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Server population coming back up?


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I freaked out also, but it's the truth.


3/4ths of the US servers were light a couple weeks ago, the rest were standard.


Now, I'm seeing atleast two full servers, some heavy servers, and most US servers standard.


Anyone got any hypothesis about what's happening here?

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More people are coming into the game? -.-


It's how game launches work. People buy the game. The people who don't like it or it didn't live up to their expectations leave. Then more people buy it. The game grows. People get bored with content. They leave. Bioware adds more content. More people come to play. Its a sin graph, in theory. Just how it works.

Edited by FireIndy
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It's the weekend passes I think? Low level zones are packed.


yup, if the op looks tommorrow (monday night) it will all be light again!


I noticed this when I logged in Sunday, Fleet was up to 46 players (dont laugh, thats a 4 week high) and Nar Shaddaa had 20 players (again thats a multiple week high at one time) but any planet after NS dropped to single numbers and on Alderaan I was actually only person on planet for 2 straight hours on my server.


Pop goes up on week end pass but goes back to non existant after the week end.


Thing is, the game is fun enough for the first character that a week end pass might actually get players to buy game and sign up. Rift did this as well and for 10 months they managed to stay over the 1 million mark with bringing in enough new players to off set the mass exodus of older players.


But thats a limited pool of players and eventually (Rift died out after 10 months and im guessing TOR will experience much the same result) you run outta new players to attract to the free week end and the new subscriptions die off.


Its a stop gap manuveur.


If EA serious about the longeviety of this game, they need to put in the missing elements now, not in patch 1.3, 1.4, 1.5. Not at the one year mark in a paid expansion. The missing elements are core game elements that should have been in at launch.


I currently play game as a single player game and Im having quite abit of fun as a single player game. When my 6 months are up Ill probably resub on a month to month basis.




If they EVER ask me to pay a extra fee for Swoop racing, Paazaak, Holo Chess, pit Fighting, and other cantina games that should have been (and were expected to be) in game at launch....I cancel on the spot


If they ever ask me to pay a extra fee for customizable houseing....I cancel on the spot


If they ever ask me to pay a extra fee for Public Group Events (ala RIFT style RIFT events)....I cancel on the spot


If they ever ask me to pay a extra fee for DAoC Style RVR.... I cancel on the spot


All these items should have been in ORIGINAL game AT LAUNCH and they were told this is what the masses wanted back in 2008 so they cant claim ignorance on the subject.


Ill gladly pay for real expansions of new planets, new classes, new races, new levels, ect (standard Expansion concepts) but I will not pay them twice for content that should have been in game at launch.

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