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Show me your Anni Spec


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That's not the point. If they have the debuff then what is the point of having Rupture on a shorter CD. It's a waste of skill points for a chance to shorten the CD.




And explain to me how Seeping Wound affects Pulverize?


It's only not worth the points if the cd and duration on Rupture is the same, but they are not. In fact the cd is more than twice as long as the duration. Annihilate being something you'd use on cd, you're losing a ton of damage by not taking Pulverize.


Question for you guys (I know OP is only concerned with PvP but some of you seem very knowledgeable of the class for both), as I myself has a Mara alt I've leveled so far to 42. Is Malice only worth taking for PvP (for Smash)? It seems as far as PvE DPS is concerned none of my abilities on the priority list are Force attacks.

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It's only not worth the points if the cd and duration on Rupture is the same, but they are not. In fact the cd is more than twice as long as the duration. Annihilate being something you'd use on cd, you're losing a ton of damage by not taking Pulverize.


Question for you guys (I know OP is only concerned with PvP but some of you seem very knowledgeable of the class for both), as I myself has a Mara alt I've leveled so far to 42. Is Malice only worth taking for PvP (for Smash)? It seems as far as PvE DPS is concerned none of my abilities on the priority list are Force attacks.


Malice is good for lower geared annihilation as your bleeds crit off the force crit bonus. Probably better off with DWM and going up carnage for more rage generation till you hit 50.

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It's only not worth the points if the cd and duration on Rupture is the same, but they are not. In fact the cd is more than twice as long as the duration. Annihilate being something you'd use on cd, you're losing a ton of damage by not taking Pulverize.


Question for you guys (I know OP is only concerned with PvP but some of you seem very knowledgeable of the class for both), as I myself has a Mara alt I've leveled so far to 42. Is Malice only worth taking for PvP (for Smash)? It seems as far as PvE DPS is concerned none of my abilities on the priority list are Force attacks.

Take Malice, whatever you do. Malice includes Smash, Scream, Rupture ticks(not the initial hit) and Force Choke, I believe. It is very useful.

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This is in the Mach 5 Masacre sticky. Not sure how accurate it is.

It shows Rupture DoT and Deadly Saber as Force attacks.


Weapon Attacks



Rupture (Initial Damage)

Battering Assault


Vicious Throw

Sweeping Slash

Deadly Throw

Crippling Slash



Force Charge

Vicious Slash




Force Attacks


Rupture (DoT)

Force Choke

Pommel Strike

Cloak of Pain

Force Scream

Deadly Saber

Force Crush

Savage Kick

Ataru Form Procs

Edited by Omite
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Malice is good for lower geared annihilation as your bleeds crit off the force crit bonus. Probably better off with DWM and going up carnage for more rage generation till you hit 50.


This was something I was confused about b/c in the tooltip for the debuff it says "Bleeding (Physical)", but the numbers that pop out are yellow so I wasn't sure if the dots were melee/ranged or force/tech. Thanks for the clearing up. I'm currently putting points in DWM and probably will pick up Enraged Charge or Narrowed Hatred after.


For endgame, is it more beneficial to pick up Narrowing Hatred (more room to play with on Acc to stack other stats) or Malice (higher chance for dots to crit which heals and has bonus damage through Bleedout)?

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Take Malice, whatever you do. Malice includes Smash, Scream, Rupture ticks(not the initial hit) and Force Choke, I believe. It is very useful.


My concern on this is, for PvE, none of those listed abilities other than Rupture ticks are used in Operations in the rotation and are all situational (trash clears between bosses and during some encounters).

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This was something I was confused about b/c in the tooltip for the debuff it says "Bleeding (Physical)", but the numbers that pop out are yellow so I wasn't sure if the dots were melee/ranged or force/tech. Thanks for the clearing up. I'm currently putting points in DWM and probably will pick up Enraged Charge or Narrowed Hatred after.


For endgame, is it more beneficial to pick up Narrowing Hatred (more room to play with on Acc to stack other stats) or Malice (higher chance for dots to crit which heals and has bonus damage through Bleedout)?


for pve probably better to take malice. for pvp i only put the 1 point in malice because of short fuse and defensive forms, the amount of fury generation between those two talents kinda offsets the use of crit on your bleeds as you can berserk quite often.

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This was something I was confused about b/c in the tooltip for the debuff it says "Bleeding (Physical)", but the numbers that pop out are yellow so I wasn't sure if the dots were melee/ranged or force/tech. Thanks for the clearing up. I'm currently putting points in DWM and probably will pick up Enraged Charge or Narrowed Hatred after.


For endgame, is it more beneficial to pick up Narrowing Hatred (more room to play with on Acc to stack other stats) or Malice (higher chance for dots to crit which heals and has bonus damage through Bleedout)?

That is up for debate. I currently have 2 points in Defensive Roll (none in Narrowed Hatred) because we can take a decent amount of AE damage in Operations.


Here is my spec, which I lazily use for both PVP (valor 77, full BM gear, yada yada) and PVE (10/10, full Rakata, blah blah blah):



Edited by PenoNation
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Couple of things,

Don’t get hung up on one spec, used to be carnage and loved it, will probably be going back in 1.2 because they buffed it and carnage with short fuse (which they moved to tier 1 of Anni tree) is going to own. Rage is fun too, it’s all about what you are doing, you say you are only going to pvp, pvp alone? in a group? As support? Carnage has a ranged root which will make or break a huttball match when they are 4 feet from scoring a goal.


Been Annihilation for about 2 months after playing Carnage for about 3. Pvp tip, get biochem, pop undying rage + rakata med pack afterwards then frenzy (if you don’t have the fury) than berserk, then dot them up with bleeds and you will literally be able to go 3v1.


All the advice on here is subjective. This is my build http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIrRroMcGzZhMMZh.1/


Honestly everyone has a point, but here are some other things to think about. I kill 1 to 2 healers per 6 to 7 other people in a WZ and healers are the only one with cleanse. So seeping wound is a no brainer, then healers only cleanse half the time. Also, this allows me to force charge + deadly sabers in air + rupture + battering assault + annihilation. If you have to weave in an additional snare you will have to throw another assault in there somewhere for rage. That’s another second taken away from maxing your dps by using the most powerful strike up front. After that initial burst, I follow with ravage and usually deadly throw if their are low enough.


Subjugation is all about how good you are, you aren’t fighting only healers, and you have wayyyy more than one interrupt, you have force choke, force charge, and aoe fear, with disruption. 2 points is not worth 2 secs, learn to manage your cool downs and interrupt with everything you have.


Another popular comment is don’t take 2/2 close quarters because you can strafe away and then leap. Not worth the hassle of 1 point. Make force charge 0 meters and it becomes another interrupt.


Doesn't matter pvp or pve, you take defensive roll, holy balls its THIRTY PERCENT damage reduction (btw, most classes AOES are the most powerful damage the class has, that’s why the cool down on them is usually 1 min or more).


Malice 3/3 increase your bleeds, to NOT get this is stuipd too.


Phantom is great, for welll.... i dunno, i use force camo as an interrupt for them. I either am using it to close distance without getting targeting by range before I can use force charge or using it to run away, or using it to force them to drop targeting on me, just to immediately pop up in front of them again and finish them off. (this happens 50% of the time and its a real F U) Nothing sucks worse then lining up a rotation just to have your target drop then reappear and have to retarget them before you can start it up again vs I have you targeted the whole time. If you can tell me when you need to have 100 damage reduced in any of these instances let me know. Although its all a moot point, its going away in 1.2


The only thing I can really teach you is to use your resources, forums, learn key bindings, too play a marauder bad *** you have to be smart and want to play them better, then it will come with practice.

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you are only going to pvp, pvp alone? in a group? As support?



For now I'll be solo. Once I get to lvl 50 and get some PvP gear I'll probably run the mara with guild groups when I'm not playing my Sin.


Thanks for the input. I appreciate it. :)

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That is up for debate. I currently have 2 points in Defensive Roll (none in Narrowed Hatred) because we can take a decent amount of AE damage in Operations.


Here is my spec, which I lazily use for both PVP (valor 77, full BM gear, yada yada) and PVE (10/10, full Rakata, blah blah blah):




Really wish someone made a skill tree calc for 1.2 Marauder trees.

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