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So if Maras are the FOTM, where are they ?


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Just had a WZ match with 12 marauders in it- level 10-49. There aren't as many at 50- though there's still generally 1-2 per side- but now that people know marauders are the best class in the game, many have rerolled it- I have, and it's like playing a tank in a game full of teletubbies.


I doubt it'll ever become FOTM for the average player- because a mara won't be great in the hands of a key board turning clicker.

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My Marauder will be 50 by Monday, and I wont play him until 1.2.


A lot of the reasons why you are seeing so many Marauders on the servers is from disgruntled Juggs. I will not say Juggernauts are broken, but with the changes / nerfs to the Rage tree (the Juggs bread and butter for PVP) where Marauders are actually better, and the fact that Annihilation / Carnage is superior to Vengeance, the only reason to pvp a Jugg is for tanking, and not all of us want to be tanks.


The restructuring of Juggs is a noble attempt by Bioware, but no one wants a self heal in pvp that costs rage, and the other changes are good for immortal, bad for the dps trees.


I enjoy my Marauder, but I enjoy the Jugg too. In the end, I rolled a Marauder because I love the Warrior playstyle, and I really wanted to try out a Marauder in high level pvp. Jugg / Marauder play so close its practically the same class (puts on flamesuit).

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Maurader will never be a FOTM class unless they change the mechanics. In the hands of a bad or even average player, a Maurader is nothing.


So all the people who reroll because they think Maurader is the OP class.... they are no threat.

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