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On Luke & Mara Jade getting married...


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For a grouchy old man, Jolee had a lot of wisdom to impart. :D


"I'm not here to satisfy your curiosity! No staring at the old man, that's what the sign says damnit!"


"Well I'll be a wookie's uncle!"


"Apparently I'm not the only person in the conversations who has been recently shot down"


"There I go waxing philosophical again! Somebody blast me already! Let's get going before I start talking in riddles dammit!"


Revan: What do you know of the sith?

Jolee: Bad Bad men, bad women too to be fair

Revan: You must know more than that.

Jolee: Oh indeed, they make a fine sandwich also heh heh heh heh, but don't tell the Jedi council I said that.


(When a Imperial tries to look him in a cell)

Jolee, Mind Trick: This cell is too drafty, my old bones could catch a chill in here, We don't want that, you better let me out.

(imperial lets him out)

Jolee Mind trick: You shouldn't have let me out sonny, that was wrong, Admiral Karath won't be to happy with you disobeying his orders.

Soldier: Yes...What i did was wrong, very wrong.

Jolee Mind Trick: you deserve to be locked up on the cell for disobeying orders.

Soldier: Yes..I deserve to be locked up............WHAT AM I DOING IN HERE? DAMN YOU OLD MAN, I'LL KILL YOU!!!

Jolee: Then I'll be sure to never let you out. Goodbye Sonny!


(after picking a DS choice) "Nice, real nice, maybe later we can find some insects to pull the legs off of "


"I can't say I was pleased to encounter a group of indigenous giant carpets (wookies)."


"I forgot what engines sounded like, closest thing to that on kashyyyk was an Uller in mating season"


Jolee "If your going to kill them, why not just shoot them already, would at least be more direct"

Canderous Ordo: "That's what I'd do!!!"

Jolee "Of course that's what *you* would do"



"Later I realize they would say prayers to the hairless one before descending into the forest. Hmph hairless one, I used to have plenty of hair"


"Me elusive? Obviously you've never tried to grab a twilek dancing girl after drinking too much Ondaran Willek Juice"




"Oh I get it. Let's play with the old man's head, is it? He's half senile, he'll forget I said anything! Wait uh, what was this about, anyway?"

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Actually you are wrong though many did not marry they still had lovers here are a few examples of both: Nomi Sunrider had both Ulic Qel-Droma and Andur Sunrider as lovers, Qui Gon Jin had Tahl as a lover, Quinlan Vos and Khaleen Hentz, Nejaa Halcyon and Scerra Halcyon, Etain Tur-Mukan and Clone commando Darman Skirata, Kit Fisto and Aayla Secura, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Siri Tachi, Tholme and T'ra Saa, Mak Lotor and Kass Tod, and let's not forget the most famous of the bunch Revan and Bastila Shan.
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Actually you are wrong though many did not marry they still had lovers here are a few examples of both: Nomi Sunrider had both Ulic Qel-Droma and Andur Sunrider as lovers, Qui Gon Jin had Tahl as a lover, Quinlan Vos and Khaleen Hentz, Nejaa Halcyon and Scerra Halcyon, Etain Tur-Mukan and Clone commando Darman Skirata, Kit Fisto and Aayla Secura, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Siri Tachi, Tholme and T'ra Saa, Mak Lotor and Kass Tod, and let's not forget the most famous of the bunch Revan and Bastila Shan.


Yes, and those mentioned from the Prequels and Clone Wars kept it a secret from the Council. :p

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Which is why everyone else was there to help pick up the slack for those who were adversely affected by those events. Luke's Jedi Order is more of an extended family than previous Orders were. They all look out for each other as much as possible, and they pick up the slack whenever they can. There seems to be a loyalty there that wasn't there in the Prequel Order, or the Old Republic eras in KotOR and TOR.


Yeah they had people to fall back on, but it doesn't change the consequences of their attachment. For example; Through Leia's attachment to Han she had Jacen, Jacen's own attachment were a part of his fall to the darkside and Luke's attachment to his wife and his son meant that he couldn't personally defeat and stop Jacen, even passing up the opportunity to kill him which he later states he wouldn't have done if the other Jedi present had been anyone other than his own son. Jacen's fall and his survival during that confrontation with Luke lead to death's of millions that might otherwise have been avoided, nearly cost another council member his life and put both Skywalkers on dangerously dark paths.


I do like the loyalty that is displayed in the new order but it can't be denied that it's something of a doubled edged blade.

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This was explained in one of the books. Either the Jedi academy or I, Jedi. Luke did about the no relationship rules but as he worked to restart the jedi many of the people he was bringing in already had lives that included families. He decided it was not best to ask those people to give that up to be jedi.
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Yeah they had people to fall back on, but it doesn't change the consequences of their attachment. For example; Through Leia's attachment to Han she had Jacen, Jacen's own attachment were a part of his fall to the darkside and Luke's attachment to his wife and his son meant that he couldn't personally defeat and stop Jacen, even passing up the opportunity to kill him which he later states he wouldn't have done if the other Jedi present had been anyone other than his own son. Jacen's fall and his survival during that confrontation with Luke lead to death's of millions that might otherwise have been avoided, nearly cost another council member his life and put both Skywalkers on dangerously dark paths.


I do like the loyalty that is displayed in the new order but it can't be denied that it's something of a doubled edged blade.


It's still a better system than the old one. Under the old regime, it was apparent that the Councils were more concerned with keeping Jedi from finding love than they were with actually taking down the bad guys.


The Sith are about to attack!


No! We have more pressing concerns! Two padawans are hooking up! We must stop them at once!


But what about the Sith??


The Sith can wait a minute. We HAVE to find these two and stop them, even if they're in the middle of... you know. The safety of the Order is at stake! Besides, if WE aren't getting any, they aren't either!

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I'm surprised nobody has also brought up the Corellian Jedi order even in TOR timeline. They placed a strong affinity for family in their teachings/ways.


The concept of love leading someone to be unwilling to "do what is necessary for the greater good" was the benchmark of the original code.


When people started identifying that the idea of sacrificial honor was able to attain both in and out of a love-relationship (and conversely, that even Jedi who are not "in love" can still be selfish for other motives), it made it less about a monastic-type lifestyle and more about "where is the honor".

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Women in real life lead men to the dark side, either by jealousy or by breaking them down from constant nagging, making them bitter and hate filled.


Nah, that's just men with no identity or self-esteem.


Metatopical: I find it amusing how this debate mirrors real world debates on sex education.

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They probably wouldn't have approved of her background, but her actions during & after the Thrawn crisis, over 10 years leading up to them realizing they were perfect for each other, would've probably curbed most of Ben & Yoda's doubts.


That's not what I meant, I meant they would be scared of what she would do to them.

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