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Slow Site Loading


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Or your ISP isn't very good, or there's an issue with the routing from your location to the website, or your browser needs updating, cache cleared, addons added or removed, your computer could need cleaning and maintenance or upgrades...


Lots of things could be happening which are much more likely than what you are insinuating.

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i believe you have failed to read what i said. How would my ISP or anything you said affect this? I can connect perfectly to youtube and facebook and google at the same time in the same browser. Obviously this site is just badly designed just like this game. Nothing new here. amirite?
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Yeah, I'm at work, with a capped bandwidth, and everything loads instantaneously. What is it with "everything is BW's fault"?


cuz it is biowares fault. bad game, bad devs, just bad bad bad man. When i hear bioware being talked about, i just hear "bad" or "failware"

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cuz it is biowares fault. bad game, bad devs, just bad bad bad man. When i hear bioware being talked about, i just hear "bad" or "failware"


I think the problem has more to do with you and your anger management than it does iwth Bioware.


Web site loads near instantaneously for me.

Edited by Kthx
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So the guy on his phone and my office both have a magical website fixer that repairs all the terrible code as it travels in from our ISP's and enables it to work perfectly for us and only us? I guess you better go buy one of those then. Well, the site works great at the house too, come to think of it, so my wife must've picked up the magical website fixer at wal-mart at some point too. She didn't mention it, so it must have been pretty cheap, and easy to install too, she's not very tech savvy.
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