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Things I don't understand about BH powertech.


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Nobody mentions about powertech.


What im referring to is powertech shield (tank)

I would like someone to me explain is bioware ignoring this tree.


Why shield tree is going Even more broken tree when 1.2 is release.


I like powertech shield but what i don't understand is why bio Dev's even bother making it a tanking

class. Think about it like this pro vs cons.


Pro shield class

Good for taking damage

highly effective at damage midegation

Heavy armour class offer damage reductions

can play both part of range and close range fighting


Con shield class

Very low dps lower than all of tree or hybrids

weak self healing

No CC ability lasting

only true anti moving/restrict skill

Heavy armour protection and shielding 18% chance at best to defend yourself (last time i did checked my math 18%def vs 90% accuracy = im still getting hit)



This is what i don't understand is we have skills which are consider AOE (AREA OF EFFECT)

BUT all they truely are is skill that if your lucky may do damage if the enemy don't notice you before

you leap in a crowd of enimes which in the it would to show them "hey im here it me don't

worry it will only take you a few seconds to a minute to kill me. "

need i remind you that i can only aoe 5 targets at one time even if there standing close together. wow the other 5 standin there are really lucky don't you think.


So lets look at my options having in my tree the lowest in the tree is call steely resolve it give me +9% aim

of aim. ok so if my completely naked and not recieving any stats my aim should be at 99% and any any more addtional

more aim would put me at lowering def of others targets.


So why is my aim only at 98%? Since my primary stat is aim why with all my gear on im still only at 99%


im still trying to figure out why in the pyro tree is a skill (degauss) that is clearly ment for shield is over in that part of the tree


Trying to pvp in this spec cause obviously you had want a Hybrid spec out of Bounty hunters


well i tried to pve in this class and clearly Failed at it. Getting one shoted in kP with shield up is clear sign of tree failure


In pvp


let see what i can do how about "nothing".


First off i have find a target to pass guard too just get my 4th set bounus to work.

just to get my 4 awards.


Watch as my health goes down by the Thousands because shield tree isn't suppose to be a high dps class what happen to my protection?

what happen to my expertise defense?

What good am i? What does a tank class bring to the table as bounty hunter?

Then when my cc only last for about 1.2 sec Aoe and my single target CC last for about 3-4 seconds.

lets not forget about my grapple wow a skill that brings the target to me pretty awesome skill on foutune it for me it i can only us it one "enemy targets"

while sith and jedi can push and pull there friend and enemies.



So what class am i going to be strong against?

can't be strong against healer cause he will just laugh at me while he heals off my weak dps. (Healer)

can't be strong against a commando reduction on my armor turn into paper for everyone else (Dps/tank)

Can't be strong against a operative cause im down to long on the ground to for me to get a bubble off. (DPS)

or my personal favorite i get blind by a cc even if i was turn the oppsite direction and stand still there hold my

with a mask and protective eyeware? Did common since didn't factor into any of dev's thinking when the created that cc.


So let me get this Straight. How effective is This tank class that can't cc boss can not do damage very well be very effective

and pvp you just let bring a pen to a lightsaber fight and let the best player with the most dps get all the awards braggin rights


1.2 the only change i did notice to be of use besides all the obvius nerfs is that powertech one useless skill for getting rid of heat is now

No longer on the GDC. Honestly how does this translate into a shield class don't fully understand myself.


You might as well call my class Heavy paper weight class.


If you want a solution instead of hearing my complain.

How about making it so that at least one tanking class each is strong against of the three types specs of other class type since i am tank should be strong against healers cause when look at the pvp boreds and notice healers doing more damage and healing than most other classes yeah you guys are going to lose alot of players with this stale one side combat.


i want some to link there dps as a powertech shield bet that where will alway been a soc, commando, or operative doing more 2 maybe even 3 times more kills damage or healing.

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you know tanks are not built to do damage right??? Not to mention AIM is not accuracy, aim increases you offensive abilties not how well you point your gun.






i dunno if you are trolling or this is how bad the MMO gamer has become

Edited by Hizoka
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shields aren't considered to be very viable for pvp because most of the spike damage you find in pvp goes through your sheild....2 of the classes that tend to do the most damage through your shield (sorcs/sages & ops/scoundrels) are getting nerfed....so its not a huge suprise that they're toning down shields in response to this...


as far as your role in pvp goes, you need to get past the whole idea that your tank needs to over power a certain class or solo certain classes, warzones are about group pvp, there's nothing more annoying than when some tank sits in the background spamming aoes and you know damn well there's nothing you can do about it


the other thing you need to keep in mind is if that you're going to play the role of a tank, then you're not going to be some solo killing machine, you need to work with a healer or another dps that you can help protect at the same time while burning down enemies


If i see 2 troopers or 2 bhs standing together you can best believe that i'm going to run the opposite direction of them....if there's 1 trooper or 1 bh wandering around alone looking for someone to 1v1 while they stand in melee range of you, best believe they're going to get focused and killed FAST


Its really all about your playstyle, if you find it frustrating being a ranged tank now, you have to ask yourself is the new moves i get while leveling up going to make my life easier? will it make it worth it?

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Granted that your right! i should not expect to be top dog on the charts of pvp but it should the rock paper scissor way of thinking should be appiled. Alot of mmo's builds are around this way of thinking. No im not saying that tanks in general need true job. What im saying is that Tanks should be looking for healers and stoping them from there job. only one skill i have that can do this and it only base on a channel interrupt, not a true shut down of healing ability. Team work should be hand in hand with job assignment tank should be looking for the healer to stop there heals to other players and get bounus for finding them and keep them for doing there job healer job is to keep there tank and dps up players up. The only players that should have the choice of defence and offence is Dps. For a bounty hunter the name describes what i should be doing Hunting a target, capture or defeat my target. Not wait for my team to assist me for capture/kill of my job target. Target being that of pvp healers which is why so many healers now are getting way with murder and high healing and dps on the charts.
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in your statement you mention i should protect. What does tank truely protect? Bounty hunter is not going to protect others if i had that aborbing bubble like the healers does then i would be protecting since all offer is a 1 soft shell shield that reduces damage taken from one target it not true protection or the huge a bubble that opertives use which offer a way more protection than i could ever offer make me look like bounty hunter shield is still a meat bag class.


Somone please explain to me what the proper role in pvp for powertech shield? I can't truely look at my target in shield spec and stop him prevent him from keeping doing his job what is the point of putting pvp skills in this tree?

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So...you're using shieldtech spec for pvp and think your damage is too low? Go check out Taugrim's Ironfist spec, best of both worlds. Good survivability, awesome critical damage, good mobility.
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In general Powertechs and really all tank ACs are supposed to be your "disruptor" in PvP. They lock onto high threat targets, spam taunts in every direction to minimize enemy damage output to teammates, and use their control abilities to keep squishies alive. Regardless of your skill tree choice, you are supposed to be an annoying high threat target to your foes who keeps them from doing their jobs.


Now, if you spec AP or PyroTech you focus more on killing enemies whereas if you spec Shieldtech your goal is more to further protect yourself by gaining mitigation and your teammates by Guarding and taking the damage for them. As a Shieldtech you also have the best CC ability for the class with your three roots and reliably slow on top of the two stuns we get baseline; these control attacks are specifically meant to protect teammates by peeling enemies off of them as well as to prevent enemies from either capturing a node or stopping your team from capturing the objective.

Edited by Mapex
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what i am realizing - to my dismay - is a bh shieldtechs role in pvp is to protect. find a sorc (any healer really), guard him/her, and make sure they dont go down. more or less you are the right arm of the healer. its not glamorous. its not that much fun. but you do get points for protection and the longer the healer youre guarding stays alive the better your teams chances for success. i have yet to figure out huttball...lots of movement and hard to stay with who youre guarding. it will just take more time i guess to play and understand that style cause im not giving up my shieldtech.


pve however i think shieldtechs pwn. i have successfully completed KP and EV (which i thought was harder than KP) a few times being the main tank. just takes some time and knowledge...


im not new to my toon. i am however new to FPs and WZs although ive been fighting in them for awhile. but ive been fighting in them all wrong until recently. find a healer and protect them. launch your threat missles at opposing dpsers on teammates. shieldtechs are built to help and protect...they are not built to lead. believe me...i hated this realization but after doing this a few times it has been much clearer at what a shieldtechs true role is.


or i could be wrong and shieldtechs have zero place in pvp and im just too stubborn to admit it.

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I love sheild teck in pvp you are like a swiss army knife and a vital part of any good rated team.


BUT yes you are right in some aspect yes tank assasins do more damage and JUG's have a better def cool down and can jump all over the playce preety much whenever they want.


One thing that I think they do need to change but I dont think they will because it will make us to OP is move the CC immunity and stable armour that give 20% damage reduce while stunned in AP at the bottom of the tree so we can pick it up. Because those would be beast mode

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You're obviously playing you're role wrong in WZ's. It sounds like to me that you're more interested in doing damage rather than throwing your shield on a healer (Smart tanks know who their healers are) and using your taunts on enemies that are attacking your allies. Healers restore health, DPS does damage, Tanks PREVENT as much damage as possible. Don't get me wrong you're still going to do damage but that isn't your focus as a tank in PvP. If you have a good healer with you then you two could change the tide of victory to your favor.
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I was going to start writing a long post explaining why each of your argument is false, but these things have been explained hundreds of times. It is very obvious that you do not have a solid grasp on the class in general, not just shieldtech.

Search the forums for hints, specs, rotations, advice on how to play a "tank" in pvp. Tanks are essential, especially in 1.2 rated WZs.

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Ok, if you are talking about shield techs in pvp, you have to think about what your mission is. If its hutball, they tell you what it is. Grab the ball, throw the ball, get the ball across the line, anyway you can. My main got to level 45 has a pyro and I loved it. My job was to HURT people. I changed to shield teck, and I love it to, but my job changed. Now my job is to score, or grab the ball carryer from the other side and pull them into traps, stun lock them, and protect the team. Jet charge is amazeing for scoreing. Get the ball into thier pit, there is 90% of the time some just respawning you can jump at when they get near the lip to see whats going on. Was able to steal a victory with two quick scores this way more then once.

If you are talking alderan, my job (as a shield) is to guard a turrent long enough for back up. I teamed with a jug that was actually guarding ME, and we held center and didnt die once. Grapel and charge are not "high damage" skills, but boy are they fun in pvp.

Also number one rule of pvp is "Always hunt in packs", if all you want to do is duel, these war zones are not for you. I think bw did an awsome job with these goal oreanted battle grounds.

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I was going to start writing a long post explaining why each of your argument is false, but these things have been explained hundreds of times. It is very obvious that you do not have a solid grasp on the class in general, not just shieldtech.

Search the forums for hints, specs, rotations, advice on how to play a "tank" in pvp. Tanks are essential, especially in 1.2 rated WZs.


QFT - sounds like hes playing wrong class :(


and here I was feeling OPed in pvp...

Edited by Prolyfic
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