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Arena Is Needed


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I just wanted to start this thread to get the idea out there.

That This game needs an Arena system.

Three friends and I have found ourselves re-activating our wow accounts. Just so we can arena. This is a pain as I am now dividing my focus back away from SWTOR.

To wow just because of the arena system.

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I just wanted to start this thread to get the idea out there.

That This game needs an Arena system.

Three friends and I have found ourselves re-activating our wow accounts. Just so we can arena. This is a pain as I am now dividing my focus back away from SWTOR.

To wow just because of the arena system.


I absolutely agree with that, this game "Needs" a competitive PvP system. WZs or Rated WZs wont be competitive enough for any Hardcore PvPer. By now I'm sure the results and statistics have shown how popular the PvP is compared to PvE in this game, and the number of PvPers in this game is going very very strong. not just in this game but most MMOs out there.

Arena bring another level to this game and it teaches people how to have better and faster reaction time, coordination, teamwork, also learn how to CC and interrupt properly. Unlike most WZs were you see 4 people trying to kill one person which is being healed by a Merc 2 feet away, yet none of the simple jacks think twice, that maybe, MAYBE it be a good idea if they throw a CC on that healer or go and interrupt her heals instead of continuing a failed attempt to Zerg another player down while being healed.


I don't like to compare games here but I must say that I've played WoW for 5 years, and hands down I would have quit that game after 2 years if it weren't for the very fun Arena system that they had implemented in that game, which literally attracted Millions of PvPers to that game and kept them as long-term subscribers.


Grouping with 8 players random or pro players on your server is no more than a Zerg fest, and not much of a real competition. Though I do respect the idea of this company taking Ideas from other successful games and implementing it into their game, yes rated WZs with 8 players an exact duplicate of ( Rated BGs) what wow introduced around the WOTLK expansion nearly 2 years ago, but this won't stick for too long for most of those PvPers out there looking for a challenge. How many Instanced Rated WZs will people do before they become bored? with no good World PvP and reward and no Arenas, I don't see most serious PvPers sticking around.


There is no real world PvP in this game, because of fears of losing subscribers I mean Carebears who join ("PVP") servers instead of PVE, get camped a few times, go on the forums and cry or decide to quit. This is the first game that I have seen with a very evasive and bad World PvP design. It needs improvement and less instance zones and more faction interactions by putting quests of both factions or gathering materials in the same zones, and rewarding World PvP decently with accommodations.


Illum would have made it as a great PvP zone A) Had there been decent rewards for World PvP and no not talking about rewarding big groups and Zerging others or having 2 Ops going at it for easy rewards, rather very small groups or 1 on 1s should be rewarded much better than a group, because it requires more skill. B) Add Material gathering Nods and Quests into the PvP area to draw conflicts and reason to PvP rather than separate zones like we have seen from lvl 15-49 and instance a lot of the content. ( again this is a PvP server talk not PvE), so people on PvE won't ever have to worry about this conflicts. C) Create better Objectives, rather than toss 5 giant robots in the center of Illum which even with futuristic technology still can't shoot each other at point blank. Maybe have them do random Aoes around the zone that Does damage, so it gives it a live and real PvP environment feel. D) A wasteland covered in snow isn't the most fun and creative place to go and PvP in.


I Rarely waste my time making points to others because most so called average minds or inexperienced people don't want to sit down and figure out by themselves that 2+2 is 4 not 3-5 or 14 nor are they willing to ask for help or go out there and take someone else's ideas or suggestions, because psychologically we all like to think we're in full control and understand. I've had and seen many good PvPers on my server quit, both from Republic and Imperial, I didn't like to see that from the opposing faction because, they put out a very good competition and skill, nor did I like to see skilled people from my faction side leave either.


To further clear things this game needs way more than a simple Rated WZs to keep its PvP fans. A) A proper World/Planet PvP design and "system" and B) Arenas, these are two big topics which should not be overlooked and worked on immediately to keep the majority of the real PvP fans from migrating away.



My PvP Video

Edited by Pregnancy
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I just wanted to start this thread to get the idea out there.

That This game needs an Arena system.

Three friends and I have found ourselves re-activating our wow accounts. Just so we can arena. This is a pain as I am now dividing my focus back away from SWTOR.

To wow just because of the arena system.


If you want arena just like WoW, do what this guy did, go back to WoW.



Problem solved.


Nothing good will come of putting Arena in this game, and if you just want to deathmatch, go to Illum and set up some matches.



If you are seriously going back to WoW just for Arena, then I don't think this game is for you in the first place.

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By now I'm sure the results and statistics have shown how popular the PvP is compared to PvE in this game


That's because there is no dungeon finder. As of now it's easier to gear up through PvP just cause you can click que, if there was a LFG ppl wouldn't be PvPing as much, (look at all the complaints on these boards). But Bioware couldn't figure that out

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oh yes this game needs arena to constantly nerf and buff classes... i don't feel like going through that crap again.


it's stupid to see a constant flow of nerfs and buffs because the way teams work and such and such is op'ed comp then a class from it will get nerfed.

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That's because there is no dungeon finder. As of now it's easier to gear up through PvP just cause you can click que, if there was a LFG ppl wouldn't be PvPing as much, (look at all the complaints on these boards). But Bioware couldn't figure that out


To be honest, what most MMO companies need these days beside their amazing game designers, programmers, coordinators and directors is, a solid and experienced staff made up of group of hardcore gamers who played many MMOs in the past, and currently play this game full time with different classes both PvE and PvP.


Then sit down with these gamers and view and discuss flaws, issues and proper designs for this game rather than have a Joe who knows who, who was promoted to senior X designer just for being able to do a good graphic job to sit down and build a self proclaimed very inflated genius idea for a new PvP/PvE system after having a heavy Burritos and chilly lunch or sometimes no idea at all. Lets wait another few months, 345 Buritos later.


Dick: It has been 3 months guys, anyone have a better idea for PvP or PvE? what should we do? Joe: Whats for lunch, I'm hungry! anyone for Burritos? Akhmed: I'm down for a Double Down Bacanator.

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oh yes this game needs arena to constantly nerf and buff classes... i don't feel like going through that crap again.


it's stupid to see a constant flow of nerfs and buffs because the way teams work and such and such is op'ed comp then a class from it will get nerfed.


That is an MMO community problem, not an arena problem, and not a bioware problem. Look at the threads right now, is it any different? No. "Nerf this and buff that" is everywhere.




Arenas need to happen. IF not for anything other than >>>>>FUNNNN<<<<<< at LEAST put them in for fun. Now if they reward gear etc etc can be argued legitimately but denying features allowing players to fight each other on terms other than 8v8? Even for fun? That is moronic.


And before "go organize some event through sub-forums/general chat and tell people to show up because everyone knows everyone will listen and its definitly not like herding cattle" just don't even try to pull that crap. Just don't.



We can't even duel on the fleet for fun, we have to travel to a planet or go start a flashpoint in the black talon and duel in that starting area with people on the same team that also accepted the quest: hassle.



Do I do it still so guildies and friends can duel? Yes. Should I have to? No. Do I have a right to say it is needed? Yes. Why? Because it is.



Here it is Bioware: at MINIMUM give players the option to fight each other in a square untextured room in a 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, up through 8v8 for FUN with no rewards. AT MINIMUM this should happen, and at LEAST players WILL have fun mixing it up doing that. That requires literally negative amounts of work, and would make pvp in this game so much more fun and alive.

Edited by MrXen
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Here it is Bioware: at MINIMUM give players the option to fight each other in a square untextured room in a 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, up through 8v8 for FUN with no rewards. AT MINIMUM this should happen, and at LEAST players WILL have fun mixing it up doing that. That requires literally negative amounts of work, and would make pvp in this game so much more fun and alive.



That might delay their Burrito&Chilly lunch, and they need that to get inflated ideas for PvE/PvP.

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is it really that hard to go to outlaws den and set up your 2v2, or 3v3, or 4v4 or whatever. STOP being so lazy people.


Arena is not AT ALL NEEDED.


it would be a total waste of dev time to set up something the players can easily do themselves if they would just stop QQ and wow comparisons and just play the firiggin game. All adding arena would do is hurt the games class balance and become and endless nightmare of nerfs/buffs. SWTOR is much better to stay balanced towards ops and warzones, no arena added ever please. do not want

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Greetings Everyone,


We see that you are making a request that arenas be included in the game. We do have a thread covering this topic of discussion on the forums.


Arena, implement competitive PVP.


To help us consolidate discussion on this topic, we're going to ask that you join the thread to share your thoughts on this topic and to offer constructive feedback.


Thank You!

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