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Ars. Damage rotation


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I'm hoping I can get some CONSTRUCTIVE feedback on the good damage rotation for PvP and PVE with an arsenal merc. Currently at level 30 this is the rotations I've been using:


Melee range: TMx3/RS/unload/PS/FT/RP repeat


at range: TMx3/RS/unload/PS/MBx3/Rapid Shot/ wait for RS cooldown and start rotation over from TM


Is there something better I should be doing to maximise DPS? I don't have any problems PVE wise taking down champ bosses so I"m mostly looking for PvP rotation. Any feedback is greatly apprecieated!!

Edited by Larius
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I'm hoping I can get some CONSTRUCTIVE feedback on the good damage rotation for PvP and PVE with an arsenal merc. Currently at level 30 this is the rotations I've been using:


Melee range: TMx3/RS/unload/PS/FT/RP repeat


at range: TMx3/RS/unload/PS/MBx3/Rapid Shot/ wait for RS cooldown and start rotation over from TM


Is there something better I should be doing to maximise DPS? I don't have any problems PVE wise taking down champ bosses so I"m mostly looking for PvP rotation. Any feedback is greatly apprecieated!!


I too would love to hear any info also on the best Merc/hybrid build for pvp.

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At 30, your spec should look something like this - http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#300ZMIkbRMd0z.1


Single target, you'll want to do Explosive Dart, Tracer x3, Unload, Tracer x2, Railshot.


For groups, you can do Explosive Dart, Fusion Missle, Death from Above.


In PvE nothing will be alive after that. In PvP, just try to stick with that single target rotation as much as you can while weaving in Rapid Shots when your heat starts getting high.

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for pvp the standard rotation is TMx3>HSM>TMx2>RS with unload used on proc. since you dont have HSM or barrage yet just eliminate HSM from the rotation. hartburn has it right with unload where HSM is because of the armor reduction. sometimes ill lead with explosive dart if i see my opponent is running into a crowd, sometimes i also follow this up with thermal sensor override and fusion missile for the free cast but since you dont get TSO until 42 dont worry about that part yet


i use an aoe rotation for pvp as well. it goes explosive dart > TSO> fusion misslie > DFA. sometimes i like to throw missile blast in there as well but its usually not worth it for the damage:heat ratio


for pve the standard rotation applies with a explosive dart as the lead for the knockdown and splash damage. you can use the aoe rotation but you wont always have DFA ready because of the cd so youll have to rely on the standard rotation much more


i only use rocket punch for its knockback ability, in pvp you should never be that close to someone to need to use it as a damaging ability. try to stick to the abilities that you are specced for, the others only generate unnecessary heat

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One thing most people miss with merc arsenal is you have to use thermal sensor override. Use that with fusion missile after you have 5 stacks of tracer. It's a very powerful attack with a dot. The negative is it's very high heat, but with thermal sensor override it's a great attack to add in. It hits about as hard as tracer initially (plus the initial attack is a tech attack so it won't miss) and puts an elemental dot on the enemy (ignores armor). On top of that it's a 5m aoe.


Thermal sensor override is a 2 minute cooldown so you won't do it often. Yet when it's off cooldown using it with fusion missile will up your dps.

Edited by McGarnagle
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Also, once you pick it up if you get Thermal Sensor override and Power surge. Power Surge is the ability that makes you instant cast the next ability with an activation timer. TSO reduces the heat of your next attack to 0. So, if you cast power surge, then TSO, Fusion missle can become a free, heatless attack. if you do that at the end of the rotation while you you have the 5 stacks of armor debuff up, you are GOLDEN when it comes to damage without having to worry about your heat. My heat in PVE never goes above 50, and I outdamage pretty much everyone i run with that's statted similarly. One thing to watch out for. Always try to separate unload and tracer missile with either heatseeker missile or rail shot. unload immediately after tracer missile builds heat quickly. if you can fit one of the other two attacks in there first, do it. Preferably rail shot. If you put your points in correctly, and end up getting the eliminator set for endgame, railshot costs 0 heat.
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Also, once you pick it up if you get Thermal Sensor override and Power surge. Power Surge is the ability that makes you instant cast the next ability with an activation timer. TSO reduces the heat of your next attack to 0. So, if you cast power surge, then TSO, Fusion missle can become a free, heatless attack. if you do that at the end of the rotation while you you have the 5 stacks of armor debuff up, you are GOLDEN when it comes to damage without having to worry about your heat. My heat in PVE never goes above 50, and I outdamage pretty much everyone i run with that's statted similarly. One thing to watch out for. Always try to separate unload and tracer missile with either heatseeker missile or rail shot. unload immediately after tracer missile builds heat quickly. if you can fit one of the other two attacks in there first, do it. Preferably rail shot. If you put your points in correctly, and end up getting the eliminator set for endgame, railshot costs 0 heat.


i know this is preference, but in pvp i prefer to save my power surge for concussion missile for an instant mez. i feel that this helps make up for arsenals lack of utility a bit. i also like using fusion missile right after explosive dart for the explosive burst (lol)

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Fair enough. I'm just not much of a PVPer, so I don't really know how things should change for PVP from PVE.


the biggest difference imo is interrupting your opponent and not getting interrupted which means reducing cast times where you can. an instant cast fusion missile is nice but its not an ability id be casting if i was taking damage, for me it something i use right after explosive dart so my target usually doesnt know hes targeted yet. i feel that concussion missile hurts more when it gets interrupted vs fusion due to the fact that 6 secs of free time to heal and pop cds is better than a dot imo


fusion does give you great splash damage and a dot but its better used in the start of a rotation vs concussion which gives you survivability but is usually used in the middle of combat and therefore more likely to get interrupted. not to mention that if you need to use concussion you usually want it to right away (its my "oh ****" button)

Edited by Cegenaus
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nobody actually posted the ideal rotation.





this is the opener, this rotation will allow you to max dps forever.


after you finish this rotation use HSM or rail whenever they are up... rail shot should be free with rakata 4 piece bonus fyi


if you need to burst, throw in an insta fusion or explosive dart


the above rotation keeps you under 40 heat assuming your crit is at least 30 and you have 4 piece rakata (or columi or tinoneese)


anything else on a raid boss is FAIL


any time heat is over 40 sprinkle in a rapid shots


this is a pve conversation so if you throw "but in pvp" at me then go away :) pvp in this game sucks (pve isnt a lot better either tbh)


1.2 better be a miracle.

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nobody actually posted the ideal rotation.





this is the opener, this rotation will allow you to max dps forever.


after you finish this rotation use HSM or rail whenever they are up... rail shot should be free with rakata 4 piece bonus fyi


if you need to burst, throw in an insta fusion or explosive dart


the above rotation keeps you under 40 heat assuming your crit is at least 30 and you have 4 piece rakata (or columi or tinoneese)


anything else on a raid boss is FAIL


any time heat is over 40 sprinkle in a rapid shots


this is a pve conversation so if you throw "but in pvp" at me then go away :) pvp in this game sucks (pve isnt a lot better either tbh)


1.2 better be a miracle.


The OP is level 30, he doesn't have HSM. Also, Fusion Missile is an underrated skill especially in aoe packs. If you use it with TSO and Power surge, u can increaes your DPS significantly for zero heat cost.

Edited by Kleano
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The OP is level 30, he doesn't have HSM. Also, Fusion Missile is an underrated skill especially in aoe packs. If you use it with TSO and Power surge, u can increaes your DPS significantly for zero heat cost.


you cannot consider using an attack with 2 cooldowns part of a rotation imo


advanced play is not a part of rotation conversations, neither was AOE really, but meh whatev


if you dont have HSM it is easy to just not cast it, the rotation is the same, just less dps (and less heat used)

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