???


I mean it didnt sink 50 levels to the planet core did it?


If Im around for expansions, one thing I want to see done in every expansion is Coruscant built and expanded on and made to FEEL like this massive city of 100s of levels.


Taxis are fine but id like to see ALLOT more use of elevators on Coruscant.


The best example of what I think Coruscant should feel like is what Taris was before the bombing in KotOR 1. But much much larger.

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Does Dromund Kaas have other clubs on it in other areas, like Coruscant with The Dealer's Den, and Club Uforia?


The Senate Plaza cantina is not the only one on the planet.


The Dealer's Den is easily as large as the cantina there in Kaas City, and looks a lot better IMHO.

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