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Galactic Empire


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so you say iraq was magical is reason what happened to 9/11?



No... we invaded Iraq because of Saddam. We knew he had a major influence and let the terrorist invade Iraq before we came in.



Before 9/11, Saddam Hussein was pushing our buttons or was on thin ice. Even though he wasn't an Al-Quaeda member, he did nothing when they made Iraq one of their primary headquarters. And we knew it was a safe-haven but we had no credibility to actually go in there. Until 9/11 that is.

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No... we invaded Iraq because of Saddam. We knew he had a major influence and let the terrorist invade Iraq before we came in.



Before 9/11, Saddam Hussein was pushing our buttons or was on thin ice. Even though he wasn't an Al-Quaeda member, he did nothing when they made Iraq one of their primary headquarters. And we knew it was a safe-haven but we had no credibility to actually go in there. Until 9/11 that is.


"Sadam has WMD's"



Military arrives:




The reasons (at least for the British governments joint involvement, don't forget we were attacked not long after 9/11) was because of WMD threat. This turned out to be bogus.]


And to bring it back on topic:


It just goes to show, that what those in power want you to see for their own purposes is generally all we see. This is how Palpatine controlled the senate pre order 66.

Edited by sambeta
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No... we invaded Iraq because of Saddam. We knew he had a major influence and let the terrorist invade Iraq before we came in.



Before 9/11, Saddam Hussein was pushing our buttons or was on thin ice. Even though he wasn't an Al-Quaeda member, he did nothing when they made Iraq one of their primary headquarters. And we knew it was a safe-haven but we had no credibility to actually go in there. Until 9/11 that is.


uittly bs


there was no terrorests before iraq war in fact so called terrorests showed up after usa invaded iraq.

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I suppose, but then the American revolution would have been a terrorist movement. And why was most of the galaxy happy about the Empire falling?


Even as an American citizen, even I have to admit, the labels the rebelling colonies received were right in the eyes of the British: Rebels, traitors, etc. Which was why the stakes were so high for the Americans to fail in their rebellion... because traitors in any state, at any time, were not treated well when their rebellion failed. There was no home nation to bargain for the release of prisoners. In the eyes of any original, sovereign government, *any* rebellion must be squashed (American Civil War, anyone?).


Galaxy happy? That's some added on Special Edition cr*p. If the Rebellion in the movies were so popular, they were hiding out in the far fringes of the galaxy (Yavin IV, Hoth). Even in a planet known to support the cause of the Rebellion, Alderaan, wasn't designated their "home" nor actively supporting them. Not once in the movies have we seen the Rebellion hosted, even in secrecy, by any planet's governing body. Lando's colony at Bespin was an exception. It was outside the nominal oversight of the Empire.

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Even as an American citizen, even I have to admit, the labels the rebelling colonies received were right in the eyes of the British: Rebels, traitors, etc. Which was why the stakes were so high for the Americans to fail in their rebellion... because traitors in any state, at any time, were not treated well when their rebellion failed. There was no home nation to bargain for the release of prisoners. In the eyes of any original, sovereign government, *any* rebellion must be squashed (American Civil War, anyone?).


This is key. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter, so that discussion is 'almost' doomed to go in circles. Whether a Rebellion is justified is one thing, but certain forces play a part in whether it's bound to happen (as Leia said, "The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers").


Galaxy happy? That's some added on Special Edition cr*p. If the Rebellion in the movies were so popular, they were hiding out in the far fringes of the galaxy (Yavin IV, Hoth). Even in a planet known to support the cause of the Rebellion, Alderaan, wasn't designated their "home" nor actively supporting them. Not once in the movies have we seen the Rebellion hosted, even in secrecy, by any planet's governing body. Lando's colony at Bespin was an exception. It was outside the nominal oversight of the Empire.


Well for one thing Alderaan was a core world. Insurgency 101...in waging a civil war against an empire you don't stage all your armed forces in plain view of the enemy at what was an obvious target spot! You plant seeds of dissent and gather resources, which is difficult when ruled with an iron fist so it needs to be gradual, and go from there.


As for Alderaan not actively supporting the Rebellion, where was that lady from again? You know, the one who had those stolen Death Star plans, or something? I feel like she was someone important from Alderaan, but maybe I'm wrong.


As for the Galaxy being happy, it doesn't matter how you feel about the special edition. It's canon. Period.

Edited by BradTheImpaler
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What did you want?


They took a plane and brought down the twin towers. And their goal is to take us down, not power. They just wanted to kill us all. And we sent troops there to help the citizens, not to go in a war.


When they get serious Nukes(Which is happening in Iran), we will be in a real war. Israel wants to take Iran out now before they get Nuclear power. Obama sent a warning to Iran just a week ago. Iran and North Korea, their building on Nuclear Power.


I just hope they calm down... because going to war with Iran will start a chain reaction with China and Russia at their side. And Israel is a major ally for us and allot of European Countries.


Its very complicated...

Ignorance like this is the reason so many people don't like Americans...


Al-Qaeda didn't attack us because they hate our freedom, they did it for US involvement in the middle east. Al-Qaeda is awful, but it was the result of US imperialism, which is also bad.


We sent troops to Afghanistan for a few reasons, none of which have anything to do with helping civilians. We've actually killed thousands of innocent people in Afghanistan just like we did in Iraq. It isn't a goal to kill civilians, but it is easier to not worry about them when killing enemies hiding amongst them. Most people in Afghanistan hate the US and want the US out.


I find it funny people think the only country to have actually made use of nukes has the right to police everyone else. No one should have nukes, but the US telling others what they can and can't do is extremely hypocritical.

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6. I know that many will say now about Alderaan - but it was home of terrorist for 20 years. And about Luke's aunt and uncle it was all just another Kenobi's lie, the truth is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcvFjtbskZk


Ok, this is about the only part I agree with. Why? Have you DEALT with the nobles on Alderaan? I've said it before, and I'll say it again:



Tarkin did the Galaxy a favor!

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Ok, this is about the only part I agree with. Why? Have you DEALT with the nobles on Alderaan? I've said it before, and I'll say it again:



Tarkin did the Galaxy a favor!


I doubt they were like that during Palpatines rule.

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Its funny the empire built death stars and lost both of them. The tie fighters where a total joke like the storm troopers. It was just a modern version of the sith empire. It just took one jedi to help with its downfall. The alliance did the galaxy a favor riding the galaxy of the last to dark jedi.
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