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Powertech Bounty Hunters and Vanguard Troopers want to use Ion Gas Cylinder/Ion Cell all the time in PvP and for good reason. (Shielding & Guard)


My question is my not have all the Cells/Cylinders for those that choose Vanguard or Powertech to give the +15 to shield chance on top of there current effect, sure Ion stances will be the default tanking stance due to the damage reduction and armor but why not give the other stances the same +15 shield chance.


This I feel will save you allot of headache from having to keep a close eye on the over powered hybrid specs that the players come up with.


Adding some effects to the current stances that make those stances unique to that line of combat would keep players 31 deep into that tree, below are some ideas to modify the current underwhelming stances.


High Energy Gas Cylinder

Activation: 1.5 secs

Loads your blaster with a high-energy gas cylinder. While active, all internal and elemental damage dealt is increased by 5%, and increases shield chance by 15%. Only one cylinder can be active at a time. (maybe a damage reduction to all damage over time effects?)


Combustible Gas Cylinder

Activation: 1.5 secs

Loads your blaster with combustible gas, giving all of your blaster attacks a 10% chance to deal 1295 additional elemental damage over 6 seconds, and increases shield chance by 15%. Only one cylinder can be active at a time. (maybe a damage reduction to all elemental damage?)


The way I see it is why cant all Powertechs use Guard and have there increased shield chance, after all every Mercenary can heal if needed, sure not as good as a properly specced Mercenary but they still can and that makes them unique to that advanced class, why not let high shielding and guard become the Powertechs unique-ness?

Edited by Nijraw
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Powertech Bounty Hunters and Vanguard Troopers want to use Ion Gas Cylinder/Ion Cell all the time in PvP and for good reason. (Shielding & Guard)


My question is my not have all the Cells/Cylinders for those that choose Vanguard or Powertech to give the +15 to shield chance on top of there current effect, sure Ion stances will be the default tanking stance due to the damage reduction and armor but why not give the other stances the same +15 shield chance.


This I feel will save you allot of headache from having to keep a close eye on the over powered hybrid specs that the players come up with.


Adding some effects to the current stances that make those stances unique to that line of combat would keep players 31 deep into that tree, below are some ideas to modify the current underwhelming stances.


High Energy Gas Cylinder

Activation: 1.5 secs

Loads your blaster with a high-energy gas cylinder. While active, all internal and elemental damage dealt is increased by 5%, and increases shield chance by 15%. Only one cylinder can be active at a time. (maybe a damage reduction to all damage over time effects?)


Combustible Gas Cylinder

Activation: 1.5 secs

Loads your blaster with combustible gas, giving all of your blaster attacks a 10% chance to deal 1295 additional elemental damage over 6 seconds, and increases shield chance by 15%. Only one cylinder can be active at a time. (maybe a damage reduction to all elemental damage?)


The way I see it is why cant all Powertechs use Guard and have there increased shield chance, after all every Mercenary can heal if needed, sure not as good as a properly specced Mercenary but they still can and that makes them unique to that advanced class, why not let high shielding and guard become the Powertechs unique-ness?


because then you would have to use shields in DPS specs and shields have less DPS stats on them.


Better question is why don't people learn to play correctly rather then QQing and want their class OP so they do not suck as much as they really do.

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because then you would have to use shields in DPS specs and shields have less DPS stats on them.


Better question is why don't people learn to play correctly rather then QQing and want their class OP so they do not suck as much as they really do.

You don't have to use a shield, this just give you the option to use shields in non Ion stances if one chooses to, also giving some sex appeal to the other stances will make people think before going hybrid specced, Hybrid specs are bad for business it only forces bioware to NERF specs and abilities due to the potential overpowered creations that players come up with, Bioware needs to make it sexy to go 31 deep into a tree before spending points in another tree and one way to do this is to buff the stances and make those buffs to the stances only appear if a player is invested at least 31 points deep into that stances recommended tree.

Edited by Nijraw
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You don't have to use a shield, this just give you the option to use shields in non Ion stances if one chooses to, also giving some sex appeal to the other stances will make people think before going hybrid specced, Hybrid specs are bad for business it only forces bioware to NERF specs and abilities due to the potential overpowered creations that players come up with, Bioware needs to make it sexy to go 31 deep into a tree before spending points in another tree and one way to do this is to buff the stances and make those buffs to the stances only appear if a player is invested at least 31 points deep into that stances recommended tree.


it would make you over powered with them. Like i said why do people want to be over powered rather then just be good players???

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Powertech Bounty Hunters and Vanguard Troopers want to use Ion Gas Cylinder/Ion Cell all the time in PvP and for good reason. (Shielding & Guard)


My question is my not have all the Cells/Cylinders for those that choose Vanguard or Powertech to give the +15 to shield chance on top of there current effect, sure Ion stances will be the default tanking stance due to the damage reduction and armor but why not give the other stances the same +15 shield chance.


This I feel will save you allot of headache from having to keep a close eye on the over powered hybrid specs that the players come up with.


Adding some effects to the current stances that make those stances unique to that line of combat would keep players 31 deep into that tree, below are some ideas to modify the current underwhelming stances.


High Energy Gas Cylinder

Activation: 1.5 secs

Loads your blaster with a high-energy gas cylinder. While active, all internal and elemental damage dealt is increased by 5%, and increases shield chance by 15%. Only one cylinder can be active at a time. (maybe a damage reduction to all damage over time effects?)


Combustible Gas Cylinder

Activation: 1.5 secs

Loads your blaster with combustible gas, giving all of your blaster attacks a 10% chance to deal 1295 additional elemental damage over 6 seconds, and increases shield chance by 15%. Only one cylinder can be active at a time. (maybe a damage reduction to all elemental damage?)


The way I see it is why cant all Powertechs use Guard and have there increased shield chance, after all every Mercenary can heal if needed, sure not as good as a properly specced Mercenary but they still can and that makes them unique to that advanced class, why not let high shielding and guard become the Powertechs unique-ness?



Way too op... Do you not realize you can already taunt with any stance which is better than crappy heals unspecced?

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it would make you over powered with them. Like i said why do people want to be over powered rather then just be good players???

I agree with you 100% but the fact remains that players will create specs that are overpowered if there isn't any incentive to play the class spec as it should be played, buffing the high tier skills and stances that go along with that tree would be a great start, lets take the Sith Assassin for example, players before Wither was buffed went hybrid and that got skill tree abilities nerfed as a result, only after Bioware buffed Wither do players go 31 points deep into the darkness tree.

Edited by Nijraw
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Way too op... Do you not realize you can already taunt with any stance which is better than crappy heals unspecced?

Those are just examples, my point is to give an idea of what can be done to better prevent future nerfs due to the result of hybrid speccing.

Edited by Nijraw
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I agree with you 100% but the fact remains that players will create specs that are overpowered if there isn't any incentive to play the class spec as it should be played, buffing the high tier skills and stances that go along with that tree would be a great start, lets take the Sith Assassin for example, players before Wither was buff went hybrid and that got skill tree abilities nerfed as a result, only after Bioware buffed Wither do players go 31 points deep into the darkness tree.


if people find something that is OP then Bioware will change it. The answer is not just make everything OP. Bad players will always find a crutch to lean on, it is because they are bad players. There is no reason to just break the game to make people lazy and over powered. Good players for the most part stay away from broken mechanics and find a way to beat people using them. There are people who play AP right now (far more then the forum baddies want you to know about) and they do very well killing everything they cone across.



Instead of looking for the easy way out just play the game how you have fun and learn to people the bad players running around with crutches. This is an MMO there will never be an end to changes happening, when something break it will be fixes, when something becomes OP it will get nerfed, it just takes time for it to happen. The best part is when the broken mechanic is nerfed the bad players that relied on it will QQ and act like the world is ending (like with the pyro nerf coming up)

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My question is my not have all the Cells/Cylinders for those that choose Vanguard or Powertech to give the +15 to shield chance on top of there current effect


Because those other cylinders were balanced based on what they do. They produce more damage to balance out the fact that they don't increase the shield chance.


It's the same as it is with Jedi stances and forms. The power was designed a given way. Adding a +15 to shield chance on top of what already exists would make that way more powerful then intended.

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I believe Bioware originally intended the tank ACs to be tanks regardless of skill tree, so what you propose may have been the case two years ago. What we have now is a design where the AC does not define your group role so I do not see this idea panning out.


I'd love to be an AP tank personally, or maybe even a true "ranged" tank via PyroTech, but I think it's too late to have such fundamental class design changes at this point of the game. We would have to wait for an expansion/major content patch if something like that were to happen.

Edited by Mapex
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I think you think that shielding is better than it is. Most damage you take in pvp is not mitigated by shields, thus making shields significantly less important in pvp. What is so significant about igc is the raw damage reduction that it offers.
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The way to prevent nerfs is to not run to the board and spam every good build and technique you come up with. That way everybody and their brother isn't running the same build.


This is also not true. Try tanking in pt with a generator. Not going to happen. Moreover, if this were the case, then there would only be 2 true dps classes in the game: sniper and marauder.

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Powertech Bounty Hunters and Vanguard Troopers want to use Ion Gas Cylinder/Ion Cell all the time in PvP and for good reason. (Shielding & Guard)


My question is my not have all the Cells/Cylinders for those that choose Vanguard or Powertech to give the +15 to shield chance on top of there current effect, sure Ion stances will be the default tanking stance due to the damage reduction and armor but why not give the other stances the same +15 shield chance.


This I feel will save you allot of headache from having to keep a close eye on the over powered hybrid specs that the players come up with.


Adding some effects to the current stances that make those stances unique to that line of combat would keep players 31 deep into that tree, below are some ideas to modify the current underwhelming stances.


High Energy Gas Cylinder

Activation: 1.5 secs

Loads your blaster with a high-energy gas cylinder. While active, all internal and elemental damage dealt is increased by 5%, and increases shield chance by 15%. Only one cylinder can be active at a time. (maybe a damage reduction to all damage over time effects?)


Combustible Gas Cylinder

Activation: 1.5 secs

Loads your blaster with combustible gas, giving all of your blaster attacks a 10% chance to deal 1295 additional elemental damage over 6 seconds, and increases shield chance by 15%. Only one cylinder can be active at a time. (maybe a damage reduction to all elemental damage?)


The way I see it is why cant all Powertechs use Guard and have there increased shield chance, after all every Mercenary can heal if needed, sure not as good as a properly specced Mercenary but they still can and that makes them unique to that advanced class, why not let high shielding and guard become the Powertechs unique-ness?


How about no. This would make them severely OP. HEGC is fine. It adds 8 percent damge when specced a free venting and 15 percent increase in speed. 8 percent damage to FB/Immolate/PFT is worth it. RB sucks with or without HEGC. Think about it this way. You spend 2 points to gain 6 percent damage in RS a single attack or 3 points in Intimidation to buff only fire damage. HEGC buffs all of it by a greater margin, and is seen as Underpowered. I call it very good for it's intended purpose.

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because then you would have to use shields in DPS specs and shields have less DPS stats on them.


Better question is why don't people learn to play correctly rather then QQing and want their class OP so they do not suck as much as they really do.




and some of us want more dmg, not survivability... if u want survivability, get a healer, that's always the right solution.

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