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EXP freeze, good or great?


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High pop servers, such as Tomb of Freedom Nadd, EU, have over 150-200 players on almost every planet. I highly doubt there would be queues for those brackets longer than 2 minutes.


Secondly, outlaws den would be a great option BUT the travel times are simply TOO LONG and noone goes there. Well except for the occasional stealther grabbing chests like a turd.


U mean the only High pop Server Tomb of Freedom Nadd...

Play on any other Server with, let's say normal population (regardless, that a lot of Server have low pop...). For 10-49 WFs you have to wait for around 3 Minutes at Prime Time. Sometimes it's even worse. For example on my Normal pop server, there are 25 People on Coruscant, at Primetime and I assure you, most of them don't do Warzones in these bracket.


If you split this into even more Brackets you can be lucky if you get a warzone once in a hour.



I remember that Age of Conan got these Type of Brackets and Low Level PVP died two month after the first hit max lvl nearly entirely...

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I'd be fine with it if they introduced a stat cap for the bracket to discourage twinking. Bolstered up when lower, capped to 40 when higher or something.


In the long run, they should also redistribute class abilities. Some classes get most of their key tools much sooner than others, but that's a separate issue.

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Give them a /noexp, attach a de-bolster to anyone using it that reduces them to a weaker state than your average leveler (say bolster sets you to 45 instead of 49).


Gives them the ability to stay in 10-49 bracket whilst also removing any twink like advantage

Edited by Adzzy
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fix it for ya

EXP freeze, horrible or plain downright stupid?

just lol exp freeze to farm lowbies seriously please tell me this is just trolling. hint go to 49 and until 1.2 you can just leave right before the end. enjoy that while it lasts and again lawl really i am hoping you are just late and trying to hurry and get a April fools day joke in if not well roflmao farming lowbies yeah i am sure this will make it into game you give such a compelling argument.

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This kills using PvP to level up an alt. Even with seperate brackets it's basically turns into getting roflstomped if you're not a twink until you hit 50.


I already run into twinked 45-49 pre-mades and it's not fun.



Let's say if you turn off exp you can only play against others who have turned off exp. Then i wouldn't have a problem with it. That, of course, defeats the whole point of why people want to do this, ie pwning with a gear/talent/ability advantage.


This. Seriously. People who want to stay in 1-49 just want to stomp on undergeared and/or inexperienced players, whether they admit it or not. It is not hard to gear up in PVP at 50 and it does not take long, so that is a poor excuse.

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