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Are Pureblood Sith more important in Sith society ?


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Sith, as in the force users, are more important, and among those, pure blooded Sith are the cream of the crop. But if you remember, the Sith Inquisitor, though a pure-blood Sith in this game, starts out as a slave. So I don't think that pure blooded Sith, as a race, are more revered than anyone else. But I'm not positive - I'm not as familiar with SW lore as a lot of people.
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Sith, as in the force users, are more important, and among those, pure blooded Sith are the cream of the crop. But if you remember, the Sith Inquisitor, though a pure-blood Sith in this game, starts out as a slave. So I don't think that pure blooded Sith, as a race, are more revered than anyone else. But I'm not positive - I'm not as familiar with SW lore as a lot of people.


That's because Pure Bloods where not originally meant to be played as a SI. Like Chiss and Bounty Hunter, On my BH Chiss it was never stated he was Chiss only "Alien" but my Chiss Agent was called "Chiss" all the time. Both Chiss BH and Pureblood SI ware added later in development. But for the OP from what i have read being Pureblood is considered to be a mark of honer.

Edited by Iwih
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The ancient Sith society existed in a strict caste system which included nobility, commoners, and yes, slaves. When the dark jedi subjugated Korriban and it's native Sith species, all these 'aliens' were slaves to the dark jedi humans. Over time, the dark jedi learned of the Sith's intimate connection to the dark side and began using their knowledge and interbreeding. The 'Purebloods' that exist in our timeline are actually Sith/Human hybrids.


All that being said, only force-sensitive Sith are placed in high regard within Imperial society. It just so happens that Sith-blooded individuals have an extremely high rate of force-sensitivity. The rare non-force-sensitive 'Pureblood' is NOT placed any higher than any other 'alien' in Imperial society; Humans are the dominant species and only bow to the Dark Council and it's followers within the Sith organization, species is irrevelent in this case. Within the ranks of the Sith organization, however, Purebloods carry a slightly higher degree of respect.


It is neither game-breaking nore lore-breaking to have a Pureblood begin life as a slave. The ONLY thing one could say about this situation is that he is inducted into the Sith so late in life - one would think a pureblood's force sensitivity would be noticed long before adolescence let alone young adult-hood. The storyline of the inquisitor does fit with a pureblood and does allow for an explanation of the 'fall from grace' that lead to your character being a slave in the first place, regardless of species.


As far as being called 'alien' instead of by your specific race like the agent story, well, ALL non-humans are considered aliens by Imperial society (and especially within the ranks of the Sith organization). Purebloods are tolerated and even respected because they are frequently quite strong in the force - your character just happens to come from a low caste and is still treated as such until he's proven himself. The Chiss have a special place in Imperial society because they joined the Empire willingly and largely keep their autonomy on their home worlds.

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From what i have seen so far Humans and Siths mostly control the Empire , but i wonder if Siths are more important than Humans in society ? I mean those red faced purebloods


As I understand it, at this time in SW history and in this iteration of the Empire, the Sith Purebloods and humans are in roughly the same cast or strata of society (the peak being those who are force sensitive). Below them is everyone else to varying degrees.

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Just gonna throw this out... It's not quite canon, because it's a comment from a character so that means it's subject to the characters bias and opinion.


But on Korriban there's a PB Sith NPC who asks you to scan the teachers and such at the academy to see how pure they are. He then tells you that there will be some sort of purge of the academy to deal with those who aren't quite pure enough.


Now if that actually happens or not, I don't know if it's ever stated. Clearly every Sith can play though that quest, but there's no follow up to say what actually happens.


It's also possible that the PB Sith in question is acting on his own and doesn't have any sort of authority to deal with those not pure eough.

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Sith, as in the force users, are more important, and among those, pure blooded Sith are the cream of the crop. But if you remember, the Sith Inquisitor, though a pure-blood Sith in this game, starts out as a slave. So I don't think that pure blooded Sith, as a race, are more revered than anyone else. But I'm not positive - I'm not as familiar with SW lore as a lot of people.


You've got it mostly right. Pureblood Sith are considered more powerful and any Force-user automatically gains prestige equal to their power and their influence in the Sith heirarchy. The Empire is otherwise human-centric.


However, there is a slave caste of Pureblood Sith as well, which allows for them to be Inquisitors.

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You've got it mostly right. Pureblood Sith are considered more powerful and any Force-user automatically gains prestige equal to their power and their influence in the Sith heirarchy. The Empire is otherwise human-centric.


However, there is a slave caste of Pureblood Sith as well, which allows for them to be Inquisitors.


My SI was a Ratattaki, but I always wondered how it would've played out as a sith pureblood, given your rival at the beginning being so favored by your teacher because he was one.

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No, please, get it right.


Everybody knows the SI pureblood story is BS and makes no sense. There are no pureblood slaves in this time period and there can't be.


You are right when you mention the slave caste, however, they existed long ago, when the Red Sith could actually be called Sith and not a just a red human with face tentacles. The Grotthu (slave caste) were a mix of different species and they looked slightly different than you average sith.


In the times the game takes place, all those castes are long gone and the people we call "pureblood sith" are bascially humans with enough Sith DNA to resemble the original species.

Edited by Mechavomit
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The "Pureblood" name is a misnomer, as pretty much any Sith present in the game is of mixed blood. Humans and Sith Purebloods are the dominant species in social standing within the Empire on roughly similar levels. Because of their propensity toward Force-sensitivity, the Purebloods are likely valued more within the Sith circles, while Humans are valued in the more martial military sects. Purebloods are judged by how "Pure" their blood actually is by some Imperials. Humans are judged by their proven capabilities.


As for Pureblood slaves, I see no reason why it would be impossible. All it would take is an even more powerful Pureblood family to have knocked yours to the bottom of the social ladder a some generations ago.

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No, please, get it right.


Everybody knows the SI pureblood story is BS and makes no sense. There are no pureblood slaves in this time period and there can't be.


You are right when you mention the slave caste, however, they existed long ago, when the Red Sith could actually be called Sith and not a just a red human with face tentacles. The Grotthu (slave caste) were a mix of different species and they looked slightly different than you average sith.


In the times the game takes place, all those castes are long gone and the people we call "pureblood sith" are bascially humans with enough Sith DNA to resemble the original species.


If you actually play through the story, then you will find out WHY the SI is a slave. It had nothing to do with Caste, and everything to do with Tulak Hord being a **** to Kallig's family after he had him assassinated.

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If you actually play through the story, then you will find out WHY the SI is a slave. It had nothing to do with Caste, and everything to do with Tulak Hord being a **** to Kallig's family after he had him assassinated.


I've played through the story. And still it would be impossible to knock a pureblood family to the bottom. They are recognised as the highest class in the Empire and pretty much everyone of them is force-sinsitive.


Not to mention that the pureblood wasn't even ment to be a SI until people started raging.

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Lord Kallig was the greatest rival of Tulak Hord in the Old Sith Empire, when the Sith and the Republic were unknown to each other.

I think it's more difficult to explain how your ancestor had managed to obtain the status of Lord in the ancient Sith society if he was a twi'lek, or a zabrak, or a rattataki. They were all considered inferior alien races by the Sith; the native planets of the first two were in Republic space far from Korriban, while the native planet of the third was isolated and unknown at the time.

However, the question everyone is asking is how is it that a Sith pureblood has been enslaved, despite the respect he should have had in the Empire. Then, how is it possible your pureblood rival in the Sith Academy is killed at the end of your training? How is it possible Lord Zash sent you to kill Lord Paladius on Nar Shaddaa? How is it possible Darth Malgus sent you to kill Darth Ikoral and all his pureblood warriors?


The truth is purebloods can arise and fall as any other in the Sith Empire. Displays of weakness, power struggles gone wrong, crimes against the Empire can lead to disgrace even the most respected pureblood families.

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Lord Kallig was the greatest rival of Tulak Hord in the Old Sith Empire, when the Sith and the Republic were unknown to each other.

I think it's more difficult to explain how your ancestor had managed to obtain the status of Lord in the ancient Sith society if he was a twi'lek, or a zabrak, or a rattataki. They were all considered inferior alien races by the Sith; the native planets of the first two were in Republic space far from Korriban, while the native planet of the third was isolated and unknown at the time.

However, the question everyone is asking is how is it that a Sith pureblood has been enslaved, despite the respect he should have had in the Empire. Then, how is it possible your pureblood rival in the Sith Academy is killed at the end of your training? How is it possible Lord Zash sent you to kill Lord Paladius on Nar Shaddaa? How is it possible Darth Malgus sent you to kill Darth Ikoral and all his pureblood warriors?


The truth is purebloods can arise and fall as any other in the Sith Empire. Displays of weakness, power struggles gone wrong, crimes against the Empire can lead to disgrace even the most respected pureblood families.


My SW Pureblood went completely LS during my playthrough. Only once was I accused of weakness, and I shut him up fast by saying "It takes greater strength to restrain yourself than it does to strike a defenseless foe." And in that bad*** voice, he was basically daring ANYONE to question him.


That said, every point you made was valid. Thank you for expanding on my point with Kallig's family being sold into Slavery thanks to Tulak Hord being a dingleberry. :)

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