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Staying in sub 50 pvp


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So long story short, on our server (the deadweight), we have a guy on the imp side who only pvps, and stays in sub 50 at lvl 49 by quitting before the end of a wz to avoid experience.


He has a full set of lvl 46 pvp weapon mods that give expertise, and a white color crystal for 41 expertise as well. So 250ish expertise, lvl 49 at a hair under 15k HP.


My question is, is this gaming the system, or working as intended? Leaving wz right before the end screen to avoid experience and facerolling lvl 11's seems like not only something that's pretty lame, but also far worse than these mysterious ops groups burning people in 2 seconds.

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So long story short, on our server (the deadweight), we have a guy on the imp side who only pvps, and stays in sub 50 at lvl 49 by quitting before the end of a wz to avoid experience.


He has a full set of lvl 46 pvp weapon mods that give expertise, and a white color crystal for 41 expertise as well. So 250ish expertise, lvl 49 at a hair under 15k HP.


My question is, is this gaming the system, or working as intended? Leaving wz right before the end screen to avoid experience and facerolling lvl 11's seems like not only something that's pretty lame, but also far worse than these mysterious ops groups burning people in 2 seconds.


Hes got a right to do what hes doing, even if it is pathetic. Some people enjoy twinking for whatever reason and beating on people who don't have all their abilities yet and have no talent points to spend. This is usually because they cry about the gear disparity upon entering the Lv50 bracket and how they don't like losing to people with Champion/Battlemaster gear.



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some kids cant handle getting beat, and have to pick on less geared/lower level toons. He's probably been destroyed in every 50 warzone he's ever played, thus resulting in this process.


This most likely isnt the case. I have a fully geared 50 and still find myself wanting to PvP more and more on my 40 jugg. Not because I steamroll people (because I dont) but because:

1. People for some reason seem to work together better in sub 50 games.

2. I find it more of a challenge. Even though at 40 I have most of my skills, below 30 makes the game more strategic IMO. You have to get creative to beat a lvl 49 when your a level 29.

3. There is no reason three, I only have two reason.


But who knows, maybe he is bad and cant handle 50 WZ... but there isnt much to handle anyway.

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The people who stick to level 40-49 characters play at those levels because they are not good enough to compete against a team of their peers.


It's much easier to pick on the teens.


If it were a matter of 'needing a greater challenge', they'd quit every WZ as a level 10, not a level 49. Don't let people feed you that ********.

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I think "gaming the system" is an accurate way to judge it. BW currently allows it; so until it becomes a frequent occurrence, I doubt they'll make any change. Then again they could go the way of old WoW & new RIFT by allowing people to twink. /shrug
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Hes got a right to do what hes doing, even if it is pathetic. Some people enjoy twinking for whatever reason and beating on people who don't have all their abilities yet and have no talent points to spend. This is usually because they cry about the gear disparity upon entering the Lv50 bracket and how they don't like losing to people with Champion/Battlemaster gear.





wait so his doing what he donst want done to him? what a pratt..and THEY enjoy twinking for the very reason they hate it..getting beat on by better geard people... issues..thats all im gnna say..

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people dont seem to realise that hitting level 50 does not make you the champion on the world.


its just like going from 8th grade into highschool.


hitting 50 means welcome to end game which translates into welcome to the real game.

man up. get ur *** kicked and learn while you progress

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Usually people who stay at high 40s are doing it because they can't dominate in the 50 bracket. I mean if you're always winning in the 50 bracket why go to a lesser character? In fact I'd say the difference between the best 50 and even a normal level 50 is wider than a level 49 versus a random guy in level 10-49 bracket.


That said the PvP in 10-49 is pretty fun because you've limited options so you have to improvise. You don't have to worry about Juggs instant scoring with double leaps (Intercede is only available at level 50). Especially for Huttball it's pretty fun for say 3 level 20 or lower guys try to figure out how to get the ball across when they have none of the usual tools needed to score a goal. Of course sometimes the fight gets rather boring too, like the 0-0 Huttball match. I do enjoy the 10-49 because it's a good place to try out new stuff without worrying about the top BMs that will instantly clownstomp you if you deviate from the optimal gameplay. For example if you want to run a Deception Assassin it'll work in 10-49 because your counters don't have all their abilities to totally shut you down yet. In the 50 bracket you'll just get owned by the Marauder/Darkness Assassins.

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He just abuses bioware's flawed system.

I remember many wz games where i scored over 3 goals and got dc after, without gaining anything...

They should give xp during wz and objectives and not after its finished....This will also make less ppl leave when a game is allready lost from the begining.

I grow tired of saying this over and over again. I just hope more ppl like that lvl 49 will do it, so BW will realise what they did wrong.

Edited by unicornfive
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Maybe this person wants to grind up in valor before hitting 50 so they can go strait for BM gear. Just a thought.


No...because he must leave the WZ before it ends in order to avoid gaining EXP that could level him to 50. Therefore, he receives no valor, no commendations, nor credits.

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Sub 50 is really frustrating for me, not sure why anyone would want to stay down there unless its to stroke their epeen by deathmatching everyone. The only time I enjoy sub 50 pvp is when its a bunch of 50s on their alts, otherwise you just watch people make mistake after mistake after mistake. Letting them know or offering suggestions just results in rude responses.
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