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Why are there so many fickle people threatening to cancle Pre-Order?


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I find it humerus and sad at the same time... seriously, grow up! I'm getting tired of this self entitlement attitude that has become ever prevalent in modern society. Just stop it...


Bioware didn't have to extend the Pre-Order early access by an additional two days, and they're doing everything they can to make sure things go smooth.

Edited by ColdLogic
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I am laughing reading that people actually took off work thinking they would get in today. No matter when you redeemed your code they aren't going by so who ever said wait in the line about who redeemed first.....that's wrong. I know to people that bought the game 4 days ago and redeemed there code and are in. It's obvious they are going buy where you purchased the game first by going through all there sellers of the game. It seems that Origin has 1st dibs. Also when it said up to 5 days early access that didn't mean you would get the 5 days. It meant that you could be allowed in sometime during that time frame.I laugh at all when they can't get in until day 5 at 11:59 pm on the 19th.....but that is early access...and believe me it will happen. So people should not complain about when they are getting in the game.
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Why are there so many fickle people threatening to cancle Pre-Order?.


Because although they will never admit it, they are secretly hoping that Bioware will see their tantrum and say "Oh noes! A quitter, quick push them to the head of the early access queue".

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I find it humerus and sad at the same time... seriously, grow up! I'm getting tired of this self entitlement attitude that has become ever prevalent in modern society. Just stop it...


Bioware didn't have to extend the Pre-Order early access by an additional two days, and they're doing everything they can to make sure things go smooth.


Bioware didn't have to word it, "Up to 5 days Early."

They could have said, "Maybe more than 1 day Early."

Then how many people would have pre-ordered it

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Why shouldnt they say they want to cancel. they were sold and paid for a preorder on the preface there would be upto 5 days early access, when now it looks like it should have probably read "for most about/from 5 hours early access for a few upto 5 days."


they are people that have their own minds and sometimes its best left to them to decide what they want to post, you know there are countries that try to stop people posting views, what are they called again?

Edited by Doddsie
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People are fickle. And Bioware has underestimated to what extent.


You spend YEARS in another MMO, learning it, making friends, becoming comfortable. Then an MMO juggernaut like this comes out and a lot of people are skeptical. Should I play? Im so used to WoW/RIFT/EQ2/AoC/ETC. I have worked so hard getting what I have here.....maybe....maybe I should try it, I guess.


Then a fiasco like this happens. And thats exactly what it is, a fiasco. Theres a reason no other MMO company has ever done this. STRESS TEST is to STRESS TEST THE SERVERS. Not early game access. So yes, Bioware -will- lose customers over this, and in numbers more than any of you are probably imagining.


This isnt one angry kid slamming his keyboard and screaming, thousands of people will return to their current MMOs due to frustration and anger to resume that more at home, comfortable, embracing feel that they know so well.

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Taking a vacation day for any release day for an MMO is always risky. Releases are often notoriously bug filled and prone to shut downs, and poor performance. The staggered entry to this one seems to be keeping things running smooth, but at the cost of excuding some from day one.


My advice, take a vacation day on Day 5. You'll probably get more value out of it.

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I find it humerus and sad at the same time... seriously, grow up! I'm getting tired of this self entitlement attitude that has become ever prevalent in modern society. Just stop it...


Bioware didn't have to extend the Pre-Order early access by an additional two days, and they're doing everything they can to make sure things go smooth.


I sure hope they do, less people that will be on the servers come launch day, also it weeds out the whinners, trolls & undesirables lol

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They're threatening to cancel pre order because deep in their heart of hearts they believe Bioware will see it, realize how wrong they are, and say "WE'RE SORRY. HERE'S IMMEDIATE ACCESS TO THE GAME."



Edited by RetardoMontalban
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I understand the frustration but they are just embarrassing themselves.


"I didn't get into the first wave of invites, which is two days earlier than they promised me when I ordered, but I am going to cancel and never play this game, which I want to play so bad I created a thread to say how much I hate it, oh wait... Where was I?"

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Its a me me me world because the old people are lazy. LAZY LAZY LAZY and want the young people to do all the work? I plan on never retiring, its called working to live. Not to be lazy like Bioware. Rift shows hard work can make a headstart that actually works (and give out something besides one color of special items). That is the difference.


They should have told people to BUY the game on 7/21 to play ASAP. That is why people preorder: TO PLAY THE VERY SECOND THAT THE SERVERS GO ONLINE ITS WHY WE WAIT AT MIDNIGHT RELEASES. What are you all confused about? The game started today, not the 20th. 13th was the GAME RELEASE, the day I can make my toon and NEVER get it erased. That is the START of ANY game. I like to start playing board games with the family, not come in when there almost done?


If I could go back in time and take the lazy persons job i would. L2work more then 8 hour days like real humans. Need real work ethics, not the one where the upper echelon thinks that if someone is complaining, there entitled like old people and huge hunks of money they sit on until they die.

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People are fickle. And Bioware has underestimated to what extent.


You spend YEARS in another MMO, learning it, making friends, becoming comfortable. Then an MMO juggernaut like this comes out and a lot of people are skeptical. Should I play? Im so used to WoW/RIFT/EQ2/AoC/ETC. I have worked so hard getting what I have here.....maybe....maybe I should try it, I guess.


Then a fiasco like this happens. And thats exactly what it is, a fiasco. Theres a reason no other MMO company has ever done this. STRESS TEST is to STRESS TEST THE SERVERS. Not early game access. So yes, Bioware -will- lose customers over this, and in numbers more than any of you are probably imagining.


This isnt one angry kid slamming his keyboard and screaming, thousands of people will return to their current MMOs due to frustration and anger to resume that more at home, comfortable, embracing feel that they know so well.



People that think like that should be dissalowed to vote, or reproduce, or do anything that requires any form of sanity.


It's not even nearly a fiasco, especially comparing it to the WoW launches. You remember those? Servers down for days. When you bought SWTOR, the launch date was the 20th, and if you pre-ordered early minus a few days of early launch. If the bulk of the early orders isn't in by the end of the 15th, i could understand all the complaints.


Thing is, up to a few days ago, noone even expected to get in anywhere before the 15th, now they added 2 extra days of early launch, and people act like it's the end of the world. Noone even planned this, people like that are what is wrong with the modern 1st world countries.

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I think most of you are missing the possibility that most of the people whining are adults...at least I think they are, my kids are in SCHOOL where they should be.


I have to agree with this, adults are the most petulant out of all the age groups.

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Another thing the people that have so called cancelled there pre-ordered are surprisingly making a ton of threads like really, what makes anyone so damn important anywayz?


So far lets see what we have all gave to bioware/EA we gave them 5 dollars, so really what makes anyone deserve more early access we have two extra days and we'll all probably be in by day 5, most people that complain are usually the people who are terrible at games period.

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I think most of you are missing the possibility that most of the people whining are adults...at least I think they are, my kids are in SCHOOL where they should be.


And that makes it even sadder.



People complain because they believe that they are "entitled" to it. But honestly, did you purchase the game because you wanted to play the game or to play pre-game?


I know my answer. And it's ice cream.

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