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More than 50% Sentinels and more than 80% Melees in all games on TOFN


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i couldnt care less what u demand


me and my guild we are looking forward to rated warzones ALOT and i want it to be a good experience and i want it to be BALANCED and not a melee zerg fest which the current metagame indicates


Lol the metagame is a melee zerg fest... no it's not at all you're just QQ'ing about who knows what and for stupid reasons.


we are running a fight club with 4v4 / 8v8 on TOFN and there is only 1 or 2 teams that have 1 ranged class also


8v8 team with 1 ranged class? Ok you have fun not bringing a sniper, sorc, or tracerlol, to your teams and keep your melee clumped up together to take massive AOE damage from people who do stack a few of the previous mentioned classes. Good idea to bring those guys as their ranged damage output is pretty massive.


tunnelvisioning a ranged class results in the ranged class not doing ANY dmg at all its like playing with 1 guy less while a melee class actually can continue to dps


Hard casting ranged classes in a game with so many interrupts = melee game atleast when u play with ppl who actually know what they are doing


You have more than 1 skill... your damage ability gets kicked, use other ones. Oh and it doesnt matter class/spec when going under focus fire, they're going to die so you can't argue melee is too strong when that happens.


and tbh im not saying increase damage of ranged i am saying give ranged a little bit more UPTIME for doing damage



You have 100% up time on a target from 30-0m, be happy you don't have a dead zone and then are forced to use melee abilities.

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while leveling my IA the last week I did about 70 warzones across 5 days. guess what? marauders/sents and assasins/shadows everywhere, at least three up to eight (quite often) melees per match. gz bw on destroying balance.
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while leveling my IA the last week I did about 70 warzones across 5 days. guess what? marauders/sents and assasins/shadows everywhere, at least three up to eight (quite often) melees per match. gz bw on destroying balance.


naw the classes are really gear dependent... those people will get into warzones at 50 and be so out geared and get crushed. Plus it's just all the BH's and Sorcs that rerolled because their getting nerfed some.

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while leveling my IA the last week I did about 70 warzones across 5 days. guess what? marauders/sents and assasins/shadows everywhere, at least three up to eight (quite often) melees per match. gz bw on destroying balance.


I find Melee DPS is ALWAYS the most popular class in any MMO BTW, no matter what.

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while leveling my IA the last week I did about 70 warzones across 5 days. guess what? marauders/sents and assasins/shadows everywhere



Maybe it's because Ilum is dead. There melee classes were f@#$$% in that slide show. Jumping into the crowd = waking up at spawn point. Nearly everyone played ranged ^^



All that whining about melee being outnumbered then haha

Edited by MelodicSixNine
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Considering the facts that u designed ranged classes as turrets that have to hard cast and give melees better defensive cds and a lot of gap closers.


How can u make a statement like the performance of all classes is good and equal ( considering u also nerf the wrong ones like commando in 1.2 )


Must be a coincidence that even in my guild the ranged classes level melee alts now, not because ranged classes are that weak in PUGs, but because they r NO FUN. And as soon as u get rated pvp tunnelvision the ranged casters to victory.


How can u give melee classes superior defensive cds, AOE damage AND multiple gap closers is beyond my understanding


As soon as you figure out how to keep the melee off you, you'll have a lot more fun!

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What? no one dies in this game in 3 seconds in a 1v1. Use your tools against them, you have them.


In warzones kite the person into friendly targets to hope for a peel.

Stun and run instead of stunning and just trying to do damage.


Ranged slow?



don't say you don't have the tools to do it because you do.


Good thing we're fighting marauders with zero abilities who can't leap (on lower CD than sprint), instant slow (no CD unlike force slow), go immune when they want 5 sec to beat on you, once they become immune to CC you can't stop them anyway- you run out of CC after your stun on min CD and mez (which must be casted, and breaks on dots which means it can only be used at the start of a fight)- while doing the least damage in the game, and, losing pretty much all of our already paltry dps if we're standing still (and if we are we're dead).


You're not talking about beating a marauder anyway- you're talking about attempting to run away from a marauder- which in the end doesn't work because marauder closers/CC don't run out as quickly. At least you do realize the only way to handle a marauder 1v1 is to kite them to other players so they can gang up on him- fantastic that the marauder's a class that equals two or more of any other class at all times.


But that's not OP, that's working as intended right?


There's two roles in this game-


1- Marauders

2- Marauder support

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Good thing we're fighting marauders with zero abilities who can't leap (on lower CD than sprint), instant slow (no CD unlike force slow), go immune when they want 5 sec to beat on you, once they become immune to CC you can't stop them anyway- you run out of CC after your stun on min CD and mez (which must be casted, and breaks on dots which means it can only be used at the start of a fight)- while doing the least damage in the game, and, losing pretty much all of our already paltry dps if we're standing still (and if we are we're dead).



Oh you have 0 instant cast damage abilities?


You can't cleanse any of our slows?


99% damage reduction is not immune. Maybe you should save your CC for clutch times instead of just blowing it early?


Stop full resolving them so fast.


Mez has no cast, cost 1 point, and breaks on damage... Don't know what you're complaining about.


I'm pretty sure each ranged profession has a tree with some mobility to it. Use your attacks more wisely please.


You're not talking about beating a marauder anyway- you're talking about attempting to run away from a marauder- which in the end doesn't work because marauder closers/CC don't run out as quickly. At least you do realize the only way to handle a marauder 1v1 is to kite them to other players so they can gang up on him- fantastic that the marauder's a class that equals two or more of any other class at all times.


I'm talking about team play like you should be doing as this is an MMO.


we really only have 1 cc and it's a channeled ability. you can cc break it and damage us while we keep channeling it or you can run away.


But that's not OP, that's working as intended right?


I guess working as intended is letting a melee beat your face in while you stand there... wait that is. That is player error not game is broken.


There's two roles in this game-


1- Marauders

2- Marauder support


Lols. yes. totes man. Play with a team, try to premade, and use vent. Use your team to your effectiveness. Get a class that can guard to help if you need it. This isn't a 1v1 game and even if it was 1v1 is pretty good here. All this QQ is for nothing.

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A ranged team that knows how to focus fire and spread out will destroy a melee train.


All you need to beat a melee train is AoE, guard and taunt.


You can't AE taunt a spread out ranged team but you can completely gimp the DPS of an entire melee train with little to no effort.





Basically people need to Learn to Play.

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Lols. yes. totes man. Play with a team, try to premade, and use vent. Use your team to your effectiveness. Get a class that can guard to help if you need it. This isn't a 1v1 game and even if it was 1v1 is pretty good here. All this QQ is for nothing.


Right right, you're another bad marauder who doesn't know how to play your class and needs everyone else nerfed like they'll be in 1.2 to stand a chance, we get it.


Instant damage abilities? Let's see- shock on a 6 sec CD, a low damage dot that does about 3k in half a minute and disrupts WW. Ya, so much instant damage for a mobile squishy class with no defensive CDs. But you wouldn't know anything about that, since almost all your abilities are instant.


I guess it'd be hard to explain to you that classes that are great 1v1 are still great in groups.


But it's ok, you know so much about the sorc, having never played one, right? You are well aware instant mez is deep in a tree that relies entirely on dots- yet you don't understand that having a full dot spec and your main CC breaking on a dot makes it hard to use that to kite. You say 'don't fill resolve' yet offer nothing for getting away from a marauder- because abilities that do get you away fill resolve, and fast- whereas marauder roots which are free and get boosted in your pvp tree fill no resolve so can be chained without worry.


Never mind with predation you can move faster, that your slows are easier to administer at all times.


But, frankly, any marauder who can't beat sorcs 1v1 is pointless to try to argue against, since you're so unaware of how badly your class destroys sorcs in a good player's hands that you'll never get it.


Basically what's happening here is- you whined until you got every other class nerfed into the ground (you missed sins though), then when attention comes your way you put up your hands and say 'don't whine, learn to play'. It doesn't work that way- your class is going to get the nerfs it deserves, or, everyone will reroll it/quit.


Convenient also that your 'only have 1 CC' ignores your root on very low CD, and your aoe instant mez- what, forget to buy all your abilities? You don't even have to spec into it to get it instant.

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Considering the facts that u designed ranged classes as turrets that have to hard cast and give melees better defensive cds and a lot of gap closers.


How can u make a statement like the performance of all classes is good and equal ( considering u also nerf the wrong ones like commando in 1.2 )


Must be a coincidence that even in my guild the ranged classes level melee alts now, not because ranged classes are that weak in PUGs, but because they r NO FUN. And as soon as u get rated pvp tunnelvision the ranged casters to victory.


How can u give melee classes superior defensive cds, AOE damage AND multiple gap closers is beyond my understanding


I actually saw a quote from Gabe that said melee classes like Sentinels do more DPS than Ranged. Since they should all be within 5% of each other we already know the difference between them. . .but that is interesting to know.

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Instead of crying for nerfs in stupid threads why don't you guys ask for tips on how to kill classes you have trouble with?


you need to stop yapping on your soapbox and realize that some classes are simply overpowered vs others. given that we're wearing similar gear and we aren't relying on team play to interfere for a few seconds, if a melee class wants to kill a ranged class its gonna happen.


i'm not saying its fair, unfair, skill or lack of skill. i'm saying its designed that way, and thats fine. what i take exception to isn't the design, its your fantasy belief that somehow, thru skill, magic, and the power of your positive attitude, its possible to change what is.

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Lols. yes. totes man. Play with a team, try to premade, and use vent. Use your team to your effectiveness. Get a class that can guard to help if you need it. This isn't a 1v1 game and even if it was 1v1 is pretty good here. All this QQ is for nothing.


Thake notes man:


PvP in SWTOR sucks and will suck even more after 1.2


I guess thats ok with you PvEers.


I actually saw a quote from Gabe that said melee classes like Sentinels do more DPS than Ranged. Since they should all be within 5% of each other we already know the difference between them. . .but that is interesting to know.


Gabe pretty much doesnt know what hes talking about (Ilum *chuckle*)


Damion Schubert also said at one time that most players are idiots. Guess that is now fully guiding the development, as shown in 1.2 :D



Edited by GrandMike
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Smugglers are not problem when they use range skills, but when they come with stealth my sniper with 580 expertise lose 70 prc hp with 1 stun rotation.

All melee classes has huge advatage against range.

Consular hit with the aoe rocks 900 per sec, my aoe bullets hit him 400 per sec max.

The sword thorw makes more damage than my ambush.

As a sniper i have no point to go 1 vs 1 against most of melee classes who has equal amount of expertise.



I just want to say are you playing 1 on 1, 1 on 1 are not balanced as stated multiple time by bioware, the factions are balanced.


Sniper are bad???? what a lie. If you have melee players in your team and you tell them to keep the melee oponents grounded you can either focus the healers to stop them healing hteir melee or you can shot down the melee and then everyone moves onto the ranges/healer.


When will you crying people discuss strategy with your premade or pick up group?


Yes I am a sentinel and when I can get to a sniper one on one, I destroy him, but I get destroy one on one by an operative with initiative, I can't kill a healer one on one (match is infinite, no winner). Tanks are so long to kill solo that going after them one on one is not worth it.


1 vs 1 is not swtor, it is street fighter or such game (soulcalibur...). swtor is all about teams and strategy when players are closely geared (meaning should be cool with 1.2 entry gear for pvp).


If there is enough melee or tank to protect the ranged and healers in my team, I am usually going after ranged/healer of opposite team, healer is clear enough why especially if there are more healers on opposite teams, ranged? beacuse they mow the melee from afar (sniper can destroy me in 5 seconds top if I am in a melee match, bounty hunter with their missiles is no better, lighting is not worth mentioning ^^).


So try to take into acocunt the whole faction effect, try a melee class, a healer or a tank. See the other roles for yourself or reroll in the opposite faction. Then you will see that not all is rose for the others (or just dissect the warzone report, how many time you died, how many time opposing dps died, healers, tanks...)


Except in cleary disbalanced game due to advanced class disparities or absence of strategy (or vocal server for one side) match are usually balance in those. The game can even be won by the lowest score team (usually when opponents are playing to kill and not for the objectives).

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Aw come on guys, do you have to nerf us poor marauders?


Just because I save my force leap for after the ranged guy inevitably pushes me away and, thinking he is safe, begins a long channel skill that I then interrupt with my force leap?

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Considering the facts that u designed ranged classes as turrets that have to hard cast and give melees better defensive cds and a lot of gap closers.


How can u make a statement like the performance of all classes is good and equal ( considering u also nerf the wrong ones like commando in 1.2 )


Must be a coincidence that even in my guild the ranged classes level melee alts now, not because ranged classes are that weak in PUGs, but because they r NO FUN. And as soon as u get rated pvp tunnelvision the ranged casters to victory.


How can u give melee classes superior defensive cds, AOE damage AND multiple gap closers is beyond my understanding


What is this 'multiple gap closers' you keep talking about? As a Marauder, I can say that I only have ONE. Force Charge. And then again, people push me back instantly all the time.

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I've beaten conqueror marauders, ones that are very good, in 1v1s on my snipers. I need all CDs up to do so however and it's close, don't always win. You can't be jumped to while in cover, proper use of roots and CC and chain CDs and kiting can allow you to win. Could they just LoS you? Yes, but then u just leave if they do that. I enjoy fighting the marauder and sents who are skilled enough to fight head on and still have a chance. Do they realize they could leave and come back when CDs are down, sure but thats not as fun. 1v1 in this game is balanced between some classes on equal gear skill level and is fun. Operatives/Scoundrals destroy most 1v1. PvP in an MMO needs to balanced for group combat anyway.


Yesterday I fought a conqueror marauder. One of the better ones on my server. Yes I lost, but the other player has 150 health left. It was a great match and I always enjoy 1v1ing this player when all our CDs are up. I get destroyed if even one is down, but hey. Melee shouldn't instant die to ranged. Ranged NEEDS to work for it VS melee.


I just find this whole thread pretty sad in general.

Edited by Lithy
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naw the classes are really gear dependent... those people will get into warzones at 50 and be so out geared and get crushed. Plus it's just all the BH's and Sorcs that rerolled because their getting nerfed some.


Yeah I really doubt that. Gear can only carry you so much in 50. Class balance is out of whack in this game. Buffing a class that already puts out some of the best burst damage in the game like Marauders makes no sense.


Poor gear itemization currently leaves me with about 2k less hp than my PVE Rakata set in full BM gear. "But you have better survivability because of your 650 expertise!" you say, wrong. I still get crit for 3-4k dmg per big attack by Maras who are damn near impossible to keep off you.

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Melee have a lot of gap closers? That's news to me.


Marauder and Jugg both have 1 with 2 talented.


Operatives Have stealth


Assassins have stealth and sprint with a talented pull.



The amount of gap closers for melee in this game isn't bad at all considering every ranged class has a knock back also.


Also a ranged classes best defense is exactly just that, RANGED. You can do damage to someone and take none if you know how to play. So learn to kite instead of being like LOLDAMAGE while a melee beats you in the face, sometimes you have to sacrifice that big damage to survive and just use your instants to kite a melee.


The problem is, if a marauder/sent has half a brain, you can't kite them. Annih has low cd charges - combine that with crippling slash and I've yet to get successfully kited by a range class. Hint, good marauders only lead with charge when they know the target doesn't have a KB up. Just sayin.

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