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Pod Racing on Tatooine


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Wouldn't be fine if the game ofer an 'PvP' and Dailys (like space missions), but as Pod Racings?


Could create a hole new market inside the game, with Pod models, mods, improves and all that stuff.


Players could bet credits in his ow performance, or bet in some other player who is racing... may possibilities.


Bioware, I hope you have already thought about that. IT WOULD BE AMAZING, for players experience, and to your pockets also.

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Wouldn't be fine if the game ofer an 'PvP' and Dailys (like space missions), but as Pod Racings?


Could create a hole new market inside the game, with Pod models, mods, improves and all that stuff.


Players could bet credits in his ow performance, or bet in some other player who is racing... may possibilities.


Bioware, I hope you have already thought about that. IT WOULD BE AMAZING, for players experience, and to your pockets also.


Yes please, BioWare. Make it so!

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For sure! People is going to make collections of pod models... add skins, simbles, flags... rellics, hidden traps... damn, so many possibilities!


Its the perfect scenario for players who wanna spend time having fun and making some good money, (risks included, of course)


Realy hope 'they' take this idea...

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Smoebody hire this guy!


Wouldn't it be great if you could watch a Huttball match too and get bantha burgers.


But seriously dude don't take the job, they will suck the creativity out of you and your will to game, reducing your dreams - Coming in patch 34.67 featuring ABIDH!! Bantha Burgers increase presence by 20 for 10 seconds....!!!!!


SWTOR could have indeed been so much more.

Edited by Elmuerto
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Wouldn't be fine if the game ofer an 'PvP' and Dailys (like space missions), but as Pod Racings?


Could create a hole new market inside the game, with Pod models, mods, improves and all that stuff.


Players could bet credits in his ow performance, or bet in some other player who is racing... may possibilities.


Bioware, I hope you have already thought about that. IT WOULD BE AMAZING, for players experience, and to your pockets also.


Wouldn't mind swoop racing.


Would rather have Pazaak, though.


I can only teach you to play Pazaak, do you understand?

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They could even give people like a chasis and then mods to increase certain stats. Like tight controls, speed boost, endurance so you can take more damage.. then have each mod have negative impacts on other stats so you have to balance what kind of swoop you want to race and so that you can't have one end all be all swoop. Give players a speed boost ability like nitro on a cooldown that is possibly also adjusted by mods.


Have 8 players on the track and have environmental hazards... like someone else said you can have tuskan raiders, fire pits, walls to go around and other hazards that if hit inflict some damage to your swoop.


To make it a little more interesting put speed boost pads and repair pads in various places to players can try to get them as they go.


I think you would have one killer race mini game that people will enjoy. I'm just not sure the game itself can handle all that.

Edited by DarkDruidSS
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Wouldn't mind swoop racing.


Would rather have Pazaak, though.


I can only teach you to play Pazaak, do you understand?


Pazaak would be nice too. Inside the cassino, in Nar Shaddaa... any other black markets, inside cantinas... but good idea for time spending and try make some fast risk money.

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Wouldn't be fine if the game ofer an 'PvP' and Dailys (like space missions), but as Pod Racings?


Could create a hole new market inside the game, with Pod models, mods, improves and all that stuff.


Players could bet credits in his ow performance, or bet in some other player who is racing... may possibilities.


Bioware, I hope you have already thought about that. IT WOULD BE AMAZING, for players experience, and to your pockets also.


I hope they do so most of the bads have something to do. Getting tired of all the bads creating "this class is OP " threads.


I can only imagine what the new whine posts would be if they added pod racing..


Nerf the 'rakata" pod racers!! waaaaaaaaa

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Make it so if you run into an obstacle your character actually dies :)



I hope they do so most of the bads have something to do. Getting tired of all the bads creating "this class is OP " threads.


I can only imagine what the new whine posts would be if they added pod racing..


Nerf the 'rakata" pod racers!! waaaaaaaaa


bro those warhero pods are OP as ****

Edited by cupofwater
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tatooine and nar shaddar seem like the best place for both of them.


the casino isnt very popular with people and would make for a fun place to go for a change


swoop raceing could be done on both worlds however as it was on both for kotor.

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bro those warhero pods are OP as ****




War Hero Racing Pod: This vehicle no longer has a Valor requirement and is available for purchase for credits at the new Pod Racer vendor on Nar Shadaa.


Scoundrel/Operative: Stealth and DPS (Damage Per Second) abilities have been removed entirely from this Advanced Class, due to changes in the Pod Racing environment. Specialization points will be refunded.


We can't have teams of operatives beating everyone at pod racing and making people unsub now, can we?

Edited by Varicite
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