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A Quick Look at UI Customization


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I love how so many people are complaining and actually have no idea what they are really talking about. Like the popular this should have been in at launch people let me clear something up for you since I am sure most of you that are in that group of people are from wow. IT WAS NOT IN LAUNCH OF WOW EITHER!!! and wow didnt allow mods for a while and to this day still does not support them. Wow didnt start making the ui available to customize for a long time after launch if I am not mistake almost a year if not a little longer. Rift is the only game that allowed a very decent ui customization at launch to bad they focused on the wrong thing instead of the actual game which was horrible. The fact we are getting this with such detail only 4 months into the game is amazing compared to any of the other major MMO's on the market who still dont have this level of customization available by default in the game without a mod.


Now some people have made some very valid points like there should be the ability to create more ability bars which I agree with but this is just a first release that is honestly better then most MMO's to date in terms of not having to use customized mods to augment the actual game and gives them a very decent starting point for further patches to release more features to it.


basically what I am trying to say is stop COMPLAINING and give credit where credit is due to many of you have been completely spoiled by the advances in other MMO's that where actually not even part of the MMO


As far as things I would enjoy seeing in the future would be a viewpoint customization and a built in damage meter given the current content that is about to be release but over all I am very happy with what has been released and the speed of it being released without having to take the lazy designer route and allowing mods created by third parties that account for 80%-90% of account theft issues in other MMO's.



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None related but, why can I not pause these videos let them load then watch them? If I pause it the video stops loading, so I must then let it load and play all choppy then rewind it and watch it like that? My internet connection sux I know... but come on.
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Still ... buff and debuff tracking is a pain in the *** ... or rather eyes. Really, this has to be adressed, 16 man raiding with a DoT class is making my eyes hurt literally.


Other than that the UI costomization is great and appreciated.

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Is there anything in the current of upcoming UI that identifies MY debuffs from others? Anytime I Sunder on my Jedi or cause Burning on my Bounty Hunter, it matches the same icons as other classes and abilities and I'd like a better way of knowing which icon is mine that is about to expire without having to stare at it nonstop.
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I think this is a great step in the right direction. One other thing I would love to see is the ability to turn those vertical side bars so they are horizontal. (May be a feature in there already if so ignore me but it wasn't mentioned on video).
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This actually looks pretty amazing, thanks :)


My question however is if we're going to be receiving a way to manually bind our keys to different buttons at 1.2 or in the near future, or if it's already implemented and I'm just a moron who can't find it?

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This actually looks pretty amazing, thanks :)


My question however is if we're going to be receiving a way to manually bind our keys to different buttons at 1.2 or in the near future, or if it's already implemented and I'm just a moron who can't find it?


its under preferances

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I greatly appreciate this coming with a save option to use with your alts so that one does not have to go through a full customization every time they play a different class. I would highly appreciate if the rest of the settings worked across all classes as well save for maybe key bindings.
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Still does not offer one of the biggest complains about the UI. The ability to have more than 2 friggin windows open at a time. The video showed nothing about it and i seriously hope its included. If you can scale the UI than i dont see why more windows open at a time are not being implemented.
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Sorry, have not read all 11 pages....one question.


is it possible to have 3 or more bars in the bottom center. the vid said I could move bars around, so i suppose it can be done, I'm just a lil' suprised it did not show that.

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I love how so many people are complaining and actually have no idea what they are really talking about. Like the popular this should have been in at launch people let me clear something up for you since I am sure most of you that are in that group of people are from wow. IT WAS NOT IN LAUNCH OF WOW EITHER!!! and wow didnt allow mods for a while and to this day still does not support them. Wow didnt start making the ui available to customize for a long time after launch if I am not mistake almost a year if not a little longer. Rift is the only game that allowed a very decent ui customization at launch to bad they focused on the wrong thing instead of the actual game which was horrible. The fact we are getting this with such detail only 4 months into the game is amazing compared to any of the other major MMO's on the market who still dont have this level of customization available by default in the game without a mod.



So Because WoW didn't offer a feature that has become the norm in the past 10 years no other MMO's can launch with the normal features? Every MMO that is out that SWTOR is competing against has the features that have been begged for. You cant say oh this 10 year old game didnt come with air conditioning, but it was added 5 years later so my new car i just bought can get the air conditioner added in a few years. Its the biggest crock of sh*t you can use as an excuse. Its called keeping up with the times or getting left out to freeze. Customizable UI, High Quality Textures and Graphics and many other things are features that should be included in ANY game that intends to stick around for awhile. Im not sure who at BW / EA thought it was a good idea to launch a game with an atrocious UI, low-quality textures if you can call them that and such a horrible layout, but i hope they were replaced. Everything about the way the game looks and felt at launch was totally inline with the launch of games 5-7yrs ago. It does NOT have the look & feel of a new, innovative and competing MMO thats for sure. Also remember the engine they decided to use, well they can only really tweak it, there is no getting massive overhauls to it, upgrades to it etc. So the graphics you see now on ultra setting is about the best you will ever see :(.

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You have obviously only played WoW. For the record, WoW DID include addons at launch, as can be evident in the patch notes of 1.1 viewable online.


It was called scripting back then, and was an extension of Macros, which this game STILL DOES NOT SUPPORT.


It is because of Fanboys like you that drive me crazy.


Of course it doesn't support mods. Mods are 3rd party standalone programs which have the ability to manipulate input to the benefit of the user. Mods are cheating, full stop. They have the ability to play the game automatically (of which you can find plenty online if you want). Different to addons, which manipulate the presentation of game data to benefit the user.


The UI changes here are a good start, but they are still catching up to what should be standard in a game with so much competition to gather ideas from. It is proof that this game has been rushed through production. While noted their effort should be, this game still needs to catch up to justify my own investment, when better products are on the market.


As for you, your misrepresentation of fact for your logical fallacy argument should be frowned upon.


Credit where credit is due for certain, but a kick up the arse where a kick up the arse is needed too, because this update is 4 months late - and it still isn't perfect.


Players who are investing (collectively) millions into this game, are entitled to expect a polished experience. The fact that the catch-up "improvements" in this game are even stated by developers to need more work in the future suggests to me that there is a fundamental floor to the approach of the BioWare/EA development management team.


What made WoW a success so quickly, is that if you look back at the update history, we had fixes for things as small as "Now saves whether you had 'Show Offline Guild Members' correctly" (Patch 1.1) -- whereas I can't even get this game to save whether I had the "Lock Actionbars" option WITHIN SINGLE ZONES / changing planets.


Don't act like this game is superior because you have your head up your arse about some problem you have with WoW.

Edited by GenericBox
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Sorry, have not read all 11 pages....one question.


is it possible to have 3 or more bars in the bottom center. the vid said I could move bars around, so i suppose it can be done, I'm just a lil' suprised it did not show that.



I would like to know this too ..


or is it at least possible to spin the quickslot bars from vertical to horizontal.




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I would like to know this too ..


or is it at least possible to spin the quickslot bars from vertical to horizontal.





Yes it is possible to move all 4 quickslot bars to the bottom, but you have to use the configuration screen to change how they display.

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I still wish I could move the buffs (specifically procs) independent of the player unit frame so I can see when I have procs to use other abilities. I know somebody in this thread said yay for being able to move buffs/debuffs. But I watched the video and didn't see a box for buffs, and On the PTS I didn't notice it either. If I'm just blind please inform me as to what I missed.


I typically have a proc bar right on top of my character so I don't have to watch my buff box or unit frame.


I say this is important coming from a sorc prospective, I don't know how important it would be for other classes, but I'm sure all builds have at least one proc they need to watch for

Edited by Dejoule
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What I would like added to this is a rotation to these boxes. I also want to split my bottom quick slots; like have bottom 1 and bottom 2 side by side-24 squares across the bottom of the screen. I could then move all the other junk in the way to the sides or up top.

I said rotation because what if I am some odd creative person that wants my side quick slots horizontal and not vertical.

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I am happy with the upcoming changes... And I hope (and know in the back of my mind) that there are alot of changes coming our way. I DO understnad where people are coming from saying these should of been in Launch, They should of.

Truth (or my truth) is that they released the game to early.. and now are using paying customers to beta test the game. This game will be in a good place come Xmas. and hopefully they will hype it up and get people back ,and get new customers as well. The game has a lot of potential, they just need to keep at it to polish it up..and keep up on content as well..

.A well polished game is good by xmas, but there better be some nice new content for all of us BETA testers to play once the game is RE released...I for one will be here..paying monthly, and submitting bug reports, because I believe in BW and the game...Lets see if I am wrong in another year...

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Will it be possible to flip the Player and Target frames vertically (so when your/their health goes down, it literally goes down ;))?


I'm guessing it isn't possible as I've been reading about this and looking at the UIs posted at http://mmo-mechanics.com/swtor/uifileshare/, but I haven't seen the option mentioned or used.


Sorry for quoting myself ;), but does anyone know for sure?

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I feel like their shouldn't be two separate preferences for default and the extended quick slots, but whatever. I also think it's weird that they moved your name and class to next to your portrait, but I'm sure I'll get used to it. Really excited to move my right quick bar over to be right next to my left one.
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