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Build for leveling...Anil or Carn?


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Greetings, I've been reading the forums and it seems that Anil spec seems to be preferred for end game PvE and PvP more so than the other two specs.


But what about leveling? Would Anil or Carn serve me better during the leveling process? After reading about Anil, it seems it relies heavily on it's DoT mechanics, which might not have time to tick to their full potential while leveling.


I thank you in advance for your time and responses!

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With 1.2 so close, I'm actually starting to think rage might be the way to go for levelling, short fuse and defensive form will build an aweful lot of fury which now fuels your smashes. Maybe 10-40 with anni/carnage and the rest with rage, time will tell.
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I can only speak for myself but I levelled as Carnage and loved the b'jesus out of it.

Granted it only really comes alive once you hit level 40 and pick up Massacre.

You're right about the bleed mechanics of annihilation taking time to build up. And unless you're fighting strong or above mobs you won't get full benefit.


Likewise I levelled my guardian, mostly as defense, which is their Immortal tree, but changed to Focus(Rage) for a brief period thinking it'd be better for taking down packs of easier mobs, this wasn't the case.


What I'm trying to say is, regardless of which spec you're going to settle for, you'll most likely not feel a massive difference, but I fully recommend Carnage!

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pick whatever spec you like, it really doesnt matter, they are all perfectly capable of leveling without issue


same with companions (for the most part)


jaesa, vetta, quinn, all work fine


only thing you "need" to do for leveling is make sure you keep your gear, and your companions gear, as up to date as possible


and being 1+ level ahead of your quest level helps also (and its quite easy to stay 1 level ahead of your quest content)

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pick whatever spec you like, it really doesnt matter, they are all perfectly capable of leveling without issue


same with companions (for the most part)


jaesa, vetta, quinn, all work fine


only thing you "need" to do for leveling is make sure you keep your gear, and your companions gear, as up to date as possible


and being 1+ level ahead of your quest level helps also (and its quite easy to stay 1 level ahead of your quest content)


RATHER THAN post responmses like that maybe post what the strenths and weakness are so ppl dont have toi waste creds finding out what they like? just a thought rather then wasting ur breath helping noone


also i assume with the buffs we recieve for 1.2 most ppl would like to lvl and have some gear by then so current lvling specs with explanatons as to what they excel at would be nice

Edited by Jenosyde
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I used Carnage until I got to 50, then respecced into Annihilation. Worked great for me, so I'd recommend it. I used Vette and Quinn for the entire story line without a problem. I'd suggest learning biochem, though - stims, adrenals and medpacks can make a huge difference if you want to leave Quinn in the ship (and you will).
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I used Carnage until I got to 50, then respecced into Annihilation. Worked great for me, so I'd recommend it. I used Vette and Quinn for the entire story line without a problem. I'd suggest learning biochem, though - stims, adrenals and medpacks can make a huge difference if you want to leave Quinn in the ship (and you will).


Kudos for the first constructive post and ill give it a shot

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RATHER THAN post responmses like that maybe post what the strenths and weakness are so ppl dont have toi waste creds finding out what they like? just a thought rather then wasting ur breath helping noone


also i assume with the buffs we recieve for 1.2 most ppl would like to lvl and have some gear by then so current lvling specs with explanatons as to what they excel at would be nice


rather than asking for youre hand to be held how bout you read the sticky on the top of the class forum detailing all 3 specs and they try them each out to see which you like they best


and if you arent willing to "waste" credits finding out which spec you like ... well, i dont know what to say to that really, you are the only one that can decide what you like

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rather than asking for youre hand to be held how bout you read the sticky on the top of the class forum detailing all 3 specs and they try them each out to see which you like they best


and if you arent willing to "waste" credits finding out which spec you like ... well, i dont know what to say to that really, you are the only one that can decide what you like


I give you kudos for your response. I completely disagreed with Jenosyde. I thought your earlier post was constructive and the responder was being a j/a.

Edited by Satelight
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I give you kudos for your response. I completely disagreed with Jenosyde. I thought your earlier post was constructive and the responder was being a j/a.


no jenosyde was right we should know what every person that rolls a marauder that we know nothing about will like.

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I give you kudos for your response. I completely disagreed with Jenosyde. I thought your earlier post was constructive and the responder was being a j/a.


and considering im asking this question at the end of this content patch, seeing what actual players think of the specs and their weaknesses. not a likely months old thread that never gets updated... thanks for the flame though. i needed a laugh

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I used Carnage until I got to 50, then respecced into Annihilation. Worked great for me, so I'd recommend it. I used Vette and Quinn for the entire story line without a problem. I'd suggest learning biochem, though - stims, adrenals and medpacks can make a huge difference if you want to leave Quinn in the ship (and you will).


The solution to this and to not need to take biochem is to bring back the companion slots where you could choose the companions' roll, during the beta, i had vette healing me. lol


Biowares' reasons for going to the way they went with companions is a mystery and in my opinion is making the game worse, then it could have been.

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The solution to this and to not need to take biochem is to bring back the companion slots where you could choose the companions' roll, during the beta, i had vette healing me. lol


Biowares' reasons for going to the way they went with companions is a mystery and in my opinion is making the game worse, then it could have been.


Wait.....so during beta you could choose the role of your companion, and they would get list of abilities, based on their role? That would actually have added an even better, more in depth facet to the game. THAT, I would have loved to have seen.

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The solution to this and to not need to take biochem is to bring back the companion slots where you could choose the companions' roll, during the beta, i had vette healing me. lol


Biowares' reasons for going to the way they went with companions is a mystery and in my opinion is making the game worse, then it could have been.


Wait a second. WHAT THE ****?! you could do that in beta? You mean, they actually have the code that would not force companions you deeply hate upon you, just because their role suits your playstlye (yes quinn, I'm looking at you) and then they just TOOK IT AWAY? Why the hell would any sane person do that?

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Wait.....so during beta you could choose the role of your companion, and they would get list of abilities, based on their role? That would actually have added an even better, more in depth facet to the game. THAT, I would have loved to have seen.


Wait a second. WHAT THE ****?! you could do that in beta? You mean, they actually have the code that would not force companions you deeply hate upon you, just because their role suits your playstlye (yes quinn, I'm looking at you) and then they just TOOK IT AWAY? Why the hell would any sane person do that?


yes, companion kits they were called


they took them out before the weekend betas


and i dont think they were always there, it was something they tried out but it didnt work how they wanted, so they reverted back to what they had before


i could be wrong on that though

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Here I was thinking Rage was overpowered while leveling. pre-40 it smashes normal mobs to death in 3 CDs, even the silver ones go really quickly. I have no comparison to other marauder specs but Rage/Jaessa works very well for a really high dmg/lower defense option. its very fast but risky. best defense is a good offense! gotta rest a lot tho. Edited by Prolyfic
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