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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why is my map blacked out? I thought i got here in a space ship


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I know that discovering the map is a pretty standard feature in MMO's, but does it make sense in TOR? I mean, shouldn't the Star Wars universe have Google Maps or something? When I got here in my space ship did I not use my ship's scanners to figure out where all the towns were?


Its a minor point to be sure, and nothing that I think needs to be fixed. But still, having to discover the map in a sci fi game is a little weird.

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Couldn't agree more.


Unfortunately MMO's are a genre, and therefore follow a pattern of sorts. Coupled with the fact that all originality has been bred out of game developers in the last 15 years, then such novel and often realistic ideas will never, unfortunately, be incorporated into any game produced by a multi-national corporation.


You'll have to look at indie games, much like Mortals Online, if you want something that strays from the standard structure.


Developers and investors just aren't prepared to take the risk on innovation anymore. It's much safer to invest in a project that everyone has experienced, and bought into, a thousand times before, as there is a proven market for it.



Sad, but unfortunately very true... Just look at how many people rush out to buy the next game in the Call of Duty franchise, when in reality all that happens is multiplayer gets 10 new maps, guns get changed slightly, and the progression is altered in an incredibly minor way. No big innovation, yet they out sell every other game on the market every year.

Edited by Solo_Han
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Actually the spaceports sell guidebooks and maps in their giftshops. They're right next to the duty free spice.


I found them next to the paperback rack, for your reading enjoyment during those long shuttle rides between the space station and planet side.

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I dont understand the purpose of blocking the map out...why is it done again?

It doesnt really conceal anything, it doesnt really accomplish anything in fact.


Its just an annoyance with no real purpose in this game.


Now if, say, really important stuff was acctually listed on the map that would be different. But hell, the Sarlaac isnt even listed on the map. the area its in is just flat space on the map.




So yeah, it is kind of pointless, and it doesnt even really serve any gameplay so there isnt a reason to suspend our disbelief here.



I understand not allowing you to speeder to places until you have found them. That makes sense. But the fog of war effect is just silly.

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In Beta we could see all of the map then they took it away and put in the standard run over something to have it pop on the map crap no one liked it but they kept it in /boggle


I like it. Shows me where I have been and where I haven't.

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I like it. Shows me where I have been and where I haven't.


Yeah, I don't look at it as a standard map, but as a map of what you've physically traveled (which is what it is). If you want a full map, look online.

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Shows me where I have been and where I haven't.


This is the reason for it, its a "guide" that says "Hey man you haven't been here, there might be stuff here you want to check out."


Personally I think with a sci-fi game there needs to be some modification. On known/civilized planets like Coruscant or Nar Shaddaa you should be able to see the map outlines with areas you haven't been to shaded in some color. Places like Tatooine would have a combination of blacked out areas that represent unexplored areas or wilderness and shaded areas around the cites.

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On a similar topic...


Why do I have to go from one planet, use my ships holocom, fly to another planet, go talk to someone, go to my holocom, flyl to the fleet to not even talk to anyone, just click on them and he's like HERES SOME XP, go to my holocom, then go back to my original location to talk to the person I started with, then go back to my holocom?


Why the hell can't I just do a conference call with my high tech holocom?

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