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Why can't the non-force classes have force companions?


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A Sith would never follow the orders of a non-force user. Jedi adhere to the Jedi Order. A Jedi master would outrank your trooper and would never follow a Smuggler. A Padawan would never be assigned to a trooper, either. The only reasonable thing would be an outcast.
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I don't think there is any reason they "can't" have a force sensitive companion, they just don't. I agree though I'd really like one for my smuggler. Like a Padawan that had a change of heart and leaves the order. I think its totally possible for them to add one since a lot of the companions make clear they are working with you rather than for you (Akaavi and Risha for example). Which I think would leave open a window for adding a companion with force powers for the other characters.
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The Smuggler has a failed Jedi companion. And the IA has Vector who is basically a Jedi without a Lightsaber (the is the same as Kira Carsen gameplay wise).


And the reason is simple,


A Sith would never be subject of some one weaker (and force users are weaker than the weakest Sith by default in Sith logic). (the Jedi Knight is stronger than Lord Scourge that's why he follows him ... for now).


A Jedi must follow the Jedi code, which won't necessarily be the players kind of behavior, therefore a Jedi companion would challenge a non-force user player every time, which would just be stupid. (Jedi only get away with having other Jedi companions when breaking the code because they are the senior Jedi, and it's also again the code to defy your superiors).


You can really only get away with nonaligned force users on non force user classes, and almost evey force user is Jedi or Sith in this period (due to Sith conscription and Jedi somewhat less forceful and more pleasant conscription)

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A Sith would never follow the orders of a non-force user. Jedi adhere to the Jedi Order. A Jedi master would outrank your trooper and would never follow a Smuggler. A Padawan would never be assigned to a trooper, either. The only reasonable thing would be an outcast.


This is all true, so no full-fledged Sith or Jedi would make a realistic companion. BUT the OP simply asked abouot force users. This could include unaligned force-sensitives and/or dropouts from either order: think Jolee Bindo here.


That said, I still think it makes more sense story-wise the way it is.

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This is all true, so no full-fledged Sith or Jedi would make a realistic companion. BUT the OP simply asked abouot force users. This could include unaligned force-sensitives and/or dropouts from either order: think Jolee Bindo here.


That said, I still think it makes more sense story-wise the way it is.


The OP specifically said Sith/Jedi. I said an outcast would work fine.

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The argument about sith not following works for me as well that jedi only follow the order, but there could be circumstances that leads a jedi (maybe not a master, but i can see a new knight) in following you and something in the story that forces a sith to follow you (not by choice of course and obviously not a darth). gotta remember that your character is a pinnacle of their class who can frequently beat jedi/sith NPCs.
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The argument about sith not following works for me as well that jedi only follow the order, but there could be circumstances that leads a jedi (maybe not a master, but i can see a new knight) in following you and something in the story that forces a sith to follow you (not by choice of course and obviously not a darth). gotta remember that your character is a pinnacle of their class who can frequently beat jedi/sith NPCs.


I seem to recall in the Consular story that every Knight and Master was granted the rank of General at the start of act 3, when the war started. Might have just been master, can't recall. I wouldn't want a Sith following me around because it's their way to try and kill you. A Sith only follows another to learn, a Sith would have nothing to learn from a non-force user and thus would try to kill them asap if forced to follow them.

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Don't get me wrong, I'm not against them, just talking from lore perspective.


Here is a scenario that popped into my mind. As a Smuggler, you get contacted by some Imperial noble who is worried about their son/daughter failing the trials of Korriban (Every force-sensitive is taken there by the order of the Emperor) and wants you to go in and steal them away and then, while delivering them to their father, the father gets killed by the Inquisitors after his plan is discovered. With nothing to go back to in the Empire, they join your crew. Voila!


BioWare, you can totally steal my random idea :p

Edited by Jandi
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I don't see any reason why not, the thing that's stopping you from seeing it as viable is the concept that the character you play is "boss" good writing could overcome that & could place force-users as your companion not out of a duty to you, but a duty to the path you follow or the cause you fight for.


For an example, a Sith may see your devastation as a Bounty Hunter as a set of skills they both envy and admire & join with you to learn your tricks to augment their own battle prowess, or simply because you are very good at slaughtering the enemies of the Sith Empire & they want to join in on the fun & mayhem.

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the only way this would be possible is as a team. like the clone wars series ani has rex and obi has cody. they work with others and u could perhaps has a storyline where your commanding officer says the jedi/stih orders have decided to asign you a jedi//stih to oversee your mission and add you when they can.


but lore wise all the previous comments are correct

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A Sith would never follow the orders of a non-force user. Jedi adhere to the Jedi Order. A Jedi master would outrank your trooper and would never follow a Smuggler. A Padawan would never be assigned to a trooper, either. The only reasonable thing would be an outcast.


^This is approved.^^


Also cuz non force classes are teh lame?

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I'm a new player and haven't played much Empire side but the arguments against Sith side force-users not working with/for non-Force users do seem pretty valid.


I also understand that the OP was discussing any Force-users, and as far as that goes I could see Force Adepts of some kind joining up with non-Force using characters. Doesn't one of the classes get a Gand Findsman as a companion? They're Force users, as I recall.


I do think it would be very possible for Jedi to be companions for the Trooper and Smuggler though. There's kind of a precedent of Jedi who go out in the world having non-Jedi friends and allies. A Jedi master might be a bit of a stretch, but it's perfectly valid to see the Jedi putting one of their knights as an adviser to aide to Havoc Squad once war breaks out. Maybe even put there as a "specialist" to help deal with any Sith that might show up.


And if a smuggler meets a Jedi in their travels and they help one another out, it's not unreasonable for said Jedi to want to go along with the person who has become a friend or to whom they owe a debt. You could even do something with the Jedi sensing that this person, though not Force Sensitive, will have a big impact on the fate of the galaxy and want to go along to see that destiny realized.


Whether or not any of that will be done is hard to say, of course, but I do think it's all very possible. Particularly if you realize that every Jedi who is part of the Order doesn't follow it's rules or Code to the absolute extent, otherwise none of them would have any friends or connections who weren't Jedi. Emotional entanglements and all. You could have a Jedi who is still part of the Jedi Order but interprets the philosophy differently.

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I'm a new player and haven't played much Empire side but the arguments against Sith side force-users not working with/for non-Force users do seem pretty valid.


I also understand that the OP was discussing any Force-users, and as far as that goes I could see Force Adepts of some kind joining up with non-Force using characters. Doesn't one of the classes get a Gand Findsman as a companion? They're Force users, as I recall.


I do think it would be very possible for Jedi to be companions for the Trooper and Smuggler though. There's kind of a precedent of Jedi who go out in the world having non-Jedi friends and allies. A Jedi master might be a bit of a stretch, but it's perfectly valid to see the Jedi putting one of their knights as an adviser to aide to Havoc Squad once war breaks out. Maybe even put there as a "specialist" to help deal with any Sith that might show up.


And if a smuggler meets a Jedi in their travels and they help one another out, it's not unreasonable for said Jedi to want to go along with the person who has become a friend or to whom they owe a debt. You could even do something with the Jedi sensing that this person, though not Force Sensitive, will have a big impact on the fate of the galaxy and want to go along to see that destiny realized.


Whether or not any of that will be done is hard to say, of course, but I do think it's all very possible. Particularly if you realize that every Jedi who is part of the Order doesn't follow it's rules or Code to the absolute extent, otherwise none of them would have any friends or connections who weren't Jedi. Emotional entanglements and all. You could have a Jedi who is still part of the Jedi Order but interprets the philosophy differently.



Actually, on Tatooine the smuggler DOES team up with a Jedi, Nariel, to fight a lady Sith. It's pretty fun if you have a girl smuggler since all three women will yell at each other and then have a massive catfight.



I do think that teaming up with a Force user would be an option for the future with the smuggler but they would have to depart from the whole "this is your crew" feel that I feel they were going for with the companions for that class.

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