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Just got to Lv50...


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You're just impatient. You expect to immediately be on par with people who have constantly been pvping for months after level 50. And anyway, there isn't enough players to have so many layers of segregation in each WZ.


In any kind of competitive play, there is always a skill-based type and a gear-based type. Counter Strike and Unreal Tournament are skill based games. It's the same thing. Someone who has played for a month can't stand up against those who played for years. SWTOR is instead gear based. But the way i see it, any competitive game will require getting trashed...followed by continuous training or grinding.


Are you saying I am impatient because I don't like to be a burden for the rest of my team? Or maybe because I don't like the idea of of having no fun for a long period until I work/grind to be on par? I play for fun and right now I have more fun 1 to 49 then post 50 in PvP.


Also I was there a pre-laucnch and level 2 Char to 50 doing mostly PvP so I too have played for month so why should I be less competitve for splitting on 2 char?


If its not fun people will leave. If new level 50 quit the game or start new chars and don't buy in the End Game PvP (I know what end game pvp you will ask...), the population will get stagnant fo ra while and will then drop over time and it will be the death of PvP in the game. It's a pretty bad economic model...

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First of I'd like to thank all the none trolls that responded.


My point was just that from level 14 to 49 I could keep up with gear and have fun in WZ being competitve every step of the way. At level 50 I'm a burden to my team in each WZ and get faceroll not because I'm not good or people are better but because of the gear. And getting from 50 valor to 60 and having complete Battlemaster gear is long, tediuos and lets admit it not fun. So why make the game not fun for X amount of time and make all fresh level 50 a burden and having a bad first impression of End Game PvP (Which should in all logic be the the apotheosis of PvP in my oipinion)


Secondly, Having only 3 warzones is not much to go on. I do like all 3 but I need more to keep me want to login everyday then the gear grind and repetitiveness of thoses 3 same warzone over and over again.


Finally, I do want a goal or something work towards to. That's a very good and noble point. But I feel competitiveness through gear is not very enticing and is not the way to go in PvP. Frankly, it's just cut and paste from PvE, not very creative or fun.

My idea of a fun world PvP would be something in the lines of a 'Risk' game with multiple factions (not just 2 or 3 but as much a 6 or 8) where you must fight to control more and more zones to gain more rewards and where everyzone is like a vanilla wow Alterac Valley zone with 50 vs 50 population. Now that would be an epic MMO!!


guys he's talking truth here.


this is truth.


he's leveled this whole time from pvp. he's saying that he's developed skill in pvp because thats all he does and he doesnt think its fair that lvl 50 pvp - for fresh 50's - isnt about skill, its about who has the better gear.


he's basically saying, all that time spent in pvp and all that skill and know how means nothing because a fresh 50 cant compete with BM gered 50's no matter how good you are.


i saw that from the OP, the fact that a lot of you didnt means you need to get your head out of your asses.


and the thing is, i called it, i said that this was going to be the problem but again, so many ppl complained and cried on the forums until we got our lvl 50 bracekts. i KNEW this was going to be a problem.

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Dude, I leveled through PvP. So I had 1000-1000 AND A champ bag ready. So I had the max centurion/Champ I could have from the get go. And my gear was optimal at level 49 for PvP. Ding 50 and all that gear becomes worthless and I hit like a barbie doll.


SO I ask : Why should I (and every new 50) be a burden to my team for 10 ranks of valor from 50 to 60 and be less competitive making all WZ I participate less fun for everyone until I get my full BM Set at valor 60 ? Do you guys like your PvP outcome to be determine by the number of fresh 50 in each team? Is that equates to fun for you guys? If you take the time to analyse the situation I'm sure everyone has more fun in a game where everyone is gear equally. I know I do.


That's only because you were used to fight level 10-39 people, if your BG were always full of 40-49 then you'd realize how much more difficult it would have been.


You were the one being too powerful in your last levels if you were THAT well geared before, thus it makes a great difference when you enter the lvl 50 area.


Now, I understand it's not easy for the first couple days but you're obviously exaggerating if you believe you are no match for people until you got full champ or BM.


I've been through this on two characters already, it's a matter of days before you become competitive.



But I agree there should be a starter gear at least, it's been addressed in the 1.2 so you can't complain anymore.

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he's basically saying, all that time spent in pvp and all that skill and know how means nothing


There is no skill involved rolling through fresh level 10-39 in pre50 WZ when you are 40+ with optimal gear.


He was in the same position when he was 40+ against low level players than his opponents are now in the 50WZ against fresh 50.

Edited by Bocherel
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That's only because you were used to fight level 10-39 people, if your BG were always full of 40-49 then you'd realize how much more difficult it would have been.


You were the one being too powerful in your last levels if you were THAT well geared before, thus it makes a great difference when you enter the lvl 50 area.


Now, I understand it's not easy for the first couple days but you're obviously exaggerating if you believe you are no match for people until you got full champ or BM.


I've been through this on two characters already, it's a matter of days before you become competitive.



But I agree there should be a starter gear at least, it's been addressed in the 1.2 so you can't complain anymore.


Well I was lower then 40 much longer then I was over it... And you are much more competitve at 14 vs 49 then a fresh 50 .


But still, my concern is much greater then just losing because of gear. It's the lack of diversity and the whole idea of gear grinding in PvP I find repulsive. I actually enjoy losing to a better opponent because that helps me be better by learning from that person and making me rethink my strategy. But this is not possible when gear decides the winner before the fight.

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guys he's talking truth here.


this is truth.


he's leveled this whole time from pvp. he's saying that he's developed skill in pvp because thats all he does and he doesnt think its fair that lvl 50 pvp - for fresh 50's - isnt about skill, its about who has the better gear.


he's basically saying, all that time spent in pvp and all that skill and know how means nothing because a fresh 50 cant compete with BM gered 50's no matter how good you are.


i saw that from the OP, the fact that a lot of you didnt means you need to get your head out of your asses.


and the thing is, i called it, i said that this was going to be the problem but again, so many ppl complained and cried on the forums until we got our lvl 50 bracekts. i KNEW this was going to be a problem.


Thanks for reading and understanding my point of view. I understand some people do like the game as it is with the gear grind, but others like us keep getting ignored by all new MMO and well it's getting more and more tedious and sad. I'm trying not to get frustrated by the situation. I'm not rage quitting by any means, just can't find the sort of fun I'm looking for in the game so I'm moving on. It's only normal that most people that are still here like what they see because others are already gone... And by looking at the server size (msot are now medium/low pop) my guess is that more people share my point of view and have gone then the number of people who actually do like what we have here. Until a company acknowledge this and do something about it games will continue on the same old model that work once

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hu ? what ? it's very comparable.


We are strictly talking PvP.


That's 3 maps plus one open map that has no purpose and is poorly designed. There is also zero world PvP.


It's not what I feel, I actually have some funs for different reasons but I've been playing so many MMO I couldn't count them and I know what I am seeing right now.



It took them MONTHS to adress the ONE warzone issue, it's a real shame. All we do for now is huttball, that's about it, there is nothing else until the 1.2 comes out.


You cant just pick and choose the content and pretend the rest doesnt exist. World, and logical debates, dont work that way.


You cant play 10% of the game and pretend it was 100% of the game.

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You cant just pick and choose the content and pretend the rest doesnt exist. World, and logical debates, dont work that way.


You cant play 10% of the game and pretend it was 100% of the game.


Nice try, what I said is perfectly reasonable. I'm talking about PvP content, don't try to twist the discussion another way.


And going through your argument : if the PvE is fully functionnal and the PvP is nowhere near finished then it is a half product even by your logic.

Edited by Bocherel
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So you leveled to 50 from just PvP. And somehow, didn't manage to save yourself 1k merc and warzone comms after buying a champ bag before you dinged 50?


Before I entered my first level 50 warzone I had a little over 5% expertise.


After completing my dailies and weeklies that day, I had just under 8%.


And I prepared. I put epic level 49 mods in my gear, so I had a mix of Cent/Champ gear and some really nice PvE gear. Turns out I actually hit harder with the correct gearing that way than I do in full Champ/BM gear.


Maybe if you actually came into things with a positive outlook you would have a better experience. Try not to kill GW2 in your own head with problems that don't really exist.

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So you leveled to 50 from just PvP. And somehow, didn't manage to save yourself 1k merc and warzone comms after buying a champ bag before you dinged 50?


Before I entered my first level 50 warzone I had a little over 5% expertise.


After completing my dailies and weeklies that day, I had just under 8%.


And I prepared. I put epic level 49 mods in my gear, so I had a mix of Cent/Champ gear and some really nice PvE gear. Turns out I actually hit harder with the correct gearing that way than I do in full Champ/BM gear.


Maybe if you actually came into things with a positive outlook you would have a better experience. Try not to kill GW2 in your own head with problems that don't really exist.


Troll attack!

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fresh 50's and new 50's get facerolled proberly 1 shot by BM players which will force mosto f them to quit the game and most already have lol.


its possible its going to be even worse in 1.2


yeah because having it a little bit harder for a few days until you gear up is sooo damn terrible. oh no, i need to put in a few days work before i can compete with those who have been doing this for months, woe is me!

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guys he's talking truth here.


this is truth.


he's leveled this whole time from pvp. he's saying that he's developed skill in pvp because thats all he does and he doesnt think its fair that lvl 50 pvp - for fresh 50's - isnt about skill, its about who has the better gear.


he's basically saying, all that time spent in pvp and all that skill and know how means nothing because a fresh 50 cant compete with BM gered 50's no matter how good you are.


i saw that from the OP, the fact that a lot of you didnt means you need to get your head out of your asses.


and the thing is, i called it, i said that this was going to be the problem but again, so many ppl complained and cried on the forums until we got our lvl 50 bracekts. i KNEW this was going to be a problem.


its not a problem, what are you talking about? it takes literally DAYS to get enough gear to be competative. if you take away the carrot, whats the point in playing? the players who dont care about epeen size will quickly lose interest.

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yeah because having it a little bit harder for a few days until you gear up is sooo damn terrible. oh no, i need to put in a few days work before i can compete with those who have been doing this for months, woe is me!


You really don't get it do you? It's not a question of how hard it is or the amount of effort required. It's a question of FUN. This means I need to have no fun for X amount of time in order to be competitive. But that inst the worse, it also means we all have to deal with all the new 50 all the time and have games decided by how many new 50 we have on our team rather then how good we are as team. It's a question of envisioning PvP as something bigger and better then what is currently offered which is a simple dull gear grind to compete in the same 3 warzones all the time. It's ok for a while but really that's it? And you are satisfied with that? It's enough for you? Well carry on, I/We am/are aiming higher and if you still do not understand it's ok just don't be condescending for your own lack of vision...

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You really don't get it do you? It's not a question of how hard it is or the amount of effort required. It's a question of FUN. This means I need to have no fun for X amount of time in order to be competitive. But that inst the worse, it also means we all have to deal with all the new 50 all the time and have games decided by how many new 50 we have on our team rather then how good we are as team. It's a question of envisioning PvP as something bigger and better then what is currently offered which is a simple dull gear grind to compete in the same 3 warzones all the time. It's ok for a while but really that's it? And you are satisfied with that? It's enough for you? Well carry on, I/We am/are aiming higher and if you still do not understand it's ok just don't be condescending for your own lack of vision...


If you're not having fun then stop playing this game. Go play something else. Most people enjoy having some kind of "carrot on a stick", and is why we play MMOs. If you don't like it that's fine. Just find another game instead of whining about this one.


BW is never going to remove grinding ever. It's the nature of the genre.

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As I am sure many know this already, but PVP life after 50 is completely different. Its more dofficlut of geared folks thats a given, BUT, you have to just about rethink your strategies as well. Post 50 = a lot more premade groups as well.


Food for thought.

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If you're not having fun then stop playing this game. Go play something else. Most people enjoy having some kind of "carrot on a stick", and is why we play MMOs. If you don't like it that's fine. Just find another game instead of whining about this one.


BW is never going to remove grinding ever. It's the nature of the genre.


I did cancel btw... Are you saying PvP is as good as it can be and could never evolve into anything better? If you do why do you even bother responding here? If not how do you expect developers to hear our concern if we do not voice out our opinion?

ANyway like I said players remaining here are those who like what they are given, others have already left... And my opinion is that this is why servers a low/mid pop and keeps going down each month... But nevermind, everything is find and perfect don't change a thing!!

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guys he's talking truth here.


this is truth.


he's leveled this whole time from pvp. he's saying that he's developed skill in pvp because thats all he does and he doesnt think its fair that lvl 50 pvp - for fresh 50's - isnt about skill, its about who has the better gear.


he's basically saying, all that time spent in pvp and all that skill and know how means nothing because a fresh 50 cant compete with BM gered 50's no matter how good you are.


i saw that from the OP, the fact that a lot of you didnt means you need to get your head out of your asses.


and the thing is, i called it, i said that this was going to be the problem but again, so many ppl complained and cried on the forums until we got our lvl 50 bracekts. i KNEW this was going to be a problem.


That's fine and all, but it literally takes about 3 days to gear up for PvP and patch 1.2 has a credit purchased set that is better than current champ gear. RPG PvP is about long term character building, that's part of the competitiveness of the game is building up your character with the right gear and skill build. People need to stop expecting to run in with level 44 green gear and be on par with people in full champ/BM gear, it's not gonna happen and that's WAI. BM gives you a slight advantage over full cent/champ gear and I find that perfectly acceptable and very competitive. But you gotta compare apples to apples, and frankly, leveling greens aren't even in the ballpark.

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I did cancel btw... Are you saying PvP is as good as it can be and could never evolve into anything better? If you do why do you even bother responding here? If not how do you expect developers to hear our concern if we do not voice out our opinion?

ANyway like I said players remaining here are those who like what they are given, others have already left... And my opinion is that this is why servers a low/mid pop and keeps going down each month... But nevermind, everything is find and perfect don't change a thing!!


I have very little issues with pvp. I like the way it is right now for the most part. The only thing that needs done is the fixing of hacks and class balance, but those are things every multiplayer game has to deal with and they aren't cannot be solved quickly.


I'm posting on the forums because I'm still playing this game and am a subbed player. You yourself aren't subbed anymore, so why the hell are you wasting your time and other people's by posting on the forums of a game you don't play anymore. Do you really devalue your own time that much?

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That's fine and all, but it literally takes about 3 days to gear up for PvP and patch 1.2 has a credit purchased set that is better than current champ gear. RPG PvP is about long term character building, that's part of the competitiveness of the game is building up your character with the right gear and skill build. People need to stop expecting to run in with level 44 green gear and be on par with people in full champ/BM gear, it's not gonna happen and that's WAI. BM gives you a slight advantage over full cent/champ gear and I find that perfectly acceptable and very competitive. But you gotta compare apples to apples, and frankly, leveling greens aren't even in the ballpark.


Yes, this is the prevailing PvP going on in swtor. And that's why I cancelled. Now Guild Wars 2 does NOT have gear at all in PvP so I'm still hopeful it will be better then this here. 3 WZ only and nothing else? Give me a break!

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I have very little issues with pvp. I like the way it is right now for the most part. The only thing that needs done is the fixing of hacks and class balance, but those are things every multiplayer game has to deal with and they aren't cannot be solved quickly.


I'm posting on the forums because I'm still playing this game and am a subbed player. You yourself aren't subbed anymore, so why the hell are you wasting your time and other people's by posting on the forums of a game you don't play anymore. Do you really devalue your own time that much?


I cancelled yesterday so technically I'm still sub for a while. Why do I write in the forum. To voice up my opinion before I leave and hope others like me do to so that the next game won't follow the same pattern endlessly only catering for people who like having only the same 3 warzone again and again and a gear grind. That's really all I can do without designing a game myself...

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why do you deserve to play as equals to people who have put more time into the grind ? did you also forget that there are also fresh 50's doing the exact same thing you are doing ? you buy into this whole im worthless to my team because of my gear, but in reality they dont care, they are grinding gear just like you are doing. if you get rolled, big deal. just get your 3 medals and valor and keep going.


if you want fun pvp for your gear level then go to higher level planets and pick fights.

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why do you deserve to play as equals to people who have put more time into the grind ? did you also forget that there are also fresh 50's doing the exact same thing you are doing ? you buy into this whole im worthless to my team because of my gear, but in reality they dont care, they are grinding gear just like you are doing. if you get rolled, big deal. just get your 3 medals and valor and keep going.


if you want fun pvp for your gear level then go to higher level planets and pick fights.


Well , first off most people who have their BM gear did not have to fight people with better gear since the game is new. So they had it easy. Second, having the gear first should not grant you a lifetime advantage over all new players for eternity? What gave them the right to deserve that. 3rd when I do have the gear, why should I deserve to play with less gear people all the time after that?


It's like starting a game of chess with half the pieces because you played more games. That's just ludicrous. And people are actually defending this position. It's crazy!!

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Well , first off most people who have their BM gear did not have to fight people with better gear since the game is new. So they had it easy. Second, having the gear first should not grant you a lifetime advantage over all new players for eternity? What gave them the right to deserve that. 3rd when I do have the gear, why should I deserve to play with less gear people all the time after that?


It's like starting a game of chess with half the pieces because you played more games. That's just ludicrous. And people are actually defending this position. It's crazy!!


The main reason Kasparov did so well in chess was that he grinded enough chesszones to fill his entire back rank with queens.


Think he changed the mods out on a few of them so they could jump over pieces too.

Edited by ShadowOfVey
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Yes, this is the prevailing PvP going on in swtor. And that's why I cancelled. Now Guild Wars 2 does NOT have gear at all in PvP so I'm still hopeful it will be better then this here. 3 WZ only and nothing else? Give me a break!


new game and complaining about lack of content? give me a break.


Enjoy posting on the GW2 forums about the problems they have because well, EVERY game has problems at launch.

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You buy a champ bag and have enough to buy 5 more when u ding 50. You then grind for 2 days get 2 days worth of dailies and a weekly. Boom you got full cent gear and a champ weapon in TWO days of being 50. Wow so hard to grind.


I did this and I played like 5 hours a day only for 2 days. Not that bad a time sink either.

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