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Everything posted by FireIndy

  1. This. You don't need to get something in return for this. Your reward is more people to play with.
  2. Not to be rude, but if you want to talk about how WoW isn't dying, why not go to their forums and talk about it? This is the SWTOR forums. And that goes for all people who want to talk about WoW etc like this. Anyways, Game database traffic != popularity of a game. But that's the point, SWTOR IS brand new. They aren't going to have the playerbase as WoW. I understand that WoW isn't dying, if that's what you're trying to say. But neither is SWTOR. There is no way in heck for SWTOR to have the amount of people playing as WoW does right now. It's not possible. All in all, you can't judge the popularity of a game based on third party website traffic.
  3. But do you really expect something different? WoW didn't get its millions of subs overnight. And since they have a crap ton of people, then I expect there to be a lot more traffic. For SWTOR, thats been out for a very small amount of time, this is expected. Still don't know what you're trying to prove. And honestly, who gives a damn about popularity between the two games?
  4. So, you're trying to compare popularity of the two games, by using websites associated with the games? And then saying WoW is essentially better because it has more usage on said websites? Bad logic is bad. For a game that's been out for friggen ever, I expect the usage to those websites be higher. And where are you even getting those comparisons from? Don't pull statistics out of no where. Bad statistic taking is bad. And we all know WoW currently has more players. That's not groundbreaking news. I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to prove here.
  5. More people are coming into the game? -.- It's how game launches work. People buy the game. The people who don't like it or it didn't live up to their expectations leave. Then more people buy it. The game grows. People get bored with content. They leave. Bioware adds more content. More people come to play. Its a sin graph, in theory. Just how it works.
  6. This. Apparently we are dem fanboiiiiisssss who always praise bioware for everything. People who say that are just....welll, ignorant Anyways, love the game, and have been having lots of fun with it. There are flaws, but it's enough fun to look past those. I know that they're constantly working on stuff, and I enjoy playting the game and am actively looking forward to 1.2. Not to mention, I found a guild to play with. Makes a load of difference playing with people in an MMO. I know, right?
  7. Just no. Anyways, loved it. Liked listening to some of the inner workings of things. Looking forward to 1.2
  8. I'm looking forward to whatever these may be.
  9. I just found a guild to play with, whom are some aweome guys. I agree, the people in the community need to step up and do things. Proactively look for groups and play with people.
  10. You really think the devs aren't putting effort into the game? That's just being ignorant/trying to get a spark out of people. After spending years to build SWTOR, you think they would just leave it as is? Please tell me you've looked around/watched the guild summit/researched about the stuff they've done and plan on doing. Sometimes companies don't make the right decisions in how they go about design/fixing problems, but Bioware sure as hell hasn't given up. Anyone who says different is off their rocker. Building then launching an MMO is a huge task, then maintaining said MMO is arguably harder. Releasing a game to the masses, especially on this scale, will definitely shine light on things that work and don't work. And just because you don't see all of the changes, doesn't mean none/little are being implemented/fixed/improved. Sorry for the rant, but to think that Bioware has given up in their MMO within approximately 3 months, is absurd.
  11. Nice, whining about people whining. It's like whinception....almost. Just saying.
  12. Partially agree with server merge but, if he chose a EST server, then he should expect not as many people as there would be during prime time.
  13. Lol. It's 10:30 AM. People are out with work, school, etc... You expect there to be lots of people during this time?
  14. I PvP for fun as well. I find it a lot of fun. I don't expect to get anything in return for PvPing, but that's just the way MMO's work anymore. I feel like a lot of people are just accustomed to getting something after doing x amount of something in a game anymore, and if they don't, it's not fun. However, I just enjoy playing it. I play with my friends in PvP and it's just fun.
  15. I really hope this patch turns out awesome. It's a lot of cool stuff that I'm looking forward to. I'm hoping Bioware really delivers on this one. From the trailer, I'm most excited about the appearance customization
  16. Totally agree. I am super happy that they plan to overhaul Ilum. Granted I haven't been there yet, mostly because I'm busy a lot, and can't play all the time; however, from what I've seen from videos and the complaining, I'm glad that they have listend and plan to do a redesign. A lot of the stuff that was said during the summit made me very excited. They seem very confident at what direction they're going and what is on their plate at the moment. I expect a lot of good things in the future.
  17. I cannot wait for this patch. Gonna add a lot of awesome stuff to the game. Especially all of the customization for the UI and appearance customization.
  18. Such an awesome idea and I'm glad the community stepped up. I hope something like this happens on my server xD
  19. I enjoy this game, so does that make me a fanboy? No, because I realize stuff needs fixed, but I still play. Terrible logic is terrible. But I can play this game; you calling other people fanboys because they go against all the whining, makes you ignorant. The whining is kind of crazy anymore. I realize that stuff needs fixed and everyone is just "GIMME, GIMME, GIMME NAO". And I understand that people are paying for this game. If you don't like it, leave, or give CONSTRUCTIVE feedback, so BW can make the game better. Whining doesn't help, at all.
  20. Isn't that coming in a future patch, which allows UI to be moved around/scaled?
  21. Love that you guys listened to the community and that you're allowing us to choose what we want Excited to see this put into action.
  22. I feel like people need to take a class or at least read about Software Design and Testing. All bugs aren't created equal. And to make it worse, squashing one bug can create a string of even more bugs. Systems are tied to other systems, etc. A game on this scale is just so hard to make perfect, even with the amount of money and all the assets used to create it. Finding all bugs isn't easy because it's like that old saying/philosophy: If two people stand facing each other and one person steps half the distance to the other and this process just repeats itself, neither of them will reach each other, because a line is a series of infinite points. Finding and fixing bugs is like that, because when testing these complex games, I feel that there will always be bugs. Granted, like I said, all bugs are not created equal and some bugs should be addressed before others, however Bioware is trying to fix the most critical bugs. Can't make everyone happy I guess.
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