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So what are all you re-rolling?


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I'll be rolling a member of the "person who plays other games" class. I don't PvP, and I wanted Concealment Operative for all sorts of reasons (cool ship, good story, able to stealth, able to spot-heal), and yet my class has been nerfed over and over again because of reasons that have nothing to do with me or my playstyle.


I play a game to enjoy my time. Operative DPS just feels like a constant struggle against the mechanics, while my Sorcerer's abilities just flow together smoothly, and the 1.2 changes make it substantially harder to play a Conceal well. Sure, the really good players can still play well enough, but I shouldn't HAVE to time everything perfectly to feel like I'm contributing to a group. I'm not quitting because I can't play, I'm quitting because I no longer have any confidence in Bioware's ability to balance an MMO; the fact that it happened to my class just made me disillusioned more quickly, but I'd like to think that I'd have noticed how they've treated Operatives if I'd picked some other class.


100% agree. I cancelled my sub a few weeks ago. I keep checking back in to see if there is a glimpse of sanity from the devs regarding 1.2 reversals, but i've yet to see anything yet. Even if they did reverse the concealment nerfs of 1.2, the intent is still clear and they'd just sneak it in with stealth nerfs or gradually with future patches.


I think I'm getting disillusioned with MMOs in general...it always seems to follow the same broken cycle of pvp nerfs affecting pve and just poor balancing in general. One would expect that a new MMO would take advantage of the history of mistakes with previous games of the same genre and do better, but that seems to be wishful thinking. This game has a lot of promise...if they would make intelligent decisions.


I'll leave this with a couple of my favorite GZ shorts...."teams of operatives", "agents are not inquisitors", "viable".

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Im rerolling gw2 and d3 like alot of other ppl will do, empty servers will be like deserts.

And swtor will win the price of the most expensive mmo and the one who died fastest of em all.

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Im rerolling gw2 and d3 like alot of other ppl will do, empty servers will be like deserts.

And swtor will win the price of the most expensive mmo and the one who died fastest of em all.



This, only without the GW3 part. I think I'm just going to play WoT till D3 comes out. At least the devs there dont balance a game based on which class gets them the most subs.

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Well seeing as Inquisistor is the only 50 I don't have I think I might push through the last 10 lvls and make them a 50 too but not because of this. I've been an Op since launch regardless of how much we get nerfed we adapt and persevere, is it easy, No, is it fair, No, but we manage anyway.
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Well seeing as Inquisistor is the only 50 I don't have I think I might push through the last 10 lvls and make them a 50 too but not because of this. I've been an Op since launch regardless of how much we get nerfed we adapt and persevere, is it easy, No, is it fair, No, but we manage anyway.



the reason the original starcraft was one of the best games ever...was because of balance. i dont see how persevering and adapting should be a solution to a problem which Bioware themselves are responsible for which is the need for game balance. I don't see the point in taking their problems unto yourself when you paid them money to put out a game that you have expectations for. As a consumer don't you have a right to demand some form of satisfaction the way every other paying customer is getting?

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Luckily I had a Marauder in the wings already, so I'll be playing him in ranked. I had a feeling Marauders were going to get buffed, but I never thought DPS Operatives would get nerfed again. I'll never heal so that's out of the question, but I might screw around in unranked with the Op. Who knows, the competition might be so crappy on my server that I can afford to bring both my characters to ranked. It's just preseason after all. But yeah, I'm banking on Operative buffs in 1.3 so I'll be in a good position if they decide to nerf Marauders. They pretty much have to buff Ops somehow after the parser data comes out.


Edit: Anyway these nerfs hurt my confidence in the dev so I'll probably be jumping ship on the next big MMO (most likely GW2). At least I can still have fun in the meantime.

Edited by CaptainInsano
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