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Please stop using "GG"


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That's all well and game. Sportsmanship is important. But, then I see it used when a match starts with uneven sides, how is "Good game" even applicable? Honestly, just comes across as condescending. Plus, it falls too close to the other internet term "QQ".


If you really want to say it's a good game, then at least type it out. GG is just way too quick and impersonal.


Also, I have participated in many organized sports. I do not see why that has to be called into question, but then this is the internet, and to make any posts, one must specify credentials.



Ok I'm just going to go ahead and call shenannigans on you playing "lots of organized sports". Because if you did you'd know it's not about credentials but rather you'd know that the players of both teams and the coaches would walk past each other doing the pseudo high 5's saying GG whether it was a close game or a complete blow out. Now why would they do that? I mean it's obvious that they know you don't like it do maybe we should tell em all to stop.

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Because where "gg" originates from (Starcraft 1's pro scene), gg is said just before the other player concedes defeat and leaves the game. It's extremely bad manner for the winner to gg first, because he's saying "Game's over, you lost" before the other person concedes, meaning he's a douche. If the game is over (score screen) and you gg before anyone else, that's fine, game's over already.


Saying "good game" has been around, uhh, longer than Starcraft 1's pro scene...


Kids these days are so funny without even trying!

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Saying "good game" has been around, uhh, longer than Starcraft 1's pro scene...


Kids these days are so funny without even trying!


StarCraft, thanks to Battle.net, was the first place where most/many gamers experienced the whole "gl hf ka dd gg" thing. There were other games around then I'm sure where people used it as well (Counterstrike, UT, Tanarus were some I played), but it is so prominent in StarCraft culture.


Yes, obviously people used the term "good game" before StarCraft, but probably not in a massively online setting. When addressing an MMO community it isn't unreasonable to assume that the majority of them have been on Battle.net before or exposed to Blizzard products. Before StarCraft there were...Yahoo! Games? AOL Chatrooms? Not many more Player vs Player settings where you would see it back then.


Can you say where you've seen "gg" used so prominently before StarCraft?

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StarCraft, thanks to Battle.net, was the first place where most/many gamers experienced the whole "gl hf ka dd gg" thing. There were other games around then I'm sure where people used it as well (Counterstrike, UT, Tanarus were some I played), but it is so prominent in StarCraft culture.


Yes, obviously people used the term "good game" before StarCraft, but probably not in a massively online setting. When addressing an MMO community it isn't unreasonable to assume that the majority of them have been on Battle.net before or exposed to Blizzard products. Before StarCraft there were...Yahoo! Games? AOL Chatrooms? Not many more Player vs Player settings where you would see it back then.


Can you say where you've seen "gg" used so prominently before StarCraft?


Well, I used to play a lot of online chess and euchre, this was early 90s, lots of "tyvm, gg, gc (good call), n1p (nice one partner)"... etc... etc... pretty sure we said "gg" on BBS's too...


Love how pre-CS is "back then". Man.

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Saying "good game" has been around, uhh, longer than Starcraft 1's pro scene...


Kids these days are so funny without even trying!


Everything is a WoW-clone too. WoW never copied anyone, it is 100% unique. First MMO ever.




It is a sad fact that sportsmanship seem to be generally scorned today. It is all about thinking about Number 1, isn't it? It is reflected by 2 PvP guilds on my servers. They act like they're the best team ever and everyone is bad, even their guild name reflects it. I get the competition, I'm one of the oldschool crowd, I want tooth and nail competition BUT what I do not want is us acting like spoiled little hormonal teens towards each other.


Manners cost nothing.


To those who still hold good sportsmanship in high regard, keep at it. Nothing is more frustrating to a mouthy little brat than someone ignoring his petty jabs. For example, I just love it when some "pro" guy start to tell people off in 10-49 bracket. I mean, for pete's sake, the people were like level 14-20 and some expect everyone to just know how to play. Here's a novel idea for anyone who's done this in the lower bracket or at someone new...


Maybe the person you're screaming "**** LOL NOOB L2P" is learning to play by, oh I don't know, playing the game?


Some take this game way to seriously. Unless it is a premade, it's a lottery.

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Really. Unless it was really a "Good Game", just stop using saying it. a 6 to 1 Huttball is not a "GG". A Voidstar at 6-2 is not a "GG". A Civil War that ends at 300 - 0 is not a "GG". These are not close matches. Typically, they aren't even fair competition because it is a premade vs PUGs.


So please, even if GG is meant in good spirits, it's just not worth saying. Save it for those matches that actually are a "Good Game."


I take it this upsets you because you lose that bad frequently? GG:)

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Well, I used to play a lot of online chess and euchre, this was early 90s, lots of "tyvm, gg, gc (good call), n1p (nice one partner)"... etc... etc... pretty sure we said "gg" on BBS's too...


Love how pre-CS is "back then". Man.


Yeah I used to play Chess (and other games) on Yahoo!, etc as well. Also played text-based games like Earth2025, Utopia, and various MUDs, but didn't use gg often/if at all in those settings.


You must admit, early 90s internet population is just a fraction of the population of the internet now.


Yeah, we are getting old. :p

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Saying "good game" has been around, uhh, longer than Starcraft 1's pro scene...


Kids these days are so funny without even trying!


Lol this is so true, its like they think the world didn't exist before they were born or at least old enough to remember. Oddly enough yesterday at work my work partner (looong time friend of the family and on the side he is mine and my Dad's business partner just a few years younger then my dad) and he went into this goofy singing bit making up a song about where we work at Great Lakes NTC but he did it to a rather obscure tune. At which point I looked at him and said "are you really making new words to Allan Shermans - Camp Granada?" To which his response was "yeah, but how the hell do you know that song?"



So it would seem kids aren't the only ones who can have that mentality or a variation of it from time to time.


P.S. As a corollary I was not only able to name the artist/comedian and the name of the song but also HAD it on my iPhone to play.

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Because where "gg" originates from (Starcraft 1's pro scene), gg is said just before the other player concedes defeat and leaves the game. It's extremely bad manner for the winner to gg first, because he's saying "Game's over, you lost" before the other person concedes, meaning he's a douche. If the game is over (score screen) and you gg before anyone else, that's fine, game's over already.


This. It's all about context. 75% of the time I see a gg in this game it comes when I'm solo queuing, in general chat, from a member of the opposite team as a blowout winds down. That clearly is not a sign of respect or humility. I tend to agree with the OP on this one, as its usually some douchenozzle rubbing salt in the wound. I don't really let it bother me, but it does happen, and usually as others in this thread have said. At the tail end of a 6-0, 5 minute long huttball usually consisting of a premade stomping random puggies. The internet and MMOs in particular are NOT known to have a tight knit respectful community, but rather a bunch of entitled brats trying to be cool.


Also, am I the only one that finds it ironic that the majority of the posts in this thread talk about respect and good sportsmanship yet they insult the OP in the same swoop for him having a differing opinion? This is exactly why anyone who plays an MMO automatically assumes its said with ill intentions.

Edited by Cowflab
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Everything is a WoW-clone too. WoW never copied anyone, it is 100% unique. First MMO ever.




It is a sad fact that sportsmanship seem to be generally scorned today. It is all about thinking about Number 1, isn't it? It is reflected by 2 PvP guilds on my servers. They act like they're the best team ever and everyone is bad, even their guild name reflects it. I get the competition, I'm one of the oldschool crowd, I want tooth and nail competition BUT what I do not want is us acting like spoiled little hormonal teens towards each other.


Manners cost nothing.


To those who still hold good sportsmanship in high regard, keep at it. Nothing is more frustrating to a mouthy little brat than someone ignoring his petty jabs. For example, I just love it when some "pro" guy start to tell people off in 10-49 bracket. I mean, for pete's sake, the people were like level 14-20 and some expect everyone to just know how to play. Here's a novel idea for anyone who's done this in the lower bracket or at someone new...


Maybe the person you're screaming "**** LOL NOOB L2P" is learning to play by, oh I don't know, playing the game?


Some take this game way to seriously. Unless it is a premade, it's a lottery.



Well I wouldn't say it is all about number 1. I would take it a step further and say it is taken to the 2 extreme ends of the spectrum though. It is either ALL about Number 1 and how they did it and they won it etc etc, or it is taken to the other extreme where everyone who participates gets a trophy and "no one loses because you tried, you are ALL winners" etc etc. Both extremes are annoying and makes me want to kick a puppy or club a seal or something.

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This. It's all about context. 75% of the time I see a gg in this game it comes when I'm solo queuing, in general chat, from a member of the opposite team as a blowout winds down. That clearly is not a sign of respect or humility. I tend to agree with the OP on this one, as its usually some douchenozzle rubbing salt in the wound. I don't really let it bother me, but it does happen, and usually as others in this thread have said. At the tail end of a 6-0, 5 minute long huttball usually consisting of a premade stomping random puggies. The internet and MMOs in particular are NOT known to have a tight knit respectful community, but rather a bunch of entitled brats trying to be cool.


Also, am I the only one that finds it ironic that the majority of the posts in this thread talk about respect and good sportsmanship yet they insult the OP in the same swoop for him having a differing opinion? This is exactly why anyone who plays an MMO automatically assumes its said with ill intentions.


Cynical much? Sometimes a GG is just that, a GG.

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Cynical much? Sometimes a GG is just that, a GG.


LOL, not cynical just realistic. I know that some gg's actually mean good game. But the majority of the time, especially in online video games, its a snide jab at the other team. Most of my guild leadership has gone the route of asking guild members to refrain from saying things like GG at the end of a stomping just so that our guild doesn't get a bad name.


Like I said before, its all about context. If its a 5-5 huttball game that comes down to a team getting the ball from the other team with 15 seconds left after killing the carrier and pulling out a narrow victory, then by all means. GG it up. If your ripping the team a new ******e and you throw one out, I don't see how that can be taken any other way than them patronizing the loser.


People use sports to try to solidify their stance but I can tell you, I have competed in sports up to college and have been a pro sports spectator for decades and never once did I see someone like Michael Jordan go up to the Mic at the press conference after they beat someone 120-85 and say, "yeah, the other team played a good game."


GG's after blowouts should be given to your teammates. Not a badly defeated opponent.

Edited by Cowflab
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Really. Unless it was really a "Good Game", just stop using saying it. a 6 to 1 Huttball is not a "GG". A Voidstar at 6-2 is not a "GG". A Civil War that ends at 300 - 0 is not a "GG". These are not close matches. Typically, they aren't even fair competition because it is a premade vs PUGs.


So please, even if GG is meant in good spirits, it's just not worth saying. Save it for those matches that actually are a "Good Game."


Competitive player or whiny player? Hmm....

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LOL, not cynical just realistic. I know that some gg's actually mean good game. But the majority of the time, especially in online video games, its a snide jab at the other team. Most of my guild leadership has gone the route of asking guild members to refrain from saying things like GG at the end of a stomping just so that our guild doesn't get a bad name.


Like I said before, its all about context. If its a 5-5 huttball game that comes down to a team getting the ball from the other team with 15 seconds left after killing the carrier and pulling out a narrow victory, then by all means. GG it up. If your ripping the team a new ******e and you throw one out, I don't see how that can be taken any other way than them patronizing the loser.


People use sports to try to solidify their stance but I can tell you, I have competed in sports up to college and have been a pro sports spectator for decades and never once did I see someone like Michael Jordan go up to the Mic at the press conference after they beat someone 120-85 and say, "yeah, the other team played a good game."


GG's after blowouts should be given to your teammates. Not a badly defeated opponent.



Even if my team blew out another team a GG can still be a GG. Maybe they knew it was a lost cause yet they still gave it 100% effort, that to me is worthy of a GG. It shows a dedication that is all too uncommon anymore in competitions or sports. Just because you just beat em to a bloody pulp doesn't mean that you can't still respect them or their tenacity or vice versa. Maybe despite losing we still managed to put out bigger numbers but the cards just fell right for them so they say hey GG.


Really this constant PC mentality is such a *********** crock and is ruining competition as a whole. And for that matter who cares if they say it in a non-sincere manner. You know what that is to me? That to me is motivation to try and play better next time. Or to try and work harder with my team next time. So instead of people whining and whinging about GG maybe people need to just go play the game and get over themselves or it.

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That's all well and game. Sportsmanship is important. But, then I see it used when a match starts with uneven sides, how is "Good game" even applicable? Honestly, just comes across as condescending. Plus, it falls too close to the other internet term "QQ".


If you really want to say it's a good game, then at least type it out. GG is just way too quick and impersonal.


Also, I have participated in many organized sports. I do not see why that has to be called into question, but then this is the internet, and to make any posts, one must specify credentials.


Sarcasm. I can call you an ahole. The WAY I say it, and when, means more than the word. GG is no different.


GG at the beginning of the match simply means "Guys, I think we are seriously outmatched." At the end of the match, it is a statement of respect for the other team, and occasionally, your own, even when losing.

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Seriously? OP started an entire thread to complain about people actually being nice? Get a life.
Guess he lost alot of games, was told gg, and that made him angry. Maybe he thought they were being sarcastic?
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