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Switching Sides


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I feel as though characters should have the ability to switch their allegiance once during the game making a permanent change if their dark side or light side is great enough. For instance if you're a jedi consular and your have a lot of dark side points I believe at some point in the story you should have the choice to switch sides to the empire like some many memorable star wars characters have and in doing so you will loose some of your companions and gain new ones etc. I mean so many characters in the star wars story have done so as well as non playable characters in this game why can't we?
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I would like to see this if we get an expansion that adds to the class story, like a new storyline at level 50 opened up where you got a choice to defect to the republic or stay with the empire. Some of your companions would be lost however and would have to be replaced


For example on bounty hunter: Skadge, Torian and Gault will all not want to defect to the republic, you can try and convince them or abandon them, dark side players can just kill them off :D


Then when you arrive in the republic the questline allows you to recruit replacement companions for the ones you've lost. Of course the republic fleet and all the planets would have to expand the starports and orbital stations to accomadate the new ships but i'm sure it would be possible.

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I would like to see this if we get an expansion that adds to the class story, like a new storyline at level 50 opened up where you got a choice to defect to the republic or stay with the empire. Some of your companions would be lost however and would have to be replaced


For example on bounty hunter: Skadge, Torian and Gault will all not want to defect to the republic, you can try and convince them or abandon them, dark side players can just kill them off :D


Then when you arrive in the republic the questline allows you to recruit replacement companions for the ones you've lost. Of course the republic fleet and all the planets would have to expand the starports and orbital stations to accomadate the new ships but i'm sure it would be possible.


Oh, so you want them to do 2 times the Sets of Class Storyline? So that there is the Set for those that stayed Imperial (Republic) and a completely DIFFERENT Set for those that changed to the Republic (Imperial).


Sure you give the example of a Bounty Hunter, but what about the Trooper, or even one of the Force Users? You can't just do quests for replacement Companions, when the Companions are bloody tied to each Class's PERSONAL CLASS STORYLINE.


Do people seriously not fully think things through when dealing with Allegiance Switching in TOR and the COMPLETE IMPACT of what would come from it?

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