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Item Appearance -> Republic / Empire


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Hello guys!


I'm usually a Sith Assassin. Never went far with the republic to get to the nar shadaa GTN and try to sell items to the other faction.


Today I made a smuggler, so he could smuggle a nice looking robe for my Assassin. Everyone knows that Assassins are suposed to wear skirts, but i'd rather wear those long robes, just like the jedi and sith warriors (supreme inquisitor robe is to expensive at the moment).


Eventually I left Coruscant, at level 13. It was fun to play only the class missions for a change. When I finally got to Nar Shadaa I noticed something. All the items appeared to be from the republic. I logged in with the Assassin and all of the items appeared to be from the empire. I tried selling my hard earned republic looking robe, and it was useless. I would never get the appearance I dreamt about.


I was utterly disapointed. I had hope that the items would look different. I had hope that I could change my appearance. The feeling struck me with a force I never felt before.


All my hope fell from the clouds deep into hell.






What do you guys think about this? Should we be stuck to our faction looks forever or should we be able to buy items from the other faction, just to look different? I had always thought the Nar Shadaa GTN was meant for this!


ps: I'm a light sided assassin, so the republican look would fit my character better.

Edited by Arzhanin
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Coming from EQII where there is virtually no faction separation, I hate that there is so much that the other faction might as well not even exist most of the lvl'ing process. If you don't PVP, there is no reason for them to exist at all. I think it's silly that you can use a red lightsaber and have dark corruption all over your face yet not wear any Empire looking clothing and vice versa.


I like playing Republic, my friend likes playing Empire and we can't play our mains together which is a shame.


Republic appearance gear should drop for Republic players and so should it be the other way around, then through Nar Shaddaa you should be able to get clothing from the other faction. (Really, ever GTN should be like Nar Shaddaa's too)

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Yep, I did this. I had kitted Mako out with a particular look and didn't want some ugly arse helmet on top of her head. Looked for a medium armour circlet, but couldn't find one. Rolled a Republic character, got the fleet and bought a circlet. Had it put on the NS GTM, magically changed into a gimp mask.


Apparently my ticket was forwarded to Dev's to "look into". Someday I may bother getting a light armour circlet for her.

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You are aware that almost all items that can be worn by republic and imperial characters have their looks adjusted to the character wearing the item?


No bounty hunter armor on troopers and similar nonesense.


For your Inquisitor ... there are some light dyed garments in the game. They don't look Jedi, but then again you're Sith.

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Bioware is hampered by the setting in this case.. The Empire and the Republic simply violently hate each other and it will never change.


It is one of the things I find tedious about the game myself..


Then take it up with Lucas.


WARNING: He will laugh at you. Hard. He is a very cruel man. Who stomps on little plush tauntauns in front of little Sith boys who only wanted an autograph.


*chokes back tears*




*goes to corner*

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I personally don't really like the faction separation for clothing appearances. Especially in cases where an "Empire" and a "Republic" item doesn't really have any very specific look. I'm sure it couldn't have been that difficult to simply make two versions of an item, each with one look or the other. Then let players decide how they wish to look.


And if I want to have a cool trench coat on my smuggler, I should be allowed to have it!

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Yeah I fell for this one myself, though not for personal gear. I just thought "Hah, I'll make some great generic trooper items and sell them on Nar Shaddaa. Bound to be some people on the other side who'll get a kick out of those!"


... until I found out that they magically transmogrified into the same stuff they already had tons of on their own market.


Basically the only use case left for the Nar Shaddaa market is to sell specific items like crafting schematics that are for sith-only armor etc, the rest is just smarter to put on the normal GTN. The Nar Shaddaa GTN is always as good as empty on the server I'm on and it's a pain to get to anyway - basically, it's pointless for several reasons, this included.

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We have a long thread about this in the suggestion box. It really sucks, I hate every Jedi garment there is. I'm going dark side on my jedi but there are no dark looking garments etc.


Unfortunately this won't change, so we'll have to deal with it.

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The only reason why there should be the Nar Shadaa GTN is trading republic equipment with the empire... It's pretty useless right now.


I like to play jedi with black robes and a green saber, just like the robes from kotor 1. And about the Bounty Hunter armor for troopers... Heavy armor is heavy armor. If you wanna rollplay a renegade trooper who likes to look different, you could! =P


Excuse me, but where can we find the petition post about this matter?

Edited by Dubaco
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