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Hardest Class Bosses? Possible spoilers....


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So finished imp inq and reb sentinel story lines and just finished act 1/2 IA Ops boss what a motherblanker of a pain in the arse lol...



Darth Jadus was by far the biggest pain in my arse I faced in game yet miss one interrupt and get knocked across the screen and bam kill shot. The fact that you have to rinse and repeat three times was like BW trolling me...



All I can say is I think BW was trolling me in that fight watching and laughing as I was a triple U Unprepared, under-leveled, and under geared. Oh well what a pain that ends well what bosses made u feel like saying uncle?

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Here are some fights that I died against and were tougher than I thought they would be.


Imperial Agent Act 1 Boss

Sith Warrior End Boss (in comparison to other End Bosses)

Inquisitor Boss(es) in Nightmare Lands

Avatar in Nightmare Lands (not technically a Class Boss)


Also... I did die to the Act 1 Sith Warrior Boss, but only because I wasn't expecting to have to fight him back to back, so I talked to him with like 20% health after I beat him the first time, and didn't have the health to take him on again.



I've only played Warrior, Agent, and Inquisitor so far. My Merc is still in Act 1.

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If you're a smuggler, you'll understand.


I've done the Lightspring in both beta and on live, and the only reason it could ever be hard is if you don't let the NPCs tank each other. If you try to grab all the aggro yourself you are going to die. This is prevalent in many class quests.

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I think the worst for me was the boss befor the last one on Ilum.


Two guys that heal each other and I was a Trooper healer... Not enough DPS to pass their healing and no interupt to break those healing skill! I was level 50 under gear at this point.


The last boss of ilum was also so broken... He kill you then revive you and I wasn't able to heal my companion more then the damage he was able to do befor he just kill me one shot.

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Draagh on Corellia for SW.

Even if you don't stand in his aoe, he's more than capable of melting your face in few hits.


That said I also found it to be the most enjoyable fight in the story since it's extremely fast paced and for the most part it's basically who can pummel the other down faster.

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That's why u side with Jadus mr op :p


I wouldn't say he's the hardest but nomen kar is the most memorable. I mean I corrupted a Jedi master to the dark side and stole his apprentice. (Sith warrior)


Pure light side IA and wasn't expecting that pain in the arse lol. I was like did he just kill K like nothing even with me spamming heals and then it was my turn OUCH.....

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For me it was Nomen karr on my SW before getting Jaesa - because you have to fight him three times in a row and at the time i was so heavily underleved (his lv was red, that much i remember, so only 30% of my skills actually hit and Quinn had absolutely no gear t all as I leveled with vette) that I couldn't kill him without all my cooldowns, including heroic moment and very smart play - didn't want to wait 20 mins every time after reading I'd have to fight Jaesa, too afterwards (so 4 fights in a row) so I decided to bring a friend... never again I skipped two entire planets woth of quests in order to get a companion early.


Other tahn that, Jadus on IA was the most frustrating probably as he is probably still bugged and you had to drag him out of his stuck position to be able to attack him and even then he wasn't a real pushover like all the SI bosses (srsly, how low was thanaton? Finished the fight with 100% life as assassin/deception spec) because he was mostly a caster and if you were a sniper you had to move a lot to avoid stuff... fun though.

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Darth Angral. Had to bring a friend in just to kill that guy.


Darth Angral is only hard for the Jedi Knight class to face. Consulars, Smugglers, and Troopers can easily beat this guy.


I hauled in a trooper friend whom was 4 levels under me cause I had problems with him. My friend pretty basically gunned down the Sith Lord without breaking a sweat.



From what I've done with Smuggler and Consulor story lines, their bosses are too easy, I think I've only used a healing pack 1 time on the smuggler, died 5x and am currently on Nal Hutta (not 5x on Nal Hutta, 5x the entire smuggler campaign).


My consular is ready to start Tatooine, he's probably died about 5x total as well. I have managed to waltz through some group missions Solo that I needed 2 or more people for as a Guardian. Heck I could be underleveled and undergeared and no problem.


I end up forgetting to upgrade gear often times with Smuggler (scoundrel) and Consular (Sage), it's just like operating on easy mode.

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Gonna have to agree with Jadus. Even as a healing operative that fight was nightmarish when it started and he was at full power. Draagh was also tough, but... well... I accidentally had an essentially gearless Pierce out who got 2 shot, and I ended up kiting Draagh ina circle for 5 minutes force screaming him to death.
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Oh well what a pain that ends well what bosses made u feel like saying uncle?


For my inqusitor, storyline/normal mission bosses:


- Colicoid broodmaster (Balmorra)

- Avatar of Sel-Makor (Voss)


Both are the only fights during level-up process that had me ask for outside help. Now that Im older and wiser I could propably pull those fights off better, but I wont get a second chance any time soon.


all the SI bosses (srsly, how low was thanaton? Finished the fight with 100% life as assassin/deception spec)


Yeah, Thanaton was an Anti-climax

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Stark from the consular story (from the classes I've played sofar).

Also Attis Station can be very difficult.


Lifespring was nerfed recently so its not as hard as it used to be

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The Lord 'something' on JC. Hes the last boss on the Act 1 for the JC. Cant remember his name but when I got his health down to almost nothing, (and I had full heath), he did a slam and It saped my heath down to zero! Took me 5 tries.
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The Lord 'something' on JC. Hes the last boss on the Act 1 for the JC. Cant remember his name but when I got his health down to almost nothing, (and I had full heath), he did a slam and It saped my heath down to zero! Took me 5 tries.


lol Darth Baras did that to me on the second fight against him. I had almost full hp and he was down by half, and I see a cast bar over his head. It's going pretty slow and I had alot of hp, so I said forget the interrupt. lol it OHK. :(

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The Lord 'something' on JC. Hes the last boss on the Act 1 for the JC. Cant remember his name but when I got his health down to almost nothing, (and I had full heath), he did a slam and It saped my heath down to zero! Took me 5 tries.


This one took me forever to do too. :p

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The Sith Emperor for JK. First you are forced to use your ranged tank companion that almost no one uses after coruscant. Second you have to fight your way through nothing but tough or higher level mobs just to get to him. Then he summons six elite level adds that just burn you down. Finally you have to watch him for his insta kill cast. At least that is what the fight was like back in January, when I did it.
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