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My bank is stuffed...


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..with crafted items that I will RE when 1.2 hits. When is this dang patch coming out???




1) Make a level 1 alt.


2) Mail all of these things to him.


3) Let them sit in the mailbox until 1.2 hits.


4) Mail them all back to your main.


Mail storage seems unlimited, although they will disappear if they sit there for too long. I believe it's 30 days for GTN related items and 45 days for player-to-player messages. I'm not 100% sure on those durations. Just check occasionally and see if any older messages are turning yellow or red.

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that wasnt very bright. you should have stocked up on mats since those take up much less room.


Yes, I agree :)


Stockpiling final goods to be Re-engineered = not very Smart :rolleyes:

Stockpiling Mats = Smart ;)


Still... I've even run out of cargo hold room on my Synthweave, so I had to create an Alt (and get it to 20, for the extra tab in the cargo hold) to stockpile mats :p


I would just RE what you have now, hoping it will give you a schematic and stockpile the mats instead




Create an Alt just to hold all those items you have stockpiled.

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Yes, I agree :)


Stockpiling final goods to be Re-engineered = not very Smart :rolleyes:

Stockpiling Mats = Smart ;)


Still... I've even run out of cargo hold room on my Synthweave, so I had to create an Alt (and get it to 20, for the extra tab in the cargo hold) to stockpile mats :p


I would just RE what you have now, hoping it will give you a schematic and stockpile the mats instead




Create an Alt just to hold all those items you have stockpiled.


Unless I'm missunderstanding him, he's talking about hording world drops for REing. Most of them can't be REd right now (the blues and greens). I started doing the same thing when they announced that all Blues/Greens would now yield materials... but not sure how cost effective it will be.


I'm hoping they give better yields then the existing low level Greens. There is REable low level gear from the starter planets, but it's random on what is and is not REable. When you DO RE them you only get like 1 or 2 Desh per item, which in the long run is less cost effective then just selling them to vendors and buying your Desh from the GTN.

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Yes, I agree :)


Stockpiling final goods to be Re-engineered = not very Smart :rolleyes:

Stockpiling Mats = Smart ;)


Still... I've even run out of cargo hold room on my Synthweave, so I had to create an Alt (and get it to 20, for the extra tab in the cargo hold) to stockpile mats :p


I would just RE what you have now, hoping it will give you a schematic and stockpile the mats instead




Create an Alt just to hold all those items you have stockpiled.


Eh, its not a space issue. Its more like a "burning a hole in my pocket" issue :cool:


Besides, when 1.2 hits I don't want to spend 12 hours crafting, I want to start RE'ing right away hehe

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Eh, its not a space issue. Its more like a "burning a hole in my pocket" issue :cool:


Besides, when 1.2 hits I don't want to spend 12 hours crafting, I want to start RE'ing right away hehe


Then creating multiple banking Alts to stockpile your created (or world drop) items is the way to go :)

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1) Make a level 1 alt.


2) Mail all of these things to him.


3) Let them sit in the mailbox until 1.2 hits.


4) Mail them all back to your main.


Mail storage seems unlimited, although they will disappear if they sit there for too long. I believe it's 30 days for GTN related items and 45 days for player-to-player messages. I'm not 100% sure on those durations. Just check occasionally and see if any older messages are turning yellow or red.



Mailbox storage= 200 messages max. After that, you can only get mail from the auction house; if someone tries to send you more, they get a message saying your inbox is full. Mail durations are 30 days. Using "return" does NOT make them last longer.


Yeah... 5 characters with maxed mailboxes full of mission items. I really, really hope they whip the patch into shape soon. ;)

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