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Please stop using "GG"


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It's just a quick acknowledgement you and your friends had fun playing together. It's not any more serious than that.


GG! :)


When its said between guildies or actual friends, sure. I think the OP was refering more to an opposing player saying GG in general chat after a lop sided game. It's really not that big of a deal but I see how it can be frustrating if you're solo queuing and going through a losing streak.


On a related note, cross team chat in WZs is stupid and serves no other purpose than to stir the hornets nest. Some people, myself included at times, can get carried away with the competitive aspect of the game and having this option only serves as a catalyst to a flame war when tempers get heated.

Edited by Cowflab
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That's all well and game. Sportsmanship is important. But, then I see it used when a match starts with uneven sides, how is "Good game" even applicable? Honestly, just comes across as condescending. Plus, it falls too close to the other internet term "QQ".


If you really want to say it's a good game, then at least type it out. GG is just way too quick and impersonal.


Also, I have participated in many organized sports. I do not see why that has to be called into question, but then this is the internet, and to make any posts, one must specify credentials.


So did you only shake hands with the other team if it was a close game?

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i use GW personally in ops and GG in /say its all about how you go about it in sport i was always told to shake the hands of the winners/losers as sign of respect and dont see why it shouldn't be carried through to Warzones.
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Saying "good game" has been around, uhh, longer than Starcraft 1's pro scene...


Kids these days are so funny without even trying!


That is true, but GGing in Starcraft is one of the old and most used traditions of the game. It is understandable why people associate the two.


With Starcraft, GGing as the loser means you concede defeat even before the game is "over". You know that you are in an unrecoverable situation.


GGing as the winner before the loser is a sign of great disrespect.


It isn't about being a good game. It isn't even about if you won or not. It is about admitting defeat and being respectful to the other team.


Of course in SWTOR if I see it, it is mostly the winner doing it first, which as a starcraft fan and player, I find incredibly rude and never reply to them.

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i use GW personally in ops and GG in /say its all about how you go about it in sport i was always told to shake the hands of the winners/losers as sign of respect and dont see why it shouldn't be carried through to Warzones.


There isn't a problem with carrying it over. The OP, and my example is different though. There is nothing wrong with the loser of a competition conceding and shaking hands/gging. The problem arises when a member of the winning team of a lopsided match throws out a gg in general chat. It comes off as condescending even though it may be genuine some of the time.


I am a realist, I know you're not going to win every WZ, especially when solo queuing. I tend to let it roll off like rain drops on a tin roof but it doesn't change the fact that I think "what an ******e" before doing so.

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In little league football after the game was over, we lined up and slapped hands with the coach and every player on the other team, as this took place we said "good game"


In little league basketball the same thing happened


In little league baseball the same thing happened


In junior high sports the same thing happened


In high school sports the same thing happened


In college football we did the same thing.


When I was playing in online counter strike leagues the same thing was said after a match


When I was playing halo in tourneys the same things were said after a match.


The final score DID NOT matter, blow out or close game it was always stated. A sign of respect and sportsmanship reguardless of the score.


That being said, I say GG after every warzone (or when times running out on a win.)

Edited by Brool
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The term GG(good game) is usually meant as a sign of respect for your opponent. It's actually what most ppl see as polite to do. It really doesn't have anything to do with how the game turned out at all and it is far better then "you guys suck"


Yeah.... I agree. I'd rather say GG then call someone names for losing....

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