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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dungeon Finder Needed Badly


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You can not care all you want, but the concerns are valid.

The presence of a cross server dungeon finder is the difference between an online multiplayer co op game and an mmorpg.


Thankfully, the developers said the incoming FP finder will be server wide only.


Hey, WoW tried that too. It didn't work, just like it won't here, and cross server will be the next iteration.


Hopefully the single-server failure is quick, so they can put in the tool they should have in the first place.

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As it should be. Sorry, I have to agree that with those stating that it is a community killer. I played WoW and when it was introduced in WoW it basically made general/trade chat in the cities a big troll fest. There was absolutely nothing else to talk except shiza. People did not need to branch out and make acquaintances with other players or other guilds because they could hit a button and be magically transported to the dungeon of their choice with four people that, in all likelihood, they would never have to play with again. Even if they did happen to bond with another player in a cross-server dungeon, little could be done about it except adding that person to your Real Friends ID and having conversations with them about how the game on their server was treating them. They couldn't raid with you. They couldn't PVP with you. They couldn't quest with you. They couldn't explore with you. It was like a long-distance relationship in an MMO which, frankly, is pretty stupid.


Of course, bringing a server-only FP finder into the current game seems pretty stupid too when some of us are on ridiculously low-pop servers. That is a serious problem that needs to be addressed before any success with a single server FP finder. Hopefully they will fix that first or all the people that said a cross-server FP finder was necessary will be back here puffing up their chests, sticking out their chins, and declaring themselves masters of the universe.


Hehe..not going to be proclaiming myself as a master of the Universe, but atleast you do see the logic of a server side only LFG tool for PVE working well on low pop server. Not going to happen. Will I stay around long enough to try it?...sure. But from past experence I donot have any faith it will work well. The truth is, a cross server LFG tool does what it is intended to do. Which is finds you a group to experence end game content with. The social parts of the game, you are still free to exercise that in the way you see best on your server.

Edited by Valkirus
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What proof?! You have never provided any proof! All you'v ever done is go on at length about your opinion of it and listed some apparent ocassions when someone was mean to you.


You can't provide proof because there is no proof. Only opinions.


I also seriously doubt that's the last you will ever say on this beneficial tool.


Well M. Order, I had listed out a lot of people, and articles, it was removed by the pro XSLFG group.


All you have is people and desires, wants, and entitlement, no proof what so ever and that it is all that you can claim.


Asides from your short retort on one line, why did you do nothing about the rest of the layout? That which even did include your failed, but vaunted, XSLFG, (which I had posted earlier containing one such article with a Dev of another company that said it was a failure), and the allowances for you getting such XSLFG feature?


Or did you just skip everything by and ignore the rest? Leaving you with a false sense of knowledge on the matter, because you figured one line is all you needed to know the whole premise.


Oh yeah, never have I bothered to list some "apparent occasions when someone was mean to you" in these threads. I have no need to, but again that false sense of knowing things that you do not, as there are plenty of reasons to not want that failed feature.


Just so you know, in short, uncomplicated terms, that require little real need for thought, yes I do not like XSLFG. BUT if you get it, you must consider all the people who do not like it or want it in more than "just don't use it then" attitude. Those people who WILL NOT use XSLFG must be "allowed the same content" as you claim that you XSLFG'ers say you both NEED and want.

Edited by Esproc
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There is more to grouping than flashpoints - and for everything else a cross-server LFG tool will not suffice. It also eliminates what over 12 years of MMO gaming I have determined is the best way to find the "right" guild or make the "best" quality of friends: running in groups with people and evaluating how they play and how they handle potentially difficult situations.


I already have a level 50 on one server but with patch 1.2 coming I elected to start off fresh on a new server - primarily because I knew I wanted to unlock certain races and understanding how Legacy was going to work I wanted a fresh start to establish the connected Legacy I wanted. So when I say that the real cure for "low population blues" is "reroll on a higher population server" I am speaking from the experience of someone who has that level 50 character.


My new server's main is the same base class as my old server's main - just going to be a sorcerer (healer) this time instead of an assassin (tank).


If you are serious about wanting to group more and don't just want to sit in the Fleet and wait for your FP queue to pop then you need to consider there's more to grouping than just flashpoints. Unless xserver will somehow magically work for heroics too I would predict that the same thing will happen to TOR that happened to Rift and WoW - the areas outside of the main capital hubs (fleets) will turn into ghosttowns and no one will be doing heroics outside of getting their high level guildies (if they have any) to run them.

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Well M. Order, I had listed out a lot of people, and articles, it was removed by the pro XSLFG group.


All you have is people and desires, wants, and entitlement, no proof what so ever and that it is all that you can claim.


Asides from your short retort on one line, why did you do nothing about the rest of the layout? That which even did include your failed, but vaunted, XSLFG, (which I had posted earlier containing one such article with a Dev of another company that said it was a failure), and the allowances for you getting such XSLFG feature?


Or did you just skip everything by and ignore the rest? Leaving you with a false sense of knowledge on the matter, because you figured one line is all you needed to know the whole premise.


Oh yeah, never have I bothered to list some "apparent occasions when someone was mean to you" in these threads. I have no need to, but again that false sense of knowing things that you do not, as there are plenty of reasons to not want that failed feature.


Just so you know, in short, uncomplicated terms, that require little real need for thought, yes I do not like XSLFG. BUT if you get it, you must consider all the people who do not like it or want it in more than "just don't use it then" attitude. Those people who WILL NOT use XSLFG must be "allowed the same content" as you claim that you XSLFG'ers say you both NEED and want.


We have no power to remove your posts, so you'll excuse me if I find your claims that your so-called proof was deleted as being somewhat whimsical.


Also, you lied earlier, you said you weren't going to say anything more on the subject?

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There is more to grouping than flashpoints - and for everything else a cross-server LFG tool will not suffice. It also eliminates what over 12 years of MMO gaming I have determined is the best way to find the "right" guild or make the "best" quality of friends: running in groups with people and evaluating how they play and how they handle potentially difficult situations.


I already have a level 50 on one server but with patch 1.2 coming I elected to start off fresh on a new server - primarily because I knew I wanted to unlock certain races and understanding how Legacy was going to work I wanted a fresh start to establish the connected Legacy I wanted. So when I say that the real cure for "low population blues" is "reroll on a higher population server" I am speaking from the experience of someone who has that level 50 character.


My new server's main is the same base class as my old server's main - just going to be a sorcerer (healer) this time instead of an assassin (tank).


If you are serious about wanting to group more and don't just want to sit in the Fleet and wait for your FP queue to pop then you need to consider there's more to grouping than just flashpoints. Unless xserver will somehow magically work for heroics too I would predict that the same thing will happen to TOR that happened to Rift and WoW - the areas outside of the main capital hubs (fleets) will turn into ghosttowns and no one will be doing heroics outside of getting their high level guildies (if they have any) to run them.



In WoW I found my guild via the LFD tool, great bunch of guys that I really loved playing with.


Also, currently anywhere outside of the Fleet is a ghost town! Because everyone is being forced to sit in the Fleet spamming to get a pug for a Flashpoint. At least with a Group Finder we can go off and do dailies, level up or whatever whilst searching for a group.

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Lets hope you strategically planned this to coincide with the 30 days free time that you gave us, that's for your sake. Otherwise you are going to lose players interest to games such as Tera, GW2 and the like.



Dungeon Finder should have been in at release, it's a pity that your leash holder "EA" doesn't recognize that. It seems content to just suck the life out of any title an let it die. I miss the old Bioware before it had to answer to the man, you were better back then. Everything you have released this year has been a disaster.

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Let's look at the facts here....


WoW, the mmorpg that implemented the xslfg still has 10+ million subs, will most likely shoot back up to 11 or 12 million when the next expansion comes out.


so to spell it out in plain english, xslfg worked for WoW as they are still going strong and won't be going to F2P anytime soon.


personally, i want the xslfg. it saves me time from trying to put a group together. and plenty of times in a pug, i meet people and chat during the run, so there is a sense of community.


what gets me is that the ones that don't want the xslfg don't really have to use it. they can still spam chat to form the groups. so why is the xslfg such an issue?


if you still find groups easily while spamming chat, that's great! you can still have it your way. if you can't find groups, well, then you might want to rethink what the majority wants as well as rethink what works and doesn't work.

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PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE no dungen finder in swtor.


lets start at the beggining. I heard that the smart guys at bioware were thinking of inplementing a WoW style dungen finder in game. I CANNOT STRESS HOW MUCH OF A BAD IDEA THIS IS! from what i saw and from asking in general chat, it is ment to be a full wow style dungen finder. NO! bioware, please if you value your game, no, don't do this.


i have RESONS for my hate.

1.) wow's dungen finder KILLED the community

2.) wow's dungen finder KILLED azeroth

3.) wow's dungen finder mass pruduced ninja pullers, looters, trolls, QQers

these are the tree main resons that i hate the dungen finder concept. i will now go into each of the three and do a large amount of moneing. A LARGE AMOUNT!


firstly, killing the community. wow used to have a thriveing community on each server that was built up with each new player. you had to manualy find a group from your friends lists. this meant that if the group was good, you could add them to a list of friends for future use. or if theres an offencive, rude, aggresive members of the community would be segregated and forced into being nicer/better. wow's dungen finder stopped that entirely.

With the dungen finder, there was no need to meet and remember people on the server because it was random people that you grouped with last time from random servers who you will never see each other again.


secondly, it killed the world. in the days of old, each zone was buzzing with people all leveling and looking for groups and trolling and moneing, it was fantastic. then came the dungen finder... and suddenly every one could level faster through just standing queing for the dungens, so the zones died. now i understand that the questing of swtor is a massive part of the gameplay, but after you've been through it once or twice or thrice, or even 8 times! there will be no need to quest for the story, so you could just stand in the fleet and que for flash points... BOOM game worlds are dead.


finaly all the idiots tha this system creates. because theres no way of punishing these morons, so the morons run rampent in the dungens doing whatever the **** they feel like and makeing life miserable for everyone exept them. befor, when there was community, these people would be outcasted and ignored out of wow. with this system putin. THIS WILL START HAPPENING! then we will start complaining and bioware might actualy start loesing subs, then swtor dies, and no one wants that.


think bioware, please think. i cant stop you from doing this, but think. to all of you, think about the damage this would to swtor. do we realy want this? DO WE? belive me, the above will happen.

Edited by joehighlord
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No, don't do it.. This game will turn into WoW. The most succesful MMO out there, It already has too many of it's aspects like Dual Spec, Achievements, LFG tool, Rated WZ's..


/sarcasm :rolleyes:


It'sa myth that it destroys communitites, If people have it so easy to find groups then what's it to them if some random guy has it easier for himself to find a group?


Makes no sense at all, It's just a bandwagon of trolls. LFG tool will make it way easier to level with flashpoints and do all of the heroics on a planet. Does not affect the player that can find groups easily one bit, It just makes things better.

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No, don't do it.. This game will turn into WoW. The most succesful MMO out there, It already has too many of it's aspects like Dual Spec, Achievements, LFG tool, Rated WZ's..


/sarcasm :rolleyes:


It'sa myth that it destroys communitites, If people have it so easy to find groups then what's it to them if some random guy has it easier for himself to find a group?


Makes no sense at all, It's just a bandwagon of trolls. LFG tool will make it way easier to level with flashpoints and do all of the heroics on a planet. Does not affect the player that can find groups easily one bit, It just makes things better.


you clearly never played wow

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We have no power to remove your posts, so you'll excuse me if I find your claims that your so-called proof was deleted as being somewhat whimsical.


Also, you lied earlier, you said you weren't going to say anything more on the subject?



Actually M. Order, you have, by you I mean the pro fail tool group.


You are not so good at twisting words as you may think, but you are not too bad of a troll. I really don't believe there is any truth in you, so I have no reason to believe a word that you say.


So long as "you" (ie. your set) attack me, it is my right to respond :)


Mr. Ed says "No" to Wilbur.

Wilbur thinks it over, he agrees.


No XSLFG, straight from the horses mouth.

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Let's look at the facts here....


WoW, the mmorpg that implemented the xslfg still has 10+ million subs, will most likely shoot back up to 11 or 12 million when the next expansion comes out.


so to spell it out in plain english, xslfg worked for WoW as they are still going strong and won't be going to F2P anytime soon.



There are MMO´s with such a tool who are f2p. To think swtor will only survive with beeing a wow clone, is wrong.


Because this is the reason why the other MMO´s failed and went f2p. They were wow 2.0 and nobody wants wow 2.0.



That wow has 10 mio subs is right, but the reason for that is asia. People in europe and america are leaving the game more and more, asia is just covering this.



The most successfull wow is still tbc and vanilla, you can check this easily by google.



If SWTOR wants to stay alive then only if BW does manage to create a unique MMO which does the things that wow did wrong better and that starts at the DF and ends at Addon support and Arena. Those 3 things had an major impact on wow and ruined it.


Not saying all are bad, but the way how they are put in the game is where BW must shine. If they dont, people who like wow will go back there and those that did like SWTOR for not beeing wow, have been gone to GW2 or any other MMO.

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As it is right now I'm waiting for hours in the fleet just tring to get a group for a flashpoint.


This can be easily solved by a LFG tool that works server-wide. Why not implement it when it has worked niceley in other games?


A MMO game that doesn't give the players the chance to group up and see the end-game content does not feel like a MMO game.

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It has been posted often enough that it's absurd to point out yet again that the current LFG tool is able to be set to look for certain levels of players, and not just on Fleet/Station, but server wide.


Just because it is not a one button insta group is not an excuse. It is a tool that can be used and people actually do use it and have found great groups, read the posts. If you do not use it, or do not use it to the potential that it is capable of, well, whose fault is that?


Some point ahead in time they (BW) do plan on making a better LFG server wide tool. So until then rely on what is there. Also, many servers have created a LFG chat using /lfg to chat up groups, maybe even on your server.


Make Friends, have fun, go groups.


WoW lost 100,000 subs and were down to 10.3 million as of September 2011. They are continuing to fall, but they will hold at least the 1 million+ subs that are "Annual Pass" that locks the player subs in for 1 year. This of course included Diablo 3 and beta opt in for MoP. They still hold on to subs with Asia and recently added Brazil ($8 subs). According to the BBC 1 million players stopped paying in the last 3 months. Will be interesting to see what the next quarterly actually posts at.

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Spamming is not community building.


The days of "Do you know someone that can tank or heal this" should be well over



I totally agree. When a new product comes out it needs to be up to date with current products on the market if it advertises itself as being in the same category.

New televisions would not be made that were not cable ready and advertised as 'new must have'.


The excuse that Wow took years to develop dungeon finder has nothing to do with a new game. If company X took years to learn to make a cable ready tv does that mean all companies in the future have to take that long as well?

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So very true, instead they seem to have gone the same route as Bethesda with Skyrim. Rush it out the door with features missing, broken, or just plain ignored. I can understand not including things because they are low on the priorities (like a barber shop feature) but something like a dungeon finder is a necessity. I play at extremely sporadic times (military), and when I have time to do it, I can't be sitting around in general chat or asking in my guild hoping I can get in a group in less then an hour or three. Mind you, my guild has plenty of people, but they don't all have the same play time as myself. Just my two cents.
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So, any new information on a better working LFG tool? Because quite frankly, I'm in the same position I was when I cancelled my sub.


I'm not willing to waste my precious time and on top of that pay for it.


With 1.3 I expect a robust, good working LFG tool, pretty much the same as the tool for PvP.


Again, wasting time on the fleet or planets is not time well spent (obviously), and it's an insult to expect players to be content with this kind of inaccessability, considering that there is already a perfectly functioning grouping tool for PvP.

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wasting time on the fleet or planets is not time well spent (obviously), and it's an insult to expect players to be content with this kind of inaccessability, considering that there is already a perfectly functioning grouping tool for PvP.


Agreed but nless it is cross server this tool will not help the low population servers.. or merge servers

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Dungeon finder RUINS games. Look at WOW, RIFT, etc... Once dungeon finder is introduced, people will, for example, que as a tank, get in group and say, Oh, sorry, can someone else tank?


Dungeon finders ruin the community of the game as well. Not to mention, if you invite someone to the group you have the chance of recognizing a lack of gar or someone recognizing them and KNOWING that they suck and will cause a wipe.


The next step after Dungeon Finders is cross-server this WILL ruin the game. WOW and RIFT are perfect examples. People will complain that it takes to long and then we have to deal with baddies across servers as well as our own.


Dungeon Finders will ruin this game as well.


(Dungeon finders are one of many reasons I quit WOW and RIFT)

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Dungeon finder RUINS games. Look at WOW, RIFT, etc... Once dungeon finder is introduced, people will, for example, que as a tank, get in group and say, Oh, sorry, can someone else tank?


Dungeon finders ruin the community of the game as well. Not to mention, if you invite someone to the group you have the chance of recognizing a lack of gar or someone recognizing them and KNOWING that they suck and will cause a wipe.


The next step after Dungeon Finders is cross-server this WILL ruin the game. WOW and RIFT are perfect examples. People will complain that it takes to long and then we have to deal with baddies across servers as well as our own.


Dungeon Finders will ruin this game as well.


(Dungeon finders are one of many reasons I quit WOW and RIFT)


Then..uh.. I dunno?...


Don't use the dungeon finder?

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Agreed but nless it is cross server this tool will not help the low population servers.. or merge servers


Of course. I can't imagine how frustrating it must be on a low population server. You basically can't play the game. That's how it is, simple as that.


Dungeon finder RUINS games. Look at WOW, RIFT, etc... Once dungeon finder is introduced, people will, for example, que as a tank, get in group and say, Oh, sorry, can someone else tank?


Dungeon finders ruin the community of the game as well. Not to mention, if you invite someone to the group you have the chance of recognizing a lack of gar or someone recognizing them and KNOWING that they suck and will cause a wipe.


The next step after Dungeon Finders is cross-server this WILL ruin the game. WOW and RIFT are perfect examples. People will complain that it takes to long and then we have to deal with baddies across servers as well as our own.


Dungeon Finders will ruin this game as well.


(Dungeon finders are one of many reasons I quit WOW and RIFT)


I'll say it again.


As it is now, I'm wasting my spare time (and money) for having the privilege to do, and achieve absoluteley nothing ingame. I am effectively cut out from high end FP's.


I also don't think that Dungeon Finder's ruin a community. Is the PvP grouping tool ruining the community? No, it isn't.

It would actually make the game playable for a lot of people, considering the many FP's and Heroic quest's.


A single server grouping tool would be a very good compromise on which everyone could agree I think (why the *bleep* not), but as msdixi already stated, it will not help a low population server.


Nonetheless, we need a good (!) LFG tool, there's no reason there shouldn't be one.

Edited by BoneEater
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I have a great idea, just make the OPS and FPS solo-able. Community is non-existent, and this game is quickly irritating me with some of the broken features. I am afraid they may have made it a little to much like WoW, (but with less features).
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Dungeon finder RUINS games. Look at WOW, RIFT, etc... Once dungeon finder is introduced, people will, for example, que as a tank, get in group and say, Oh, sorry, can someone else tank?


Dungeon finders ruin the community of the game as well. Not to mention, if you invite someone to the group you have the chance of recognizing a lack of gar or someone recognizing them and KNOWING that they suck and will cause a wipe.


The next step after Dungeon Finders is cross-server this WILL ruin the game. WOW and RIFT are perfect examples. People will complain that it takes to long and then we have to deal with baddies across servers as well as our own.


Dungeon Finders will ruin this game as well.


(Dungeon finders are one of many reasons I quit WOW and RIFT)


You didn't quit those games because of the Tool. You quit them because of the players.


The tool didn't do anythin other than give you easier access to the content. It was the players you encountered that made you upset.


So basically you don't want to play an MMO because of the other players.

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