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Hello its me again....did any one else have a tough time defeating Lord Praven? I think I see a pattern here lol. With my Guardian I'll usually go through a few class missions defeating bosses with little to no problem..but every so often I run into one that I have a tough time with and that usually takes me a good number of tries to defeat.


I've been doing my best to intterupt his most dangerous moves..but being that force kick has a cool down on it..some times its just not possible to interupt him every time. Doesn't help that Kira keeps dying so fast either. The first time I fought him..I used force push on him and ended up throwing him over the edge of the cliff..sadly it didn't give me credit for defeating him..even though he never respawned..I had to leave and come back for that to happen. I think it should have given me credit for defeating him..since you know..I freaking force pushed him off the side of a cliff.


I always stock up on health packs and might stems before going into a boss fight..that usually helps..but it hasn't seemed to be working much with Praven. I wonder if I could have avoided fighting him if I had of picked the "use force persuade" option on him..but some how I doubt it. I tend to use my mouse to click on the abilities..instead of using my keyboard like most people who play MMOs do..I just feel more comfortable playing that way. Anywho..any suggestions or tips?



Also ..how much is the cheapest speeder? Because running around Tattoine on foot just takes way too much time.

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The cheapest speeder is 8k iirc, although the Speeder Level 1 licence will set you back 40k.


As for the fight with Lord Praven, I seem to recall my Guardian having no problems with him while I was using Kira, although I know I was using 2 or 3 interrupts on him, plus all my defensive cooldowns, expecting a hard fight (he is a significant step up from the rest of the Tatooine storyline), and in the end it was not that close. However, my Guard and Kira are both very well-geared, which definitely helps!


With my Sentinel (again well geared), I seem to recall using Kira for this one and just using the simple tactic of kiting outside the range of his attacks for the big ones, pulling Kira with me by toggling her into Passive mode.


I do know that a friend of mine was having fits trying to do this while I was leveling my Sage on Tatooine. In the end I went along and healed him through the fight - that is also a viable option, as would be leveling up a little and coming back later.

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I tend to use my mouse to click on the abilities..instead of using my keyboard like most people who play MMOs do..I just feel more comfortable playing that way.


There's your problem. Your reaction time will probably be a tad too slow.


I'm not saying you should keybind everything. But try a few important abilities (like stuns and interrupts), allowing you to react much faster to what you're opponent is doing..


I'm not trying to debate clicking vs keybinding. As I started SWTOR as my first MMO in december, I have also done the clicking game. But I had some help with keybindings and it upped my game considerably.

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Hello its me again....did any one else have a tough time defeating Lord Praven?


Just did that this weekend; failed on the first try but succeeded after a little leveling-up and gearing up.


Make sure your companion (I used Kira) is well-equipped. Rebuke. Use force stasis (the polite way to force-choke :D). Do the force sweep as often as you can. Use a med pack before Kira dies, before your health gets too low.


I'm a noob, YMMV, but I beat Lord Praven on the second try.

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He was also the first boss my Guardian had a toughie dealing with. I went at him when I was one level below actually and got destroyed, came back after leveling up and defeated him the first try.


Interrupts like Force Stasis and the Kick are incredibly important, as well as Force Leap. Sundering Strike takes his armor down a notch and lets you deal more damage, and the rest of the abilities should just be attack attack attack.


Make sure you have Saber Ward up when he starts to lower your health, Heroic Moment at the beginning of the fight, and have a defensive lightsaber form on so you take less damage. Use a Medkit only when in an emergency, the cooldown on those are way too long.


This was my first MMO but I forced myself to get used to the keybindings to up my speed, it really does make all the difference. Mousing over and clicking each one is just not fast enough for the higher levels.


If all else fails, go grind a few missions and level up. That's how I beat The Defector and I really saw an improvement.

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Make sure you have Saber Ward up when he starts to lower your health, Heroic Moment at the beginning of the fight, and have a defensive lightsaber form on so you take less damage. Use a Medkit only when in an emergency, the cooldown on those are way too long.


If you were being REALLY clever you'd open with Saber Ward to lessen initial damage, then, after it expires, you'd use Heroic Moment. Why? Because Heroic moment INSTANTLY finishes the CD of Saber Ward meaning you get to use it TWICE that fight.

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If you were being REALLY clever you'd open with Saber Ward to lessen initial damage, then, after it expires, you'd use Heroic Moment. Why? Because Heroic moment INSTANTLY finishes the CD of Saber Ward meaning you get to use it TWICE that fight.


Honestly I do use Saber Ward first, but I didn't know Heroic Moment did that to the cooldown. I'll have to remember that, thanks.

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If you were being REALLY clever you'd open with Saber Ward to lessen initial damage, then, after it expires, you'd use Heroic Moment. Why? Because Heroic moment INSTANTLY finishes the CD of Saber Ward meaning you get to use it TWICE that fight.


Did not know this; can't wait to try it. Thanks!

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Did not know this; can't wait to try it. Thanks!


Yup - along with the healing it is probably the most important thing that "Call on the force" does! Tooltips are your friends :)


I remember dying once or twice on the Praven fight, and as others have said there are a few things you can do to improve your chances:

- Make sure all your abilities are off cooldown, including your "Call on the force" and medpacs etc.

- Send Kira in to warm him up

- "Force leap" into the fight to build up your focus

- Use "Sundering Strike", to lower his armour and build focus, every time it is off cool down so you keep a stack of 5 on him at all times

- Use "Saber Ward" early in the fight when you're definitely the target and taking damage, it is pointless using it if he is attacking Kira

- Don't forget you also have "Warding Call" which will lower your damage for a while, so again use it when you are definitely the target of his attacks

- Use "Call on the force" when your health has dropped to 75% or so, but definitely before your companion dies!

- If you use CotF then remember that you can use Sabre Ward again

- Use "Riposte" every time it is available, as that attack is instant and can't be blocked or parried

- "Blade Storm" is your big damage hitter so use it whenever it is available

- Use "Force Kick" and "Force Stasis" to interrupt any big attacks he is charging up for, except for his "Force Destruction" which you can't interrupt

- "Force Push" can be used as another interrupt, and is especially useful if your Force Leap is off cool-down so you can instantly jump on him again. As you found out though, make sure he isn't back up against the big drop though :)

- Med-pack when you need to, but remember the cooldown is so long you'll only get one chance in the fight so make it the biggest medpack you have


If all else fails, just go and gain a level by questing and try again later.


And you should definitely try and use at least a few keypresses rather than clicking everything, using both will speed up your response time. You generally don't need to move around in the fight so can move your left hand away from WASD and hover them over the number keys 1-5 (or as many as you are comfortable with). Then you can use your mouse to cover the other abilities.

Ideally you'd have your interrupts and bread-and-butter abilities available in your 1-5 slots and the less well used ones further away. Things like force leap and force push you only will use once per fight so don't really need them readily available, but sundering strike, blade storm, force kick, stasis and your no-cost hit are probably best placed within easy reach.


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Make sure your companion (I used Kira) is well-equipped. Rebuke. Use force stasis (the polite way to force-choke :D). Do the force sweep as often as you can. Use a med pack before Kira dies, before your health gets too low.


Just FYI, Rebuke is a Sentinel ability and so Guardians don't have it.

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Thank you every one for the tips..and just so you all know..my Jedi Guradian is several levels higher than Lord Praven..my Guardian is currently level 29..I believe Praven is level 26. I always seem to forget about Force stais...is there a way to use your med pacs on Kira? If so some one tell me how..because I haven't figured it out yet.
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Thank you every one for the tips..and just so you all know..my Jedi Guradian is several levels higher than Lord Praven..my Guardian is currently level 29..I believe Praven is level 26. I always seem to forget about Force stais...is there a way to use your med pacs on Kira? If so some one tell me how..because I haven't figured it out yet.


No, there is no way to use medpacs on companions.

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Thank you every one for the tips..and just so you all know..my Jedi Guradian is several levels higher than Lord Praven..my Guardian is currently level 29..I believe Praven is level 26. I always seem to forget about Force stais...is there a way to use your med pacs on Kira? If so some one tell me how..because I haven't figured it out yet.


There are medpacks made by Biochems that will heal you and your companion both. Hit up the GTN and see if you can find some, or if you've got a Biochem friend have them make a few for you. They don't heal for as much as the self-only ones, but since they're healing you both that makes up for it.

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With that kind of disparity in level, you should have no problem beating him. It must be because of your speed where you are clicking each ability. Practice keybinding or just simply using the numbers for your abilities rather than mouse clicking, it will make things easier in the long run.
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With that kind of disparity in level, you should have no problem beating him. It must be because of your speed where you are clicking each ability. Practice keybinding or just simply using the numbers for your abilities rather than mouse clicking, it will make things easier in the long run.


Perhaps I should learn to use the keyboard instead of my mouse.

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