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No one join Swiftsure look for another server.


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It's only going to get worse. Even if they lock them right now, there is still the people in the guild launch program who haven't even started to play. I know my guild has a few and i imagine other do also.


As of now i have been waiting over 2 hours and still have 345 or so ahead of me. Swiftsure FTL.

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Proudmoore PvE on WoW was just as bad as The Harbinger for the same reason.


Also for those saying that once there are Oceania servers itll all be alright...you may be wrong, depending on how long the official australian launch is delayed. WoW took a good 4+ years to tag any servers as Oceania and by that time, most of the australian guilds were already well entrenched on Proudmoore/Blackrock and did not bother to move.


Of course, if they actually physically put the servers in Australia, it would be a whole other story, but I do not see them doing that.


Yeah I don't see many people moving from Swiftsure/Harbinger. Already established and unless we get servers in Oceania then there really isn't any point

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I think that's the problem, none of us want to lose the character we already worked on. I think a free one time character transfers would really even out the loads.


Yea, but Bioware should have seen this one coming. I mean with the Australian. They underestimated them (like blizzard did), and now where are we? Aussies may going to take over yet another server.

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Ironically, I picked Swiftsure as my server on Day 1 because I thought it sounded stupid and no one would want to join it, therefore keeping it from having excessive queues...



Boy was I wrong.


Lol! That was exactly how I setup my master plan before I chose "Taylor Swift... sure!" I never forum lurked before but even then, what a terrible gamble.


Pass it on for generations. "Kids, be sure to spam refresh before you commit to a server that is claimed an 'official' anything"

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Yea, the Oceanic players have been doing this for awhile on various games. I don't blame them, but I always make it a point to avoid their servers if I think the game is going to have queues.


On the upside, I play at odd times, so when I play a less popular game, I often try to find what server they are on and go there...

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Changing servers at this point is not practical when guilds and their allies/enemies were placed on the servers. Allisonberry you miss the point in your posting here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=29453 with the stance "play on another server". Bioware selected the servers for guild import. It's YOUR plan. At this stage of the game, Bioware needs to move guilds enmasse to less populated servers, WITH their allies/enemies likewise moved, AND to the same type of server.



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Yeah DarkReaper server here. 1 hr+ wait. If they did offer free transfers that would be cool. I dont wanna start over ive already done so much.


I feel the same, I am lvl 20 LS SI, and I dont want to start over, I've done Dromund kaas too times already (one in beta). I dont wanna revisit that planet too soon yet (untill at least I get to 50 on my main).


My alt will be Bounty hunter. Possibly tank.

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Harbinger and Swiftsure are flooded with Oceanic players. I wish they would just make those official Oceanic servers and let the rest of us escape those locust nests.


This this this this this this this this this. I posted this as a thread but it got deleted for "trolling". Figures.

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This this this this this this this this this. I posted this as a thread but it got deleted for "trolling". Figures.


I knew what would happen to 1 or 2 servers...But did bioware listen? No, now they have to deal with extra problem.


Btw, I am in swiftsure as an Proud Australian, and a proud Locust :D


I do hope the queue lightens up soon too. But thats Bioware's problem and not mine. I have the patience to wait an hour or two (for queues).

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Changing servers at this point is not practical when guilds and their allies/enemies were placed on the servers. Allisonberry you miss the point in your posting here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=29453 with the stance "play on another server". Bioware selected the servers for guild import. It's YOUR plan. At this stage of the game, Bioware needs to move guilds enmasse to less populated servers, WITH their allies/enemies likewise moved, AND to the same type of server.





+1. It's only going to get worse on the 20th... the queues on Swiftsure are over 5 hours tonight, totally ridiculous.

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Harbinger and Swiftsure are flooded with Oceanic players. I wish they would just make those official Oceanic servers and let the rest of us escape those locust nests.


This is why developers should never understimate Australian gamers. There are more of us than you think.

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