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I'm new to sentinel and have only tried the focus tree. Can you explain what the differences, and key mechanics changes are between the trees. I know focus deals with burn damage.




The lnk for new players is,






if you have any more specific questions that are not answered in that guide feel free to come back and ask in this thread.

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The lnk for new players is,






if you have any more specific questions that are not answered in that guide feel free to come back and ask in this thread.


Nice guide, it will take a while to go over. I main an operative healer, so I am by no means an unexperienced or ("new") player, but I am leveling my sentinel (lvl 37 by now) and just curious about what the different play styles are within the sentinel specialization. Sparing myself from reading lenghthy guides about stuff I mostly don't care about I was hoping for a short-form answer :) Thats all!

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Nice guide, it will take a while to go over. I main an operative healer, so I am by no means an unexperienced or ("new") player, but I am leveling my sentinel (lvl 37 by now) and just curious about what the different play styles are within the sentinel specialization. Sparing myself from reading lenghthy guides about stuff I mostly don't care about I was hoping for a short-form answer :) Thats all!



Six posts up respnding to Leficartia might be a short bit of information instead of a guide for pvp.



Also it is possible to use the primer as a glossery rather than reading the whole thing through.

Edited by RakeHoxven
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The natural flow for Watchman is amazing, the specials just seem to fit as a progression building single target damage. I am concerned that come 1.2 there will be more of a focus on cleansing from healers mitigating our DOT's so I have been toying around the focus tree which feels disjointed with a lack of focus building. For high level pvp what do you think will be more important, the random spike damage of focus or specific single target damage of watchman?


P's. No need to say both are viable, I know that, and I'm look for a more in-depth analysis.



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The natural flow for Watchman is amazing, the specials just seem to fit as a progression building single target damage. I am concerned that come 1.2 there will be more of a focus on cleansing from healers mitigating our DOT's so I have been toying around the focus tree which feels disjointed with a lack of focus building. For high level pvp what do you think will be more important, the random spike damage of focus or specific single target damage of watchman?


P's. No need to say both are viable, I know that, and I'm look for a more in-depth analysis.




The advantage to watchman is that the way Watchman DoTs flow, purges dont really set you back too far. They only last 6 seconds.. unless the healer is incredibly on the ball and drops everything to clear them, their duration will already have laid down most of their effect before they are gone.


Also, Overload Saber makes it where your attacks constantly layer them on... if they purge right away, youre following attacks will plant more. If they wait for all 4 to be active, they have to sit and burn through the first few. Plus Overload saber lasts 15 seconds with a 15 second cooldown...so its almost always either active or ready to go.


On top of that, Slash and Merc Slash give Cauterize the constant threat of a reset. This gives Watchman a lot more DOT-ability than a healer realistically has purge-ability.


If Watchman were based on one or two long duration, long cooldown DOTs the purge would be a threat, but its based on a constant stream of hit and fade DOTs that makes purges hard to counter them with.

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The natural flow for Watchman is amazing, the specials just seem to fit as a progression building single target damage. I am concerned that come 1.2 there will be more of a focus on cleansing from healers mitigating our DOT's so I have been toying around the focus tree which feels disjointed with a lack of focus building. For high level pvp what do you think will be more important, the random spike damage of focus or specific single target damage of watchman?


P's. No need to say both are viable, I know that, and I'm look for a more in-depth analysis.





TLDR version: I agree with thepilk (except overload saber is 12s cooldown). Also overload saber is the only concern except for maybe juyo stacks but all that depends on how long the cooldown of purge is. The way pvp works it is unlikely that purge will make a big difference because healers are too busy healing their party or themselves when focusing them. Usually healers die easiest when being interrupted and die fastest with more than one player focusing on them which means less time and relevance for purge. If purge has a greater than 10sec cooldown purge will be irrelevent if making a decision to switch specs solely because of it.


Long boring version: deleted to save eye strain.

Edited by RakeHoxven
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A good low fat bran muffin will have more fiber, which is better nutritionally speaking. doughnuts will not only make you feel bloaty but will also only provide a temporary sugar rush followed by a crash, wheras a healthy muffin will keep you through in the long run. Also muffins wont leave glaze on your fingers, causing you to then gunk up your keyboard or make you constantly lick your finger, thus slicking them.


Id reccomend a toasted multi grain bagel with a low sugar preserve over either though, depending on your spec of course.


Fiber will make you need to go #2 more often, stick with donuts :p

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The advantage to watchman is that the way Watchman DoTs flow, purges dont really set you back too far. They only last 6 seconds.. unless the healer is incredibly on the ball and drops everything to clear them, their duration will already have laid down most of their effect before they are gone.


Also, Overload Saber makes it where your attacks constantly layer them on... if they purge right away, youre following attacks will plant more. If they wait for all 4 to be active, they have to sit and burn through the first few. Plus Overload saber lasts 15 seconds with a 15 second cooldown...so its almost always either active or ready to go.


On top of that, Slash and Merc Slash give Cauterize the constant threat of a reset. This gives Watchman a lot more DOT-ability than a healer realistically has purge-ability.


If Watchman were based on one or two long duration, long cooldown DOTs the purge would be a threat, but its based on a constant stream of hit and fade DOTs that makes purges hard to counter them with.


Overload Saber CD is 12s btw.

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What is the stat priority for a watchman spec?





pvp gear has the same stats no-matter what. Since all high end gear stacks accuracy there is no need to be concerned about it. I find that 95 -98% accuracy is important.



Power next, then Strength (this will be on all your gear anyway), and Surge/Crit tie for last. Surge works well with Zen, However searing saber increases surge by 30% so adding extra surge with the diminishing returns just for cauterized zen(if not adding crit for the non auto-crit skills) is not going to make a big difference. Crit helps all skills but isn't a high priority since power and strength do more steady damage which is the way the watchman skills string together in effective rotations.

Edited by RakeHoxven
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