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Body Type 4 Powertech


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Rolled a powertech and made him body type 4. Tried a google image search to see some higher level gear shots and found absolutely NOTHING.


Am I the only person ever to roll a body type 4 bh? Pics or it didn't happen. :csw_jabbapet:

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I see them on occasion on my server and used to see them often before March - not specifically powertech, but BH in general. Best I saw was someone named Bubba'fatt then I think he was forced to change his name.
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Rolled a powertech and made him body type 4. Tried a google image search to see some higher level gear shots and found absolutely NOTHING.


Am I the only person ever to roll a body type 4 bh? Pics or it didn't happen. :csw_jabbapet:


As a RL body type 4 I decided to do something else for my in game avatar. :)



I saw one the other day at about 45, he looked pretty cool, the lower level look isn't good, but later its cool.

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Rolled a powertech and made him body type 4. Tried a google image search to see some higher level gear shots and found absolutely NOTHING.


Am I the only person ever to roll a body type 4 bh? Pics or it didn't happen. :csw_jabbapet:


I am a body type 4 PT, and imo is the most ****** looking PT you can create. When you walk into a WZ, you ARE the 800lb gorilla in the room. People mistake body type 4 for being fat. Take off the chest piece and look at the insane hard rock torso. Body type 4 is the WWF wrestler in swtor. Because of my main PT looking so good, I never roll any new character that isnt body type 4.






Edited by Agooz
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They look really really fat in level 40 PVP gear. If you want a ridiculous looking character this is the body to pick.


umm ok, because level 40pvp gear is everyone's dream come true. lol

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When I see a fluffy BH, all I can think is... poor Mako.


Mako is addicted to body type 4. Sometimes I spent all night in WZs because it is a lot less tiring than being with Mako on the spaceship.

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I have my BH as body type 3 but i wish I had made him a 2 or 1 cause there is some areas that body types 3 and 4 can not fit threw...I think even one of the datacrons to sqweese threw a door you need to be body type 1 or 2?


I cant remember seeing a body type 4 BH lvl 50 on my server though.....heck body type 4 any class lvl 50 I can not remember seeing on my server

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